Asbestos Consumption, Disposal And Worker Protection
Category: Environmental | Area of Effect: All Business
Proposed by: Etharica | Onsite Topic
The General Assembly,
Understanding the uses of asbestos due to its sound absorption, average tensile strength, affordability, and resistance to fire, heat, and electricity,
Taking into account the economic benefit brought by asbestos mining,
Concerned that inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis,
Understanding that asbestos is friable,
1. Defines "asbestos" as fibrous crystals of any of the following minerals:
a. Actinolite,
b. Gruenerite in its amosite form,
c. Anthophyllite,
d. Chrysotile,
e. Crocidolite and
f. Tremolite.
2. Mandates that deliberate exposure to asbestos shall only be allowed in:
a. short, non-continuous maintenance activities,
b. removal without deterioration of non-degraded materials in which the asbestos fibres are firmly linked in a matrix,
c. encapsulation or sealing of asbestos-containing materials which are in good condition and
d. air monitoring and control, and short, non-continuous maintenance activities in which only non-friable materials are handled.
3. Mandates that member states shall bring into force a ban on the production and marketing of asbestos-containing products, along with mining for asbestos, coming into force by 6 years after the enactment of this resolution.
4. Mandates that asbestos exposure shall be kept to a minimum by:
a. limiting the number of workers involved in the process,
b. design of processes in order to avoid creating asbestos dust,
c. clean and well-maintained premises and equipment,
d. rapid removal of waste, in sealed and labelled containers and
e. any other necessary and reasonable techniques to minimise exposure.
5. Mandates that, where there is a likely risk of exposure to asbestos, the risk must be assessed by the manufacturer, or Member State if possible, to determine the nature and degree of exposure.
6. Mandates that no person must be exposed to an airborne concentration of asbestos in excess of 0.1 fibres per cm3 as an eight-hour time-weighted average.
7. Mandates that waste containing more than 0.1% asbestos shall be:
a. classed as as hazardous waste,
b. in a sealed container such as a covered, locked waste container or, if more appropriate, within sealed wrapping, when transported or stored,
c. not mixed with other waste,
d. clearly labelled as such and
e. disposed of in a landfill that has a specific permit authorising it to accept asbestos.
Voting Instructions:
Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to Abstain from voting on the resolution.
Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.