- TNP Nation
- Veniyerris
- Discord
- BMWSurfer#1965

Hi everyone!
We haven't updated our scripted telegrams in a while, and its time to go though them and make sure they're still up-to-date.
If everyone claims one and reviews it for grammar, spelling, and correct information, then this souldn't take to long. While reviewing these, you probably should contact the minister or official in charge of the areas contained in the telegram so we can get the most accurate info possible.
Below is every scripted TG, and when you're done editing please spoiler the TG so this thread can stay (relatively) clean.
Greetings %NATION%,
Congratulations on joining NationStates! This is a diverse and exciting game, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the past several years.
Your NationStates experience will depend strongly on the region you choose to have your nation in. Allow me then to welcome you to our region - [b]The North Pacific[/b].
The North Pacific is the largest, one of the oldest, and one of the most powerful regions in NationStates. We pride ourselves on our strong democracy, openness, and transparency. Our new residents have the opportunity to join in and get involved as soon as they choose to, and are provided with the resources to become among the most influential nations in the world. Simply put, our region is [i]the[/i] place to be in NationStates, and you can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338935]click here to find out why [i]you[/i] should also be in The North Pacific[/url][/b].
You will shortly begin to receive recruitment telegrams from other regions. You can compare what each region has to offer and decide which one suits your nation best. I hope that you choose to stay in The North Pacific, and if you do, here are some highlights of how you can get involved:[list][*]Become a legislator in the Regional Assembly.
[*]Join the government by signing up for the Executive Staff.
[*]Learn about exciting military gameplay by enlisting in the North Pacific Army.
[*]Join our map and roleplay your nation in our in-character world of Eras.
[*]Vote and run for delegate and other offices.[/list]
... And the list goes on! If you are interested in learning more about these and other opportunities available to you in The North Pacific, you can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=851343]check out our regional handbook[/url][/b] (also available at the bottom of this telegram). And if you are ready to jump in, you can do so by joining our regional forum: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org[/b]
I also strongly encourage you to [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]join the World Assembly[/url][/b], which is one of the best ways to improve your game experience and increase your nation's power. This is more true in The North Pacific than in any other region - it is no coincidence that we have way more World Assembly nations than any of them. You can click the previous link for more details about why and how to join the World Assembly.
If you do choose to join, [b]please consider endorsing your Delegate [nation]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation] (this is me!), and Vice Delegate [nation]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation].[/b] By doing so, you help keep our region secure and stable, and help increase its influence in the world. Thanks in advance, and we will be sure to endorse you back!
Whichever region you decide to make your home - and I will be delighted if that is The North Pacific - I wish you the best of luck in it. While deciding, treat yourself to some of our famous rum (comes in cocktails too!). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, either by responding to this telegram, or on the regional forum.
Best regards,
P.S. If you find the torrent of recruitment telegrams distracting, you can easily turn it off. First, go to your [b][url=/page=tgsettings]telegram preferences[/url][/b]. From there, you can change your settings for Recruitment to Block All, or any other setting you prefer.
Second day
Greetings to the nation of %NATION%!
Great to see that you are still in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]! I wanted to let you know a little bit about the opportunities available to you in our region. I hope that this information will hopefully make your settling here an engaging experience! For more information about these and other opportunities, you should also [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=851343]check out our regional handbook[/url][/b].
The forums are where most of the magic happens! Regional forums are the next level of gaming in Nationstates, that's why pretty much every region has one. And ours is one of the best and most active in NationStates. Government, role-play, spam games, it has it all! Come and check it out at: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b] . To get you intrigued, here is a sampling of what you can get involved in.
Being a citizen gives you access to almost the entire forum. It also allows you to vote and be a candidate in regional elections - this is the path to becoming a Justice, Speaker of the Assembly, or even Delegate! Additionally, as a citizen you are a member of the Regional Assembly, the legislative body of The North Pacific and one of the most active legislatures in NationStates. In the Regional Assembly, you can help decide the direction of the region by proposing laws, debating current proposals, and holding accountable officials of the Government. All it takes to become a citizen is have a nation in The North Pacific (you already do!), and posting an application here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145386/1/[/b]
Not sure if you are ready for citizenship? Worry not, instead you could try the...
