[SC - Passed] Commend Minoa

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TNP Nation


Commend Minoa
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Minoa
Proposed by: Sargon Reman | Onsite Topic
This Security Council,

RECOGNIZING the nation of Minoa's major contributions to the World Assembly and the international community,

NOTING that as the nation of Charlotte Ryberg; Minoa passed numerous General Assembly resolutions, some of which include,

-"Humanitarian Aid Coordination" which creates the International Humanitarian Aid Coordination Committee (IHACC) and mandates that disaster plans be in place among other things,

- Repeal: "Disaster Preparedness Act" which unfairly penalized members for deploying their own disaster response efforts and for lack of a funding program for member states,

-"Reducing Problem Gambling" which promoted responsible gambling and helped individuals with the negative effects of gambling,

-"International Postal Union" which sought to transform the effectiveness of international postal delivery by creating the International Postal Union and guarantee uniform handling and delivery of postal items among member states,

ACKNOWLEDGING that as the nation of Charlotte Ryberg, Minoa maintained a list of passed Security Council resolutions from about 2009 to 2015, thus making access to passed resolutions more expeditious for fellow nations; and which remains maintained by others to this day,

IMPRESSED that the government of Minoa created and maintained for the last five years an international database of information they dubbed as NSIndex, which strives to provide objective and factual information to nations across the international community;

FURTHER NOTING that Minoa faithfully maintains one of several well-known databases used for tracking the political issues and their effects; and that Minoa directly took on the issue of Microchipping technology and how it could be dealt with in member states.

BELIEVING that Minoa deserves to be acknowledged for their hard work and dedication to the world community and that Minoa's legacy will be a positive testament to future generations,

HEREBY commends Minoa.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
Ministry IFV:
Minoa is a hard working contributor to the greater Nationstates community. One who has authored and passed numerous General Assembly resolutions, maintained the database for passed Security Council Resolutions between 2009 and 2015, and maintained NSIndex as well as currently maintaining a database for tracking issues and the effects they have on member nations. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.
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Seems like this nation has put in a lot of extra curricular work, to everyone's benefit. Founder of a modest region. Active WA author. Deserving.

I appreciate non-controversial, positive community contributors and like a back to basics commendation.
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