The Events of 12/12/2018 [OPEN]


Presidential Palace, 12 PM Rosario Time, 12th December 2018.

"Mr. President. All you need to do is finish signing these papers and the executive orders will be complete.", says Presidential Advisor Elias Illescas.

"I know Elias. I was not born yesterday." President Berrocal signs the three executive orders. "There. It is done. The National Assembly will be dissolved, the Secretaries of Health, Urban Development, and Foreign Affairs Removed, and the Royal Family will lose it rights. It is the right thing to do."

"I fully agree Mr. President. Now it is time to address the nation on the orders."

The Media and Press have gathered and all television stations are turned over to the Presidential Palace. President Berrocal is sitting at his desk staring into the cameras, preparing to speak to the masses.

"My fellow citizens. I come to you today at a time of great change in our country. In the past several months, we have seen the economy grow rapidly, the military has expanded, healthcare has become more affordable, and more students have been succeeding in school and getting accepted into colleges like never before. At the same time, there has also been much controversy in the previous few months, including threats against our stability and security. Several members of the National Assembly from both sides have called for my ousting, as have several of my own Cabinet Members. I am here to announce today that these attempts will be put to an end. Just a few moment ago I signed three executive orders into law. The first executive order immediately and effectively dissolves the National Assembly. The second executive order I have signed will remove the current Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Secretary of Health, and the Secretary or Urban Development for leading the attempt to remove me from power. The final executive order I have signed removes the privileges and rights of the former Cojedan Royal Family. I hope that the nation will understand why I have done what I have done and that we can move past this time and look forward to a better new year. God bless you all."
Independence Square, Rosario, 1 PM.

Protests have broken out against President Berrocal for the signing of the three executive orders. Thousands have gathered in Independence Square to protest the President's decision. They are calling on the immediate removal of the President.

"My name is Isabella Marcos reporting for Cojedes 24. I am here in Independence Square where widespread protests have been going on since the President addressed the nation. I am standing here with students from the University of Rosario who have come out to make their voices heard. Sir, what do you have to say about all this?"

University Student: "I am angry at what the President has done and I feel he needs to be removed from his position. In my opinion, he has violated the Constitution and the will of the people by calling for the illegal dissolution of the National Assembly and by removing the Cabinet Ministers. President Berrocal has no right to do these things and the Supreme Court needs to take the case immediately!"

Isabella: "It seems that the university students are not the only ones who are angry about this as soldiers and police officials have also gathered to protest the President's executive orders. We have received word that the Supreme Court is currently debating on the situation. We will bring you updates from Independence Square as they become known to us."
Supreme Court Building, Rosario, 3:48 PM.

The Supreme Court has debated for over two hours on the recent actions made by President Berrocal. The members of the Supreme Court have gathered on the steps of the building to announce their ruling.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Valeria Garcia: "Citizens of the Republic of Cojedes. I stand here before you utterly appalled by the actions taken today by the President of our country, a man who has stated on numerous occasions that he will stand by the people, be for the people, and carry out the will of the people. The protests taking place across the nation obviously prove that this is not the will of the people. After hours of debate, the Supreme Court has come to the decision in a 15-0 vote to hold President Juan Andrés Berrocal in contempt and officially declare all three executive orders signed today unconstitutional on the basis that Article V, Section 4 of the Constitution declares the President cannot dissolve the National Assembly within 96 hours of a recess; Article XVII, Section 1 stating that the President does not have any authority over the removal of Cabinet officials; and Article XX, Section 22 clearly stating that the President does not have the authority over decisions regarding the former Royal Family. We stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the National Assembly and Cabinet and call on the National Assembly to vote to suspend President Berrocal and pass a motion of no confidence on 5th January 2019. Thank you."
Chamber of the Senate, National Assembly Building, 8 PM

All members of the Senate have gathered in the Chamber to debate and vote on a motion to suspend the President from his official duties. Chairman of the Senate Nestor Estávez is about to announce the results of the vote.

