[DRAFT] Ministry of World Assembly Affairs


Spammer in Chief
He/Him, They/Them
TNP Nation
World Assembly Affairs Digest May 2018
By Bobberino, TNP Citizen, NPA officer

Minister: Pallaith
Deputy Minister: Kranostav, Stoskavanya

From the Minister’s Desk:

I’m happy to be back in the place where it all began for me. The ministry has changed a lot since I was last here and I want to build on all the work this team has put into making MoWA a well-oiled machine. We’ll have a bigger focus this term on drafting and improving resolutions ahead of time so we’re proactive as well as reactive. I look forward to the crazy summer season in the WA!


General Assembly!

Resolution at Vote: Agricultural Invasive Species Act
IFV Recommendation:
The Agricultural Invasive Species Act is a well meaning, however inherently flawed proposal. This proposal seeks to prevent the harm caused by the accidental introduction of non-native species into the environment.
However, the Ministry would note that the proposal makes no provision for goods that are contaminated in transit, mandating that fines be imposed even though were previously uncontaminated. Furthering this concern is the fact that the resolution makes no indication of who should be fined.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

Resolution at Vote: Freedom of Religion​
IFV Recommendation:
The current proposal is an earnest attempt at securing religious rights and freedoms for citizens of WA member nations who may otherwise be forced to worship or not worship specific deities. The proposal allows member nations freedom over the specific criminalization of acts that may threaten the safety, health, or good order when brought upon by religion or persecution thereof. It is important to mention that this proposal protects the rights of citizens to legally practice religion in groups and fear no repercussions as well as the right of citizens to refuse specific religious practices that may have formerly been prescribed by the member nation. Should future application of this resolution be abused, the ministry will seek a repeal and replacement for the abused piece of legislation.
In accordance with the aforementioned reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

Resolution at Vote: Pride And Prejudice
IFV Recommendation:
My Dear Bears Armed Mission,
Allow me to extend my sincere gratitude for your proposal, it was received with open mind and heart. Your affections are appreciated and I will cherish always the manner in which you expressed yourself. Truly, sir, you are a gentleman. With these sincere and positive thoughts having been acknowledged, I must now acknowledge other universal truths. I have no desire to besmirch your honour, good sir, but previous suitors have declared their intentions with more spirited prose and more binding expressions of desire for my security, growth, and well-being. While fanciful, your proposal does not seem to reflect any genuine passion to bring deeper meaning into my life and has failed to touch my heart.
For these reasons I must respectfully beseech the gentlemen and women of The North Pacific to vote Against your proposal.

Security Council!

Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist Bloc
IFV Recommendation:
The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at idelological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments, but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.

Resolution at Vote: Liberate The Conservative Christians
IFV Recommendation:
Upon recent events, the natives have brokered peace with the invading faction and have begun the rebuilding process of the region. As quoted from the regional world factbook entry, "This region is in the process of rebuilding and as such is implementing password protection. If you wish to join or are a previous member, send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." The current leader of the region may institute a password to temporarily prevent raids until more natives return to provide better security for the region. Due to these happenings, the current liberation at vote is now no longer needed.
Not wanting to hinder the rebuilding process of the region and for reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs reccomends a vote Against this liberation.

Resolution at Vote: Condemn The Communist Bloc
IFV Recommendation:
The proposed condemnation of The Communist Bloc is a poorly written and fairly biased attempt at idelological revenge. The proposal does not substantiate its various presented arguments, but rather presents statements with what can reasonably be assessed as a confirmation bias. While we do not condone any malicious or anti-democratic acts by any region within the greater NS community, the content of this condemnation does not stand on its own to justify its passing.
Due to the reasons stated above, the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote Against this condemnation.

Resolution at Vote: Commend Knootoss
IFV Recommendation:
The current Security Council resolution-at-vote seeks to commend Knootoss for their numerous accomplishments in the General Assembly, furthering democracy and human rights the world over. Their contributions to international law include the "Read the Resolution Act", a resolution that requires that every WA member state have an office staffed by a literate, sapient individual to review proposals before voting on the proposal and "Right to Petition" which enshrined the right to petition governments without fear or reprisal into international law.
The Ministry, having reviewed the resolutions authored by the delegation from Knootoss believes them worthy of commendation by the Security Council.
For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.​