Treaty Day [Closed]


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Nikolas Kruszewski woke up early on a Saturday morning. Aged 16, he lived in a manor home in a wealthy suburb outside the city of Kalety proper. He had nothing to do that day, in the conventional sense. He was a reserved kid- he had some friends, but they were off doing their own thing this weekend, as were his parents, who were away at a dinner gala for the weekend. Since the servants were out and about, he had no worries as it related to keeping the house clean. But he woke up early anyway.

He woke up early because the treaty was being signed today. It was an hour ahead, Bokaro time- where the Emperor lived. He didn't know his real name- the Internet allowed for anonymity- but he had known the Emperor as a person for many a year. In a way, they had grown up together, though they were a ways away and from different walks of life. From what he knew, the Emperor was a middle-class college graduate working as a historian at the Bokaro City Museum. He had his own apartment and generous workplace flexibility and hours.

However, in Anoria Online's military community, Emperor Vitrius III Gille was more than just an aficionado of history- he was the Emperor of the New Alterian Empire, the single most powerful military guild in the game; and Kruszewski- username John F. Gille, was his Crown Prince. Alteria was based upon one of Vitrius' favorite historical subjects- the era known as the Stårvogstiden, a term for the reign of the famous Vallish king Eric VI, of Nidaros. Naturally, as a consequence, the name of the imperial family of Alteria was the House of Gille- Ericus Rex's royal house.

Today was Treaty Day. This was something both John and Vitrius had been looking forward to. After a three-day-long siege, the Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island, led by Grand Master Stein Xavi, had capitulated, and a treaty was set to be signed at week's end. The Cocoans had been a thorn in the side of Alteria for months, with them launching hit-and-run attacks on Alterian shores following the Alterian annexation of the southern portion of the Kingdom of Tricia, and the formation of an Alterian puppet in the north- the Republican Trician States. Now, it was finally over.
F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)

I want the 42nd ready and in position in the Palace by 10 AM. I'll have the Sentinels in position as well- I've instructed them to listen to you.

F: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Understood, your grace. I'm having Bryn assemble them now. Will have fully inspected the 42nd by 9:50- we should be in position just in time.

F: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)
T: Colonel, Brynjolf Jannaeus (42nd Infantry Division)

Bryn, the 42nd has been chosen to guard today's treaty signing. I need your men in Pella at the Imperial Palace, pronto.

F: Colonel, Brynjolf Jannaeus (42nd Infantry Division)
T: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)

Got it, your grace. Will give the order now.

Guild Chat:

Colonel, Brynjolf K. Jannaeus (42nd Infantry Division)

F: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Just incase- can you make sure the treaty contains everything we want?

F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Sure, your grace. Let me open Alef Docs real quick.

Alef Docs:
to be signed in Pella, Provincia Alteria, New Alterian Empire, on December 16, 1999 (2018)

The NEW ALTERIAN EMPIRE and the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF COCO ISLAND, henceforth referred to as "the Parties", hereby sign the following treaty, in the interest of securing peace for all players within the territorial jurisdictions of both Parties.

1. The Parties agree that Coco Island shall be ceded to the New Alterian Empire.
* Coco Island will be known within the NAE as Sundsvall Island, and will be under direct military rule for an indefinite period to be determined by the NAE.
* Upon the termination of this period, it will be incorporated into the Imperial Civil System as part of the Provincia Alteria.
* The initial military governor of the island will be Major General Hijackson Hatch, subject to replacement by relevant authorities when necessary.

2. The Parties agree that the Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island will remain in legal existence, albeit in a diminished manner.
* The Knights of the Order will be incorporated into the 6th Imperial Alterian Corps, and members shall be given ranking when appropriate.
* Those members of the Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island who do not wish to join the 6th Imperial Alterian Corps will be discharged and deemed private citizens. They will be afforded all the rights thereof.
* The Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island will be considered a local political organization, intentioned to foster a unique Cocoan identity, host events, and assist the New Alterian Empire in the administration of the island.

3. The Parties agree that dangerous individuals will be purged and punished in an appropriate manner.
* Grand Master Stein Xavi will abdicate his office, and will be replaced by Regent-General Arminius Pertinax. Stein is to be banished from all imperial territories.
* The Cocoan Pyrotechnics Corps will disband and turn over all engineering knowledge to the Imperial Bureau of Engineering.


_______________ (New Alterian Empire)

_______________ (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)

F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)

All there. ;)

F: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Great, thanks. Let's fuckin' do this.