[b]Executive Staff[/b]
This program allows you to work in one of the governmental ministries to build your experience and name recognition! You can choose where you would like to work, and then learn valuable skills that will help your career in government. As part of the Executive Staff, you can be a diplomat, a reporter for the regional newspaper, a recruiter of new members, faculty staff in our University, and many more. If you are interested in joining the Executive Staff, then you can find descriptions of various positions, and apply in this thread: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/1/[/b]
If you have something more martial in mind, then how about the...
[b]North Pacific Army[/b]
Interested in seeing the wider NationStates world and experiencing the military aspect of the game? Then enlist in the army of The North Pacific and start serving the region abroad as a proud soldier! World Assembly membership is a must! Sign up here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145375/1/[/b]
You'd rather use your World Assembly nation to pass resolutions? You should get involved in our...
[b]World Assembly section[/b]
We hold voting threads on all World Assembly resolutions that reach the floor. Our WA Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] votes on resolutions based on the results of these threads, so by getting involved you directly affect how the strongest regional vote in NationStates is used. And if you want to write your own resolutions, our many expert WA authors are here to help you maximize your drafts' chances of success. You can do all these here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/b]
Are you a die hard roleplayer? Then come on over to the...
[b]Role Play section[/b]
Claim your spot on The North Pacific map: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7340186/1/[/b] . Or you can roleplay as your nation: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/3024521/[/b] . Or both! When it comes to roleplay, imagination is the limit.
Still not quite sure you want to be [i]that[/i] involved? Well then consider becoming a...
[b]Registered Resident[/b]
This will give you greater access to forum, so you can poke around before you decide if you want to do more. Registering to become a resident is very easy, all it takes is posting the name of your North Pacifican nation here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7306736/1/[/b]
I am looking forward to seeing you on the forum! Just so you don't become concerned, it takes a little bit of time for our forum administrators to authorize your account, so please be patient! There will also be the opportunity to be paired with a Forum Mentor if you choose so, who will be available to help you navigate the forum and answer any questions you might have.
Welcome to [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b], and the first drink is on us over at The North Pacific Bar and Grill!
Minister of Home Affairs
P.S. Below you can find a preview of the regional handbook, with a lot more details about everything you can do in The North Pacific. [b]You can help us make the handbook better by clicking the up arrow in the top-right corner of the dispatch page to approve ("upvote") it.[/b] Thanks in advance!
Hey you! [b][i] *pokes* [/i][/b] Yes you, I am talking to you!
Great now that I have your attention.
[b]Greetings %NATION%![/b]
We trust your time in The North Pacific has been well and that you have enjoyed your experience here. The powers that be in TNP have noticed that you are content on answering the game generated issues, as well as occasionally posting on the regional message board (RMB). However, we have observed you are missing out on the greatest fun The North Pacific has to offer. You are not a member of our offsite forum community at [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b]
You might be asking yourself, what are the perks of joining the forum? Well I am here to tell you.
[b]~Join our forum community[/b]
You get to talk with citizens and leaders of TNP who might not be as active on the RMB. We have off-topic discussion threads where you can talk about your lunch, silly spam games you can partake in, roleplay, or even debate threads where we disagree on real-life subjects.
[b]~Participate in the regional government[/b]
By joining the forum and becoming a [b]citizen[/b], you can vote or stand for office when elections come up, and we have one roughly every two months for the various government offices. This is the path to becoming our next Justice, Speaker, Vice Delegate, or even Delegate! Additionally, as a citizen you can help shape the laws of TNP by participating in the [b]Regional Assembly[/b], our legislative body.
If the executive is more to your liking, you could join the staff of the various cabinet ministries by signing up for the [b]Executive Staff[/b]. By doing so, you can be a diplomat, a reporter in the regional newspaper, a recruiter of new members, faculty staff in our University, and many more.
