[Inaius]Kalor Species Profile


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TNP Nation
General Information

Popular Name - Kalor, The Kalor, Kalorians
Origin Points - Kalor, Styrinu system
Major Population Areas (100,000,000+) - Kalor (Planet), Muspel (Planet), Jotgar (Planet), Vaier (moon), Havgel (Planet), Gandel Horizon (Station)
General Information - The Kalorian species arose on the planet of Kalor. They evolved from a species of theropod/raptor-esque animal on their homeworld. The designation of "Kalorian" as their species name is relatively recent. They originally had as many words for their species as they had cultures. Cultures that ultimately clashed. Kalor's history is full of multiple wars, as tribes, nations, and empires clashed for supremacy.
The Kalor developed faster-than-light travel during the twilight of their Fourth Age, when the globe was still divided by empires and nation-states. As such Kalorian colonization of the surrounding stars was dictated not by a unified culture but by those before-mentioned nation-states and empires, as well as private corporations looking to carve out their own little bit of the cosmos. The development of ftl travel and the race to settle and exploit colonies, however, heated up pre-existing global tensions. A world war erupted, severing Kalor's colonies from the planet itself, and shattering the planet's civilization.
It was on a Kalor devastated by nearly a century of war that the species' unity was finally forged. The Empire of Tygard and the Dominion of the Golden Claw were two of the last remaining powers on the planet. A deal was struck. Tygard would assist the Dominion in rebuilding their civilization if the High Priest of the Dominion accepted the sovereignty of Tygard's Emperor. In return the Emperor recognized the High Priest's right to hold spiritual autonomy and limited temporal autonomy over his people.
The arrangement proved beneficial, and soon other shattered nations began to submit to the Tygard throne. In time the last holdouts were easy overwhelmed and the planet was unified.
It is around this time that the Tygard name for the planet and species- Kalor- became universally accepted.
Kalor rebuilt, and a century onward launched exploration vessels to reconnect with the lost colonies. Some colonies joined the new Imperial Confederation willingly. Others held on to past ethnic hatred that had been put to rest on Kalor. Others had grown accustomed to their autonomy. A Crusade of Unity was launched by the Imperial throne, and in time the Imperial Confederation grew to include all lost colonies. Rebellions among the conquered were managed by the Confederation's promise of local autonomy in return for loyalty to the Imperial throne. From there? The Imperial Confederation expanded. Sentient species were enslaved and Kalorian racial unity was held up as the underlying ideology of the Confederation; regardless of ethnic background, religion, national origin, or language? They were all Kalorian, and all masters of their destiny. Those who stood before them would submit. Or know vicious fury.

Biological Information

Species - H. Jor Deki (Risen Dragons of the Soil)
Metabolic Rate - Robust
Elemental Base - Carbon
Reproductive Method - Sexual
Morphological Diversity - The Kalor exhibit a number of differences based off of ethnic or national backgrounds. Brown, red, or rust coloured scales are common. Those colours are common with female plumage, with males displaying brighter blues and golds and greens. Eye colour can range from black to gold to green, again depending on ethnic background.
Immune System - The Kalor evolved from a carnivorous species that consumed meat and flesh raw. As such their internal immune system is robust, able to cope with most illnesses and bacteria present in raw meat.
Average Lifespan - Roughly that of a human.
Average Size:
  • - Avg. Male Height: 1.98 m
  • - Avg. Female Height: 1.83 m
  • - Avg. Male Weight: 85 kgs
  • - Avg. Female Weight: 79 kgs
Diet - The Kalor are a carnivorous race, and primarily eat meat and fish, cooked or uncooked. Most hold that eating sentient beings is taboo, but not all Kalorian ethno-groups confirm to this widely held ideal.
Hybrid Compatibilty - Kalorians have yet to prove genetically compatible with any other species.

Miscellaneous Information

Most Kalorian societies, as well as the Imperial family, consider the first of a clutch to hatch as the "first born." This can lead to a rivalry with the "first laid" vs "the first hatched."

Most Kalorian societies lack any formal male/female divide when it comes to societal roles.
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