The Game of Flags (1st DRAFT)


the sentient Ry Bread, at your service!
The Game of Flags

Are you interested in flag making? Do you consider yourself a vexillologist? Maybe you just want something to channel your creativity into? No matter what your interest in flags is caused by, this game is for you!

The objective of the game is simple: take a real life flag and upgrade it. By upgrade, I mean recreate it with your own twist. Use it for inspiration and make a new version of the flag!

Only flags from real life places and real armies are qualified to be used in this competition. This includes, but is not limited to, naval and military flags. Flags from places within TV shows and movies, i.e. the flag of Panem from The Hunger Games, are not qualified for entry as they do not come from real locations.

Every participant is limited to one entry each. Post a link to the image of the updated flag here in this thread, as well as the name of the place or army of the original flag. The flags will be judged based on creativity, the visibility of its relationship to the original flag, and the use of design and color scheme (in other words, how visually pleasing it is).

The person with the best flag will win this award as a prize.
[The image will go here as soon as it's done]

Good luck to all who decide to participate! But remember to have fun with it as well!

***note***: the prize is currently being worked on as we speak. When the final draft comes out the prize will be there. That was just to show where in the post i planned on putting it.