Military more your thing? You can enlist in the [b]North Pacific Army[/b], help defend the region, and learn all there is to know about military gameplay in NationStates.
You can do all these in the following forum threads:
Citizenship: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145386/1/[/b]
Executive Staff: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7198621/1/[/b]
North Pacific Army: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145375/1/[/b]
Once again, I encourage you to consider enhancing your gaming experience by joining our regional forum. I am looking forward to seeing you there!
Minister of Communications
Hey there, %NATION%!
Glad to see that you joined the World Assembly! I am writing to you to make sure you are aware of all the new possibilities World Assembly (WA) membership within The North Pacific has opened up to you.
Our region is the best place in NationStates for WA nations. It is no coincidence that we have by far the most WA nations among all regions in the world. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]read here everything you can do as a WA nation in The North Pacific[/url][/b], but here are some highlights:
[b]~ Become a General in the North Pacific Army![/b]
Have you ever noticed that, despite all the cool things this game has, it doesn't have war? Well, it actually does, and you can take part in it with your WA nation. You can learn all about the fascinating aspect of NationStates that is military gameplay by joining the North Pacific Army (NPA). The NPA is one of the strongest and most active militaries in the game, with a tradition of more than a decade in protecting The North Pacific, our allies, and our interests abroad. You can become part of this tradition, and start a military career full of exciting operations, medals and ribbons, and promotions all the way up to General. You can join here: [b][url]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145375/1/[/url][/b]
[b]~ Get yourself one of the biggest endorsement counts in the game![/b]
In The North Pacific, you can collect more endorsements than anywhere else in the game. This is both because we have a lot more WA nations than any other region, and because we are the only large region not to enforce strict endorsement regulations - as long as you have fewer endorsements than our Vice Delegate [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], you are fine. Not only that, but we even give you free software tools to help you gather endorsements. Collecting endorsements is one of the best ways to get to know other nations in The North Pacific and make a name for yourself in the region. The larger your endorsement count, the higher your nation will rank in the prestigious World Census, likely higher than most delegates of other regions, and the faster its influence in the region will increase. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338372]read here all about why and how to collect endorsements[/url][/b].
[b]~ Vote on WA resolutions and determine more than 1000 other votes![/b]
As a member of the WA, you can vote on all resolutions that reach the WA floor. You can additionally participate in the threads created by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, where we discuss each resolution and vote to determine how our WA Delegate, [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], uses the regional vote. This is by far the strongest regional vote in the game, and by taking part in the Ministry you get to directly influence it yourself - think of it like having 1000+ WA votes! You can check out the Ministry here: [b][url]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/url][/b]
[b]~ Become an expert WA legislator![/b]
As a WA nation, you can draft and submit your own WA proposals, for consideration by the entire NationStates community. To assist you in your legislating efforts, our Ministry of World Assembly Affairs provides you with access to some of the most successful WA authors in all of NationStates. All of these experts volunteer their time to help you learn the ropes of WA legislating and advise you on how to maximize your proposals' chances of success. The Ministry even offers a WA 101 course on resolution writing, which you can check out here: [b][url]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7238830/1/[/url][/b]
[b]~ Endorse our WA Delegate and Vice Delegate![/b]
Our WA Delegate, [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] represents our region in the WA. The North Pacific already has the strongest regional vote in the WA, and the more endorsements [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] has, the more powerful we become! If you are looking for another reason to endorse [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], how about this one: doing so helps protect the region from external threats, and makes our community more secure and stable. And it is even better if you additionally endorse our Vice Delegate, [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b]. It goes without saying that you can expect [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] and [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] to return the favor and endorse you back.
[b]~ Become a Keeper of the North![/b]
In addition to Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] and Vice Delegate [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], you can consider endorsing all members of our [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=485372]Security Council[/url][/b]. In addition to making our region safer, doing so means your nation will become a [i]Keeper of the North[/i]. This helps make yourself better known within The North Pacific, and also makes it easier for you to gain more endorsements for your own nation. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=801659]read here all about why and how to become a Keeper of the North[/url][/b].
