
A New Constitution has been announced, Sword BJ has been given Dot Citizenship, three Cabinet members have resigned, the population decline has finally ended and growth has come back, Salibaic has been elected Prime Minister of Heart, and efforts are being made to grow RGBN's population.
A New Constitution for Force
Following nearly 8 months of work, a new Constitution has been implemented. This Constitution introduces the House of Representatives, rights of citizenship, classifications of law, the position of judge, shortened elections with fixed dates, and appropriate punishments for different crimes. Each region of Force shall elect one representative to the House for every 5 WA members it has. These representatives shall form the House of Representatives who are given the power to pass any new law (as long as it doesn't go against the Constitution) as well as remove any old law (laws originally passed by the House only). The creation of this House removes The Assembly which was only able to amend the Constitution and was made up of all citizens. Citizens now have the power to remove a representative by a simple majority vote; ensuring that representatives act in the best interests of the citizens. The rights of citizenship are also an important part of the new Constitution. Citizens who previously held no legal rights now hold these rights, preventing the government from stopping a fair trial, free protest, running in an election, publishing through an independent media outlet, or holding and expressing one's political views. Now, onto the next change. The judge is now responsible for handing out punishments on the advice of the jury while the prosecutor has the power to choose whether or not to pursue a case. This is a major change because it means that the Court's power is no longer concentrated in just one position. The addition of defined punishments for different crimes is also important because it means that the judge and jury can't arbitrarily hand out a punishment; they must only hand out an appropriate punishment for the crime. The shortening of elections is important because it means that more time can be spent on getting things done rather than focusing on elections. It's also true that people often vote only in the first few days of an election, so time that could be used working is instead used waiting for the results to be announced. The new Constitution of Force is a game-changer and will prove vital for the causes of democracy and prosperity in the region.
Sword BJ given Dot Citizenship
Following their resignation as Foreign Minister, Sword BJ was granted Dot Citizenship by the Founder, Renegalle. Dot Citizenship is the most prestigious award Force has to offer. Sword BJ was granted it for his extremely hard work, passion, and dedication to his office. What was seen from him is something that has never been seen in this office before; plans to change things actually being acted upon. Such passion and hardwork from a Minister has not been seen since Bieth resigned as Roleplay Minister almost a year ago. In Sword's tenure, he established embassies with The East Pacific and Wintreath among many others, convinced The North Pacific against building an embassy with the New Western Atlantic for its inaction against Bennisia, and remained omnipresent in the Cabinet, always willing to find solutions to problems, whether they related to his office or not. Sword will be missed as Minister of Foreign Affairs and his work for the office will not be forgotten.
Three Resignations: Ingloniania, Sword BJ, Lashnakia
This past month, the Force Government has been rocked by the resignations of some of its key members. On August 21, Minister of Roleplay Ingloniania resigned. Then on September 8, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sword BJ resigned. Just a day later on September 9, Deputy Prime Minister Lashnakia announced their resignation. In just 3 weeks, 3 Cabinet Members were gone. Why, some ask? We contacted them to find out.
Question Asked: Why did you resign?
Ingloniania: Well I resigned because I was getting really stressed because of the things I was expected of because I had a lot of other things that I had to do daily and I got really busy with other things such as friends, school, projects, etc.
Sword BJ: The real reason is I have no will to play NS anymore and the other reason is RL issues that prevented me from doing my tasks.
Lashnakia: As real life commitments and problems build up, I no longer feel able to serve Force to the best of my ability.
Population Decline Ends; Growth Comes Back
After months of slowly waning population in Force, new nations are finally coming again. Over the summer we went from 184 nations (in our capital region, Force) at the end of April to just 130 on September 19th. Luckily though, since September 19th, the capital has gained 25 nations; nearly a 17% increase. Summer in NationStates always is characterized by a drop in activity and the collapse of some regions, but Force has survived its second summer and is still going strong.
Rebooting RGBN
In our last edition, we discussed how we had taken over RGBN from its founder, Shenifar, to help to bring back activity and try to make it the large, friendly region it once was. Since then, Roleplay in the region has resumed and the population has almost doubled. Efforts are currently being made to re-establish law and a functioning government so that RGBN has a long future ahead of it.
[156 nations; 29 WA nations] [region=Force]
[62 nations; 7 WA nations] [region=Heart]
[36 nations; 6 WA nations] [region=The New Kingdom]
[18 nations; 4 WA nations] [region=RGBN]
[272 nations; 46 WA nations] Total (excluding provinces)