[SC - Passed] Commend Xoriet

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Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation


Commend Xoriet
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Xoriet
Proposed by: Escade | Onsite Topic
The Security Council:

Acknowledging the estimable impact that Xoriet, a power house nation and mentor, has had on the NationStates community over six years;

Recognizing the nation’s crucial role in shaping the East Pacific, as their former WA Delegate and member, by:

  • Aiding in developing and promoting activity in the region, through all branches of government; over a lengthy time period;

  • Enhancing the region's foreign affairs including providing guidance on treaties with TNP, Osiris, and Taijitu and forging unofficial relations across the ideological spectrum;

  • Building and gaining positive international prestige for the region and setting the region on a course that resounds positively today;

Appreciating the nation's leadership skills in leading the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA) to its golden age and making it one of the preeminent militaries of its time, which included such tasks as:

  • Capturing Nazi Europa in 2014 in unison with 11 other organizations;

  • Defending the European Union in 2014 from a joint raid by TBH, TBR, UIAF;

  • Cooperating with every major feeder and sinker military in 2014;

  • Hitting 100 detags per week during that time period;

  • Growing EPSA membership to a high of 20 military members;

  • Helping organize the 60 nations needed to liberate Anne Frank from the fascist occupiers in December 2014;

  • And successfully completing 315 individual operations between March 2014 and April 2015;

Observing that the nation has produced a veritable library of material on a variety of scholarly topics including safety, security, writing, politics amongst others that have been well received at international conventions such as the NationStates World Fair (NSWF);

Respecting the efforts made by Xorietian philosophers in writing and publishing well-received guides on how nations may better interact;

Lauding their role in leading the way in establishing guidelines for a safer NS community through the recognition and prevention of abuse as well as how to escape from it;

Believing that puppet nations of Xoriet have always striven to engage in military action with the utmost integrity and that the nation has had an important impact on the military dynamic as a leader: for example, in addition to leadership and intelligence roles, the nation was the most active among nations in the restoration of regions damaged by raids to their former state during the summer of 2014 and reached several such milestones over their military career.

Remarking that the military capability of the nation Anera, a nation under the control of Xoriet, resulted in the revival of Lone Wolves United so it reached a high of 70 ops and 22 members;

Impressed that the nation has estimable intel knowledge and intelligence networks and is responsible for being a power broker in international relations as well as training and mentoring new power brokers;

Honoring the nation's leadership, innovations, and Xoriet's role as an invaluable mentor to prominent nations, including several WA Delegates and founders, and their ability to develop connections and maintain relationships between nations and regions;

Hereby commends Xoriet.

Co-authored with Kuriko, Ramaeus, and Severisen.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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