Poll Question:
Poll description (if applicable): A recent dodgy looking report by a unknown nation has revealed that a fellow NPA nation by the name of Zazumo has been leaking unclassified, easy to access, and regionally telegrammed reports out to multiple raider regions all throughout Nationstates, Due to the leaked reports, the raider regions are reported to now know that; Siwale is our delegate, There is a North Pacific army that if you’re not apart of yet you should totally join, and there is an offsite forum for The North Pacific. All of which would possible not have been known if they weren’t leaked. What should the North Pacific government do?
1.That dodgy report must be true, Zazumo should be BANNED!!!
2.The author of the report should be tracked down and his sources should be reviewed to find out if he is telling the truth
3.What is this North Pacific army I hear of that is totally awesome and that I should join it? *applies for the NPA*
4.We should destroy every raider region there is, they now know too much
5.The report is a lie, Zazumo should be promoted and be made the delegate
6.That report is obviously fake, but Zazumo should be banned anyway
7.Wait Siwale is delegate? What happened to that Gladio guy?
8.We should just ban every nation in this region, just to be safe.