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the above, or about the WA in general. Once again, welcome to the World Assembly!
Best regards,
Minister of World Assembly Affairs
Sad to see you resign from the World Assembly (WA) :( . While I expect you have good reasons for your decision, I wanted to make sure you are aware of all the advantages of WA membership, and encourage you to reconsider joining the WA.
Our region is the best place in NationStates for WA nations. It is no coincidence that we have by far the most WA nations among all regions in the world. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]read here why you should be a WA nation in The North Pacific[/url][/b], but here are some highlights:
[b]~ Vote on WA resolutions and determine more than 1000 other votes![/b]
As a member of the WA, you can vote on all resolutions that reach the WA floor. You can additionally participate in the threads created by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, where we discuss each resolution and vote to determine how our WA Delegate, [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] will use the regional vote. This is by far the strongest regional vote in the game, and by taking part in the Ministry you get to directly influence it yourself - think of it like having 1000+ WA votes! You can check out the Ministry here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/39609/[/b]
[b]~ Become an expert WA legislator![/b]
As a WA nation, you can draft and submit your own WA proposals, for consideration by the entire NationStates. To assist you in your legislating efforts, our Ministry of World Assembly Affairs provides you with access to some of the most successful WA authors in all of NationStates. All of these experts volunteer their time to help you learn the ropes of WA legislating and advise you on how to maximize your proposals' chances of success. The Ministry even offers a WA 101 course on resolution writing, which you can check out here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7238830/1/[/b]
[b]~ Get yourself one of the biggest endorsement counts in the game![/b]
In The North Pacific, you can collect more endorsements than anywhere else in the game. This is both because we have a lot more WA nations than any other region, and because we are the only large region not to enforce strict endorsement regulations. Not only that, but we even give you free software tools to help you gather endorsements. Collecting endorsements is one of the best ways to get to know other nations in The North Pacific and make a name for yourself in the region. The larger your endorsement count, the higher your nation will rank in the prestigious World Census, likely higher than most delegates of other regions, and the faster its influence in the region will increase. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338372]read here all about why and how to collect endorsements[/url][/b].
[b]~ Become a General North Pacific Army![/b]
Have you ever noticed that, despite all the cool things this game has, it doesn't have war? Well, it actually does, and you can take part in it with your WA nation. You can learn all about the fascinating aspect of NationStates that is military gameplay by joining the North Pacific Army (NPA). The NPA is one of the strongest and most active militaries in the game, with a tradition of more than a decade in protecting The North Pacific, our allies, and our interests abroad. You can become part of this tradition, and start a military career full of exciting operations, medals and ribbons, and promotions all the way up to General. You can join here: [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9145375/1/[/b]
[b]~ Become a Keeper of the North![/b]
Once you are in the WA, you can consider endorsing Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], Vice Delegate [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b], and all members of our [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=485372]Security Council[/url][/b]. In addition to making our region safer, doing so means your nation will become a [i]Keeper of the North[/i]. This helps make yourself better known within The North Pacific, and also makes it easier for you to gain more endorsements for your own nation. You can [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=801659]read here all about why and how to become a Keeper of the North[/url][/b].
I hope you will [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]join the WA[/url][/b] again. And if you do so, please also consider endorsing your Delegate [b][nation=short]@@DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b] (me again!) and Vice Delegate [b][nation=short]@@VICE_DELEGATE_NATION@@[/nation][/b]. By doing so, you help increase the influence of The North Pacific in the World Assembly, and you help keep our region secure and stable. We will be sure to endorse you back!
If you have any questions about the above, please feel free to contact me.
Best regards,
Minister of Defense
Sad to see you leave [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b] :( . I understand that this is a large world, and that other regions may be better suited to your interests. If I may though, I would like to invite you to take another look at [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338935]why you should be in The North Pacific[/url][/b]. It may make you reconsider.
If you do decide to leave for good, would you be willing to share with us your thoughts about your time in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]? Are there any particular reasons why you are leaving? Is there something you would have liked to see change?
