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October 2018 Update
Regional Forums | Discord Server
The Empire of Mare Nostrum
Emperor: Megaleiotha Eirhno
Praetorian Prefect: Khosrow
Legatus Prefect: Thomas Insaniac
Military Tribune: Khosrow
Military Tribune: Barzai ux Loddhan
Tribunal Prefect: Paulus Gaius Epistre
Tribune of Naturalization: Sarah
Tribune of Culture: Cinna
Tribune of Communications: Drinarius
Senatorial Prefect: Rex Ciphra
Delegate: Samantha
Regional Forums | Discord Server
The Empire of Mare Nostrum
Emperor: Megaleiotha Eirhno
Praetorian Prefect: Khosrow
Legatus Prefect: Thomas Insaniac
Military Tribune: Khosrow
Military Tribune: Barzai ux Loddhan
Tribunal Prefect: Paulus Gaius Epistre
Tribune of Naturalization: Sarah
Tribune of Culture: Cinna
Tribune of Communications: Drinarius
Senatorial Prefect: Rex Ciphra
Delegate: Samantha
Something in the Senate

A new Senate was freshly inaugurated at the beginning of the month, we saw the complete return of our former Senate with the addition of four new Senators. This currently puts our Senate at seven members, the maximum amount and too many to list at the beginning of this update. These new politicians did not waste any time in getting started, with October being an incredibly busy month for the Senate; with incredibly important laws and institutions being established during the month.
Five different laws were ratified during the month of October, with another amendment to a former law being approved. We saw the creation of a Delegate Act to officially regulate the role of World Assembly Delegate, a Triumvirate Act was created to organize and officialize the roles of the Prefect, and an Executive Government Act was created to specifically regulate the Tribunal Prefect. Most importantly, this month saw the creation of a Criminal Code to govern the region and an Imperial Court Act. These last two acts being the brainchild of Senator Khosrow, who has since been elevated to Praetorian Prefect in order to execute these acts.
Delegating Elections

Every month, another election. This month even had two! The Tribunal Prefect, our equivalent of a Prime Minister or President, was put up to election this month and he secured his position uncontested. With support put behind his government, the Prefect would reinstate mostly the same Tribunes to their positions. The exception being the Tribunate of Communications where Tribune Anphedite was amicably succeeded by his former deputy, Drinarius.
However, a much more competitive election happened for World Assembly Delegate position. WIth the new World Assembly Delegate Act passed by the Senate, our first election for the position happened this month. Four different candidates put their names out for the position but in the end Sam I Am reigned victorious. The delegate transition has already been completed and she shall serve in this position for four months until the next election.
Glory to the Gods!

Rounding out the new positions being created this month, we have the Pontifex Maximus. Paulus Gaius Epistre has been named to the position and shall serve as the Chief Revelator of the Most High Gods. The Most High Gods being the original pagan religion which serves as the official cult of the Empire. Previously serving as a revelator of Lorquina the Howler, the Goddess of Oaths. Paulus Gaius shall now serve as the voice of all the Gods. In charge of the maintenance of the temple and organization of all festivals and documents.
- The Empire achieved a near perfect Z-Day, with the region completely clear of zombies and only 28 million casualties.
- The Marian Legions tied for 2nd place in the R/D Costume Contest!
- The Marian Legions participated in the occupation and refounding of Traditionalist Confederacy and Femdom State as a part of Anti-Fascist operations.
- The Regional Discord server achieved 38,206 posts in the month of October!