Chairman of the Senate Nestor Estávez: "My honorable friends. Today, I stand here appalled by the action that the President of our country has taken. Today, President Berrocal signed three unconstitutional executive orders in an attempt to effectively take full control of the country. Over the past 5 hours, the Senate has debated on the motion to remove President Berrocal and to hold an election to replace him by late February 2019. The results of the vote are as follows: Of the 268 eligible voting members, 229 have voted in favor to suspend the President, while 39 members have voted against. Therefore, the vote has passed the Senate. I hereby announce that this meeting of the Senate is adjourned and thank the members for their time."
Chamber of the House of Representatives, National Assembly Building, 1:01 AM 13th December 2018.

The Senate has voted in an overwhelming majority to suspend President Berrocal. The House has spent the past 9 hours debating on the issue of the removal of the President and determining who will be named as Acting President. Speaker of the House Catalina Jose Maria Estávez is announcing the results of the vote and the name of the Acting President.

Speaker Catalina Jose Maria Estávez: "Honorable members. We have spent hours today debating on the despicable and underhanded move that President Berrocal has made roughly 13 hours ago. The Senate has voted to suspend the President, the Supreme Court has ruled his executive orders as unconstitutional, the Governor's Council has voted to withdraw their support of the President, and the Cabinet has voted to support the National Assembly in moving forward. The vote of the House of Representatives is as follows: Of the 364 voting members, 317 have voted in the affirmative, while 47 members have voted in the negative. For this reason and for the vote in the Senate, I hereby announce that Juan Andrés Berrocal is hereby removed from his position as President of Cojedes with an election to declare a new President to be held in late February 2019."

The Chamber erupts into cheering and applause before the Speaker can finish her speech. An unidentified person is seen walking near the podium.

"Order! There will be order in the House! The House has also voted to name a successor as Acting President until the vote of no confidence takes place on 5th January 2019. Until such time as the vote of no confidence takes place, Irene Molina, Secretary of State Security, is hereby appointed as Acting President of the Republic of Cojedes. Madam President will you please approach and take the oath of office?"

Secretary Molina approaches the podium to a round of applause and a standing ovation by all members of the National Assembly and of the Cabinet. Speaker Catalina Jose Maria Estávez and Chairman of the Senate Nestor Estávez both walk up to where Secretary Molina stands. The Acting President-elect places her hand on the Bible that the Chairman is holding, while the Speaker of the House begins to administer the oath.

Irene Molina: "I, Irene Daniella Molina, hereby swear to uphold the Constitution of the Republic of Cojedes. In doing so, I promise to serve the people of Cojedes in the best way that I possibly can. I promise to work together with the National Assembly, the Cabinet of Secretaries, Provincial Governors, and the people who make our country great. Shall I violate the laws of this country, I will accept any punishment deemed fit by the National Assembly. So Help Me God."

The Assembly breaks out into applause once again after the administering of the oath of office takes place. Acting President Irene Molina takes to the podium to address the National Assembly and the Nation.

"People of Cojedes. I am proud today to stand before you in the capacity of Acting President of our nation. I know that my term in office will be short and I promise that people that I will not seek election to the Presidency in the 2019 election that will be held in February. In the time that I will be President of the Nation, I will do everything I can to ensure that the values of our country are upheld and that the people of the nation will continue to have faith in their government."

The National Assembly has removed Juan Andrés Berrocal from his position as President and has appointed Irene Molina as Acting President until the Presidential Election in 2019. The People of Cojedes who have been protesting are now cheering as their new President promises reforms like never before and has taken the oath to protect the rights and freedoms of the nation. A new day has dawned for Cojedes and the people will have the chance to make their voices heard in February.

The Crowned Republic of Highton hopes that the government and people of the Republic of Cojedes can settle the crisis peacefully and diplomatically. It also wishes that the upcoming election will be held in a democratic and efficient manner, and that the transition of power will be smooth and non-violent.

Antonio Fernández (Secretary of International Affairs)
After hearing word of the recent events that happened in the Republic of Cojedes, myself and the rest of the Ninhundish Government hope that all things will be solved smoothly. We wish the Republic of Cojedes and the Cojeden people the best and that the transition is done good and democratically. While we haven’t always had the best relations throughout history, we are still neighbours and have now become allies who are peaceful to each other. I, on behave of the Ninhundish Government agree with the response from the Crowned Republic of Highton and will continue to support peace and friendship on Gothis.

Brent Fauchern (Prime Minister of Ninhundland)