
Massalamu M'alaimum fellow nations!

I wonder what languages, accents and dialects are used in your nations!

I'll start us off with a format.

Official language(s): Modern Supreme Marabic
Notes: This is the kind of Marabic everyone generally understands and Marabs speaking dialects will also be able to understand this kind of Marabic.

Regional dialect(s): Marja Marabic, Mulf Marabic, Musha Marabic
Notes: Marja is the Marabic spoken in the northern regions of Marabia and is the dialect that is hardest to understand for most of Marabs, where as Mulf Marabic and Musha Marabic will be more intelligible and are often used on Tv and on the News in combination with Modern Supreme Marabic.

Accents: Cannot be put into categories.
Notes: In Marabia, each city, town and state will have it's on variations on the spoken Marabic. It is therefore difficult to categorize all of them, as they are subtle differences, such as how letters are pronounced, sentence structure and slang.

Examples (Not required):

English: Hello! How are you?

Modern Supreme Marabic: Massalamu M'alaimum, Mafelhaloka?

Marja Marabic: (Formal) Massalamu M'alaimum, Mafelhalaka? /(Informal) Malam! Mafaq? /
Slang unique to this region.
What's up? : Mesh?

Mulf Marabic: (Formal) Massalamoo M'aleemoom, Meefalhaleka?/(Informal) Meelam! Meefaq?
Musha Marabic: (Formal) Massalamu M'alaimum, Mafelhaloka? /(Informal) Malaam! Mefaq?

Final comments:
Also it is important to pay notice to the fact that Marabia uses the Marabic Alphabet.

Looking forward to hearing how your nation sounds!