Sutherland and McMasterdonia Negotiations [OPEN]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
The day of Prince Richard's ascension to the throne was closely approaching. He was eager to ensure that Sutherland could return to the fold without bloodshed. The McMasterdonian people had already suffered enough loss in the past couple of years, he had no desire to exacerbate their suffering.

If the Sutherland issue could be dealt with, without having to send tanks rolling in, that would be ideal. The Intelligence Service had compiled a highly detailed report on the Arch-Wonderess. All signs indicated that he was not simply another Gunrei who could not be negotiated with. Richard had spoken with the Chancellor and with the Foreign Minister who both agreed that this was the best path forward, for now.

Of course, his Grandmother did not quite agree with his assessment.


Dear Ngo Gbïä Tsubo Tsango,

I write to you on behalf of Prince Richard of the House McMaster, who will soon ascend the McMasterdonian throne. As a trusted partner and ally of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, we wish to request your assistance in providing a neutral and secure space for us to host a negotiation with Sutherland.

The negotiation will discuss the issue of Sutherland and the goal is to achieve a full re-integration of Sutherland into the Kingdom of McMasterdonia with a moderate increase in exclusive powers held by the territory. We would need a space suitable for three representatives of each party to meet in private, with representatives of Naizerre as observers.

We would need an additional space for each party to host the working groups that will play a supporting role to the main negotiation. Further we would grant access to credentialed Ambassadors of other nations that are currently in-residence in Naizerre to the public areas and to particular press-briefings and sessions.

Should you be willing to host this negotiation, we would appreciate a swift response.

Yours sincerely,
Sophia Strauzenburg
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade​

The time had finally come. The Arc-Wonderess had been waiting for these moments when Sutherland would be free to forge its own path. McMasterdonia was the last obstacle to a long and hard fought battle for the freedom of a faith filled society, freedom from the pride of a fear mongering monarchy, and freedom from the dangers of civil war. Nathan Jarreau was being escorted to the hotel in Naizerre that was hosting the Sutherland delegation. His mission was evident, he must be a figure of strength and poise for Sutherland while also avoiding the appearance of weakness which Amira and her loyal media outlets would try to exploit in order to get the McMasterdonian people to oppose Sutherland with a passion. Everything had to be right, and only God could manage such a miracle. That he prayed.

There was also the issue of the Sutherlan people. He knew there were extremists especially among the Anti-McMasterdonian Caucus. His visit to Alderon on the border did not seem to quell the anger of that dominion, but maybe an official agreement could begin a process of healing. He turned to his fellow passenger in the SUV, Arc-Regent Jonathan Augusta.

"I am counting on you to keep these talks civil, Jonathan. You are the inaugural leader of this government and your contribution shall forever be met with gratitude even as of now, but the moment is not yet won. Keep close ties with Servant Raymond Hybin as head of the delegation of the Wings. I will worry with the public opinion and posturing. Most of all, do not give the McMasterdonians the moment of exploitation they are looking for."

"Your Wonder, I promise to give it everything that I have. The delegation has been thoroughly briefed. However, the Anti-McMasterdonian members among them have been hard to quell. Though, not including them at all would have been worse. We can only hope that they remain well mannered and do not cause a scene that stands to weaken our position. I will be watching them every step of the way."

"Very good, Jonathan. We can only hope that we are enough. Make sure that we find a church close to the hotel. I believe a Mass before we begin with proceedings tomorrow is quite needed."

The SUV pulled up to the Porte Cochere of the hotel. In front of the doors stood the McMasterdonian and Sutherland flags side by side. An inspiring sight it was, thought the Arc-Wonderess, and yet how scary all the same.

The Arc-Wonderess Nathan Jarreau

The Arc-Regent Jonathan Augusta
As the Arc-Wonderess and his entourage made their way into the building, some protesters had broken through the barricade and threw varying shades gold, white and burgundy paint upon his car - representing the flag of McMasterdonia. A short scuffle ensued as the protesters were pushed back from the vehicles.

