Statement on the New Pacific Order
The North Pacific has made an effort in recent years to find common ground with the New Pacific Order (NPO), largely through similarities in our anti-fascist ideologies. We have conducted a fair amount of joint military operations with the NPO that targeted fascist regions. We have even, in a first-of-its-kind collaboration involving all feeder regions, established an alert system for nations entering fascist regions. However, recent events have made it clear that continued collaboration with NPO is not worth the strain it places on our democratic core values.
We stand firmly against the staunch Francoist ideology advocated by the NPO. The North Pacific has historically opposed these GCR supremacist attitudes and has supported peaceful coexistence and productive collaboration with GCRs and UCRs alike. It is thanks to this policy that we are lucky to count several of NationStates’ premier UCRs among our most valuable allies, and to have welcomed some of our most dedicated members from these regions. However, it has become clear that our region’s collaborative efforts with the NPO, such as our joint N-Day faction, only served to further fuel their noxious views, with continued condescending rhetoric towards UCRs. It is unsettling to observe such contempt for the most populous part of NationStates, made by a government tasked with welcoming new nations to the NationStates community.
We also stand firmly against the continued attacks on GCR sovereignty carried out by the NPO. Defending native rule and democratic government in GCRs has been a cornerstone of The North Pacific’s foreign policy for more than a decade now, and more often than not, this cause has found ourselves fighting the NPO. We took a leading role in the worldwide fight against the previous attempt by the NPO to subvert democracy in Lazarus. We were willing to offer the NPO an opportunity to reform themselves as a peaceful member of the GCR community, and were eager to accept their ensuing apology as sincere. Unfortunately, recent events have demonstrated that our faith was misplaced. The NPO has yet again been discovered systematically working to undermine native rule in multiple GCRs. Tellingly, the targeted communities include the same region they previously apologized for subverting, with the same actors carrying out the operation, and with the same stratagem of tacit approval by the NPO leadership, including the (now former) Emperor and Consul.
Last but not least, recent revelations show these dire concerns to be a matter of defending our home against a foreign aggressor. We have received evidence showing Quaestor and Senator Svezjacael admitting to conducting clandestine operations in The North Pacific, as well as in Europe, one of our allies in the WALL, and in Lazarus, a fellow GCR. This is also history repeating itself, given previous attempts by former NPO Senator Gaspo to sabotage our government operations, attempts that the NPO acknowledged took place on their behalf and apologized for.
The North Pacific can no longer remain silent on these unsettling events and joins the ever growing number of regions denouncing the actions of the New Pacific Order. We have initiated the closure of our gameside and forumside embassies with the NPO. We also demand that Svezjacael is immediately removed from his role as Quaestor and Senator and banned from the Pacific for his acts of aggression against The North Pacific and other allies and GCRs. We will be considering our options, depending on the response we receive from the NPO.

Delegate of The North Pacific