[GA - Failed Quorum] Repeal: “Preventing The Illicit Trade Of Cultural Artefacts” [Complete]


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Repeal: "Preventing The Illicit Trade Of Cultural Artefacts"
Category: Repeal | GA #434
Proposed by: Imperium Anglorum | Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #434 "Preventing the Illicit Trade of Cultural Artefacts" (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

This august World Assembly,

Reminding itself that passed resolutions cannot be amended, and the only way to correct errors is by repeal,

Believing that world culture is best served by having extant artefacts that can be appreciated and investigated to learn more about a shared past,

Holding that the largest modern danger to cultural sites has been radical invading armies that seek to erase a perceived "Other",

Concerned that suppressing of the sale of certain cultural artefacts, under section 2 of the target resolution, eliminates the few remaining incentives for radical groups to not simply destroy those artefacts,

Worried that by suppressing this trade, the Assembly has doomed many cultural artefacts to dust (a state that is minimally helpful for archaeological research), thereby denying future generations appreciation of their ancestors’ creations, and

Appalled with the impact that a greater number of destroyed artefacts has for world culture, which is best served by having as many extant artefacts as possible, hereby:

Repeals GA 434 "Preventing The Illicit Trade Of Cultural Artefacts".

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

I may reconsider when arguments come forth

EDIT: good arguments have been made and therefore I have changed my vote

The author of this repeal continues to see through the narrowest possible lens when considering his arguments, relying on, and making broad generalizations, based on the actions of the most extreme (ISIS, Taliban) who do, in fact, seek to destroy/eradicate the artefacts of other cultures.
In doing so, however, the author ignores the massive, ongoing global trade in illegally obtained items that is entirely driven not by ideology, but by commerce and greed. The destructive actions of a small minority of raiders does not negate the commerce-driven actions of the majority.
The vast majority of looted artefacts are bought by unscrupulous, wealthy, private collectors, which just incentivizes further theft. This does not 'best serve world culture', it simply serves the end recipient, and since these items are illegally obtained, they are often hidden away and lost to society, anyhow.
The idea that making illegal the looting and sale of artefacts will immediately lead to their destruction, is alarmist nonsense.
I don't think submitting so many proposals at once helped matters for IA. This just failed to reach quorum by 3 votes.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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