Best of luck in your new region, and if you are ever looking to change region again, be sure to consider [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]. And thanks in advance for your feedback!
Best regards,
Delegate of [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]
Sad to see you leave [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b] :( . I understand that this is a large world, and that other regions may be better suited to your interests. If I may though, I would like to invite you to take another look at [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338935]why you should be in The North Pacific[/url][/b]. It may make you reconsider.
I note in particular that you are a member of the World Assembly (WA). [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]The North Pacific is the best region for WA nations to be in[/url][/b], which is why we have more WA nations than any other region. Please click to read why, and you may decide to stay with us.
If you do decide to leave for good, would you be willing to share with us your thoughts about your time in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]? Are there any particular reasons why you are leaving? Is there something you would have liked to see change?
Best of luck in your new region, and if you are ever looking to change region again, be sure to consider [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]. And thanks in advance for your feedback!
Best regards,
Delegate of [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]
[b]Join [region]The North Pacific[/region], the most powerful region in the game![/b]
Hey there %NATION%!
The choice of region you make will strongly affect your NS career. If becoming a world-class influential player is your career goal, then a small region such as your current one is probably not for you. Instead, I would invite you to move to the center stage of power in NationStates: [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b].
[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] is the most powerful region in the World Assembly (WA).[/b]
~ The Delegate of The North Pacific has by far the most endorsements in the game, and votes on resolutions as soon as they go to vote. Thanks to the lemming effect, this means that The North Pacific's early vote is one of the primary deciding factors for the fate of proposals at vote.
~ The regional vote is determined through polls in The North Pacific's offsite forum, and all WA nations in The North Pacific are able to vote there. This means that by having your WA nation in The North Pacific, you can strongly impact the outcome of all WA votes.
~ The North Pacific has one of the most active WA Ministries in the game. The WA Ministry determines how our more than 600 WA nations are asked to vote in resolutions - and most of them do as the Ministry suggests. By taking part, you can direct the vote of all these nations.
[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] has one of the strongest militaries in NationStates.[/b]
~ The North Pacific Army (NPA) can and regularly does field more than 20 units in operations of all kinds, raids and defenses, tags and detags, refoundings and liberations. This makes it by far the largest military among game-created regions, and one of the largest overall.
~ The NPA is deployed in a near constant basis, with missions every week. This makes it one of the most active militaries in the game.
~ The NPA has a strong network of allies and friends and frequently takes a lead position in joint operations with them. Together with our allies, our military coalition can mobilize more than 80 WA nations, as we have recently done during the conquest and refounding of the region Nazi Europe.
[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] has one of the strongest gameplay communities in NationStates.[/b]
~ Our offsite forum ( [b]http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/[/b] ) is consistently active, with by far the largest amount of daily posts among game-created regions, and one of the largest overall.
~ Our members include some of the best known players of NationStates. Delegates, regional leaders, military commanders, WA authors, game moderators, legislators, you can find them all in The North Pacific. By joining The North Pacific, you join the elite of NationStates.
~ There are a variety of activities you can take part in. You can roleplay, you can debate, you can discuss real-life, or you can just take part in our spam games.
[b][region]The North Pacific[/region] is the strongest democracy in NationStates.[/b]
~ We have a robust and stable government system, with active political institutions. Our Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary are all among the most active and efficient in the game.
~ Democracy is the cornerstone of our system. All of our political institutions and offices subject to strong and effective democratic oversight. All of our members are guaranteed broad rights and have suffrage.
~ As a member of The North Pacific, you can participate in the government in many ways. You can immediately join the Legislature and Executive, vote for Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker, or Justice, or even run for these offices yourself.
What do you think? You can stay in the backwater of NationStates, or you can join the ocean of power, and take advantage of the vast resources and opportunities it offers to become one of the world's elite. The choice should be easy. I am looking forward to seeing you in [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b].
Delegate of [b][region]The North Pacific[/region][/b]
Go ahead and post your claims below!
Minister of Home Affairs