Hello everyone!


Hey guys,
thanks for letting me join you community!

I'd like to ask you a question about "TRENDS" inside this game: sometimes, looking at some of the oldest and biggest countries here, I can observe very large variation (for example, if I look at Yaorozu's economy, I can observe tremendous drops (then recovered) in his economy https://www.nationstates.net/nation=yaorozu/detail=trend ).

I was wondering: what can be the cause of these "extreme" variations? Can a single issue litterally lower your economy from 100 to 0?

Thanks for your time and help!

The leader of Romania:
Welcome to TNP! I am not completely sure about your question but here's my theory: the nation you linked seems to be very old (3,404 days: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=yaorozu/detail=trend/censusid=80) and the trend tab shows ALL of them at once, so even one of the spikes you see is probably a month or so, I don't think a single issue can harm or raise your economy that much, it would make for an unbalanced game :)
Hi Demerzel and :welcome: here!

There's a maximum of 4-5 issue for day, if every of this has to do with economy it's possible.