A New Region, A New Life



I'm so excited to be a part of this huge region! First, here's a little about me.

Nickname: Arma
Main Nation: Armagstan
RL Country: America
Favorite Color: N/A
Do you use Discord: Nope
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care: Conservative - Supports Trump
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games: Roleplay definitely, I probably won't be on the forum much

I came from Imperia Mundi, a small region where I made a lot of friends. Our RP, however, involved us making new nations (mine was New Quebecois), so I, along with my friends, have moved most of our original nations to other regions. I moved here because I think that it is livelier than most other regions, and I want to have real fun and actual RMB discussions (they were on Discord mostly). I have a few other nations, too. Kimjongunistan is in Psychotic Dictatorships and Il Vaticano del Imperio is in Egypt. This nation is being put on the back burner for a bit so I can get my RP set up with New Quebecois. This region looks fun, and I hope I can add some interesting RP to it!
Welcome! We're glad to have you here in TNP! :tnp: If there is any assistance you need getting acquainted with all the things around here, just let me know.