The Kingdom's entourage was driving along the avenue and would be pulling into the location. Jessica had ensured that the protesters were adequately prepared to give a show. It was, after-all, a nationally televised event. She had fully intended to paint a positive picture of McMasterdonian nationalism for the crowds at home. With the Queen Mother personally attending to the first day of the conference, she had to have some entertainment along the way.

"This was a mistake Jessica" Amira said "We have defeated one, much more powerful, religious extremist organisation. Why are we bothering to entertain these radicals?"

"The war has been costly both on the treasury and on morale, ma'am. We cannot afford another drawn out conflict. Resolving this matter now will allow peace to return, without an immediate issue on our border." Jessica replied.

"I understand the economic argument Jessica, but there is the principle of the whole matter. McMasterdonia has not been a religiously fanatic country for some centuries. We should not be so tolerant of such blind idolatry."

"I agree with Her Majesty" Sophia Strauzenburg, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade said "This sets an extremely dangerous precedent that could have far-reaching implications on the world stage".

"This agreement will be enough for us to ensure the continued integrity of McMasterdonia and peace for a time. Once our morale and treasury is restored, we can once again enforce our will over Sutherland" Jessica replied.

Fortunately for Jessica, the conversation was cut short as the convoy pulled into the venue and drew to a halt. The security detail exited the vehicles and opened the doors, allowing Jessica Whitwell, Sophia Strauzenburg and the Queen Mother to exit their vehicles. The Queen Mother took the opportunity to approach the flag waving McMasterdonian crowds amassed on the rope line, to accept flowers and to touch the hands of her admirers. Before anyone could immediately react, a protester from the back of the crowd threw an egg at The Queen Mother prompting a hard smack to the face by the Queen Mother's cane. Other protesters soon joined in at attacking the pro-Sutherland protester and his comrades, which forced the Royal Security Force to intervene to end the raucous.

The Queen Mother and the senior members of her entourage had been quickly ushered into the building by Hector, the Queen Mother's protector. "Thank heavens for the Ministry of Information" thought Jessica to herself - they would ensure that this did not make national television back at home.

"What a very odd situation we have found ourselves in Jessica. Let us hope for your sake that was the only egg on our face that will result from this negotiation."
Several days earlier, Saint-Cyr, The Lancerian Empire

Amongst the clatter of work, tools, and engines a man turned the dial on a radio. A song was interrupted by static and then the voice of Prime Minister of The Lancerian Empire, Isaac Oudinot. The man set down a wrench and pulled a chair close to listen.

"...and while The Lancerian Empire is not participating directly in negotiations, it is important to remember that we are close allies of McMasterdonia, we will be kept informed, and we stand together through any issue tha-..."

The radio was momentarily drowned out by cursing and the man was distracted by another pushing himself out from under a nearby car. "Arnaud! I was listening to that song and you've changed it on me again!"

"Shup up, Henri, this is important!" he waved him off. Henri walked forward un-phased.

"...-bvious that a peaceful resolution to the issue would be best for everyone involved, and it is that hope that will-..."

"Change the station back! You know I don't want to hear this politics crap you always try and tune into whenever a government official decides they like the sound of their own voice."

"Wasn't your grandfather McMasterdonian? This is about the Sutherland negotiations! You should care, I mean come on these are the actions of the world stage! Leaders practicing the art of diplomacy!" Arnaud's gaze unfocused and with an expression of wonder he looked past the other man, out across the garage. Henri followed his gaze to a stack of tires stored in a loft at one end of the shop and shook his head.

"...-pportunity to set an example to all of Eras of how to resolve the problems and disagreements we face daily. There is not a doubt in my mind that McMasterdonia and Sutherland can wo-..."

"Look, Arnaud, I don't care. At the moment I need to practice the 'art' of being a mechanic before the boss walks in and tears me a new one for standing around arguing with your dumb ass, and as for that matter, you need to be working too. The Pontmac fix over there needs to be finished in the next two hours and you're on it." Henri hit the power button on the radio, looked at Arnaud sternly, and walked back to the car he had been working on.