- Discord
- COE#7110

It is my pleasure to appoint two deputies to serve until the end of this term. First, @Dinoium will retain his position, and will focus primarily on assisting with criminal prosecutions, should any arise. Second, I am appointing @Funkadelia to focus primarily on assisting with requests for review - filing them, and writing briefs. Both deputies will naturally be involved in all areas of the office, but I anticipate we will be more efficient in our work if they have areas of focus that they primarily prepare for. In the event of my absence, or if my office becomes vacant, Funkadelia will become Acting Attorney General.
I am also pleased to introduce the new seal of the Attorney General. The old seal had the motto "Esto perpetua," which meant something along the lines of "let it be perpetual." This is identical to the motto for the security council, where it quite frankly makes a lot more sense. In the context of the AG's office, it's not very meaningful. Therefore, I have replaced it with "Pro Bono," which means "For the good." It reflects that the Attorney General should always endeavor to seek the greater good, and take action that is in the best interest of the public.