End of Term Statement


Winter Phantom
TNP Nation

End of Term Statement From Your Communications Minister
Recently, I've been thinking quite a lot about my time on NationStates and about the impact that I hope I have had in this region and the greater NationStates game. I'd like to think I have inspired those who I have worked with, and that I have brought my skills to every position I have held, even if I didn't achieve great success. It truly is a privilege to work within the cabinet of the North Pacific, and specifically, as Minister of Communications.

I have been around for over two years now. I have served nearly every single government since my arrival (that's four different Delegates and five terms!) Under Lord Ravenclaw, then Plembobria, then Pallaith, then Gladio. So, this feels like the one-hundredth end of term statement I have released, but this one is different. This is my second whole term as Minister of Communications. 8 months, 6 issues? I think that's about right. The last time I was Minister of Communications, I only managed 2 issues during the four months that I was the minister, but I introduced the changes needed to establish Communications as a reliable department of the government.

We have a brilliant, fun, broadcasting service and a structured release plan that gets issues out monthly. I am confident when I say this term was a successful one for Communications. I am very happy with how things have gone and I have to thank everyone who helped put all of these articles and issues together, helped edit, or helped in away way with the Northern Lights. And a good thank you to all of the broadcasters that helped with the NBS this term, it has been some of the most fun I have had on NationStates listening to and laughing along with you all.

"Wait, what's changed!?"

Well, back in 2016, I didn't care particularly much about the pressure of school and real life. That's when I did most of my spamming and roleplaying. But, as the months have passed, and 2018 arrived, I realised that there comes a time in every NS player's career when they have to step back and let others fill the roles they've played for so long and do what needs to be done. I actually knew I'd have to do that at some point, and I think the end of this term was the appropriate time.

It has indeed been an honour to serve you all as your Minister of Communications this term and I would like to wish the next Delegate the best of luck in their endeavours, and of course the upcoming cabinet. I'll be around if you need anything - just message me.

Thank ya!

~ Kasch