F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)

You hyped? I know I'm hyped.

F: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Your grace, the 42nd is in position. Sentinels are here as well.


F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)

Great. Go ahead and move them from the barracks to the palace hall, and have them form a parade formation on either side of the carpet. We wanna make this grand.

F: Prince, Mathiveas K. Gille (6th Imperial Alterian Corps)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Understood, your grace.

F: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

You bet your god damn ass I'm hyped XD. Is the 42nd in position?

F: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)

They've all assembled in the Palace Barracks and have been inspected, your grace. Math just got back to me on it. I'm having them get in position now.

F: Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
T: Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)

Good, because Stein just told me he's on his way. The 4th Flotilla is escorting him to Alteria Island.
The Delta City Docks were pearl-white and the ocean was a calm blue. The admins had evidently not decided to conjure up any sea storms today. Delta City was one of the game's largest, but to Alteria it was more than that. It was Pella, the capital of the New Alterian Empire, and its second largest city behind Anoria City itself. Pella was chosen to be the Alterian capital for two main reasons. Firstly, Anoria City, due to its massive concentration of players, was dirty, sleazy, and a maze, at least to Vitrius' tastes; by contrast, Pella was beautiful- towering castles cast a shadow over the city, and all the buildings had the same pearl-white color as the docks.

Secondly, Pella was strategic. It was the largest city on Belle Isle, which itself was one of the most important locations in the game for a military to control. It was one of the main reasons why Alteria was able to endure in peace and grow gradually after its founding, while other militaries on the mainland fought bitterly as had been done for years. No one had ever paid attention to Belle before Alteria, but Alteria did; and that attention plus a little lobbying to some admins Vitrius knew had led to many new additions to the city in recent months. One of those additions was a makeover for what was officially known as Delta Castle; but for Alteria it was known as the Imperial Palace, and was would be in that palace that the signing were to take place. But first? The Imperial delegation needed to greet Stein's entourage in the first place. And so there John stood, at the docks, as the Cocoan delegation and their Alterian escorts arrived.
Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)
Grandiose as always, John.

Crown Prince, John F. Gille (New Alterian Empire)
We do how we do. ;)

Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)
Let's not sugarcoat things. I'm here to sign this treaty, and then to fuck off as seemingly agreed.

The two began to walk towards the palace. Behind them was a retinue of Sentinels and Cocoan knights, with the walkway flanked on either side by Alterian regulars of the 42nd Infantry Division. Behind the regulars were tons of players. Those players not participating in Anoria Militaries knew of them well. The subcommunity was widespread. Many enjoyed it, believing it gave the game more substance and demonstrated that the community could have a real impact on something so core as how the game was played. Others didn't care. It was something to watch with friends. Some attempted to troll the Alterians or report them to the admins, but nothing major came of either of these efforts.
Before long, the procession made its way into the palace, and into the throne room. During certain parts of the day, an NPC, serving the purpose of the Duke of Belle Island, would sit on the throne. Players could take quests from this NPC. However, the meeting had been planned meticulously- the throne was empty of the Duke of Belle Island, and so it was on the throne that, instead, Emperor Vitrius sat, grimacing. With him was a squad of Sentinels, the commander of the 42nd, one Colonel Brynjolf Jannaeus, and Prince Mathiveas Gille, a lesser prince of the imperial family who ran the 6th Imperial Alterian Corps, of which the 42nd was a division. Also in attendance were various military advisors and senior officers, and, of course, the Crown Prince, who presented Stein to the Emperor.
Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)

Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
Grand Master Xavi! I welcome you to the Palace. It surely took much courage for you to come here, for which I commend you.

Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)
Don't kid with me. Spare me the pleasantries. Let's get this done.

Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
But of course! I am your humble host this evening. Shall we begin?

Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)
I would like to, but if you're going to be immature about it, then clearly coming here was a mistake.

At that moment, the Emperor turned his head rightward, towards a group of Imperial Engineers, who promptly revealed themselves. These were players skilled in the technical aspects of the game. They knew hack after hack, and could even go so far as to ban players the Emperor had designated for 'execution' from the game for a prolonged period of time.
Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
We could make this quick and rather undignified, if you'd like. What say you?

Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)
You know what I'm going to say.

Emperor, Vitrius III Gille (New Alterian Empire)
Then let us negotiate!

Grand Master, Stein Xavi (Sovereign Military Order of Coco Island)