Closing Address: FA


Closing Address
May 9, 2018

In January I outlined this term's goals, which were inspired by the vision I outlined in my Optimistic Diplomacy speech. The thing about optimism is, reality doesn't always pan out in the most positive or constructive ways. This work is hard, and the best intentions are not always sufficient. I knew that going in, but I felt it was important that everyone who joined this ministry was aware of the vision I laid out for this term and knew what was expected of them. This is a game and you are not diplomats. Despite that, despite how vague and open-ended my notions were for reaching out to other regions, many of you rose to the challenge. In my travels I have seen more of a TNP presence in more regions than I ever recall seeing since arriving here almost two years ago. We have had enough diplomats on staff to have someone assigned to every embassy region. Our newest deputy developed a fantastic spreadsheet which I hope will set the standard for organizing placements in this ministry for the foreseeable future, and we have managed to reduce the number of ambassadors who have to pull double duty. Big thanks to Gremblo for making this innovation possible, and thank you to the others, Kasch for really nailing down the coordination of TNL releases, and Owenstacey for returning from his absence to keep things running smoothly even while we all got super busy. Thanks also to Scorch and Sankami for getting us started and for doing your part even while life took you away from this game.

For most of this term, we implemented a pilot program for mentoring newer diplomats. I wish we could have enhanced it, but it is very hard to teach diplomacy, and harder still to devote a great deal of time to doing more than offering nuggets of advice. We were lucky that most of the senior diplomats agreed to participate, but the program needed more attention and effort than anyone not directly in FA staff could provide. We went back to basics this term, we staffed our embassies and had our diplomats post every release, primarily TNL, that was made available. The work our diplomats did was easily taught and didn't require a lot. Some of the partnerships were good, lessons were learned. But what makes a really great diplomat, the kind of work I wished to pursue, the skills and habits that would foster greater and more meaningful relationships between regions, those cannot be so easily taught, and not arranged by me or any other MoFA in matchmaking. It is my hope that if nothing else, we have fostered a greater appreciation and understanding for that reality.

I dreamed big, and as a team we aimed for the moon. Of course we never really thought we would get there, but as a great man once said, we fell among the stars. I still believe TNP can connect more often and more deeply with other regions than we have as of late. It is not just the job of Foreign Affairs to do this, and in fact it shouldn't be. Our greatest successes in cooperation and outreach with other regions has come from our collective effort, with Culture, with World Assembly Affairs, when we have partnered on specific projects or held events. The game continues to change and advance, and so too must our understanding of the nature of foreign affairs and the role we play in world affairs. Greater cooperation within our own region will better prepare us for greater cooperation outside of it. That was true when I was delegate, and it remains true. In the terms ahead, it is my hope this ministry will cooperate with our other ministries, not just to give advice in WA votes or to help coordinate cultural events, but to use the information we learn and the friendships we forge to find additional opportunities for all of our ministries to look outward and play a role in advancing TNP on the world stage.

I feel that only at the end can we really see the extent of our growth and appreciate the lessons we learned in the experiences we have had. if I knew then what I know now, I could have hit the ground running. Alas, we are at the end. I will say that my experiences were invaluable in making me an even more well-rounded member of this region and its government, and make me that much better in the future, even if I only serve as a citizen of the world. I also hope that what I learned will be of use to the next delegate and to the future holders of this office, and I would be glad to offer that experience if asked.

Finally, all of you in the diplomatic corps. Thank you for agreeing to take on this responsibility, thank you for keeping up with it along with whatever else you have on your plates. I hope you will continue to serve in this capacity in the term ahead, and keep stretching yourselves as diplomats and players in this game. Be optimistic and be an active and engaged neighbor, not only to our embassied regions, but to the other players you meet in NationStates.

:clap: Great speech and thank you for serving as our region's Minister of Foreign Affairs and all your work you contributed to this region as Delegate, and MoFA.. :hello:
I appreciate the time and dedication you have put toward running this Ministry, even after doing so much work for two terms as Delegate. :clap:
It’s been an honour to serve under you (again) Pallaith, your commitment to the region has been outstanding and it has been a pleasure to work with you again.