
Farewell Address - May 2018
(J/k, this isn't a coup

Hello everyone, this is your out-going Delegate Gladio and this is my farewell address. As most of you have probably noticed by now, I have decided not to seek re-election because of three reasons. Firstly, I will be In my 4th and final year at university soon and I want to focus on my studies which means that I won't be able to spend alot of time on NS as I used to. Secondly, I will be going on a long term archaeological excavation this upcoming July where I will be working all day out in the field with limited Internet access. And thirdly, I've recently got a new job as a translator for BBC and various other TV networks and that's been taking up alot of my time lately. That being said, I have so much on much on my plate right now and will need to take a step back from NationStates.
Without further ado, I would like to present a short summary for all the ministries during this past term:
Defense - For the past few terms here we have been working on training our active and skilled NPA soldiers to become NPA officers so that The NPA may have a large pool of home-grown leaders that will ensure that our military is always running smoothly and actively. At the beggining of this term I appointed NPA Officer Malphe to lead The NPA as our Minister of Defense and I am very happy to say that he has done an extraordinary job. The NPA started the term with the delegacy transition here In In TNP and after that at the request of our allies from The South Pacific, we assisted them with their own transition as well. After both transitions were successfully completed, The NPA went back to It's regular training missions, completing more than 260 de-tag ops this term. The NPA also throughout the entire term had the opportunity to work with alot of our allies and partners In joint-ops such as the one In Yorkshire. Aside from that The NPA also organized and took part In many anti-fascist missions In League of Dictators, The Backbone of Fascism, Silverkeep, The Great Fascist Legion and Greater German Imperial Confederation.
Communications - At the start of my term I promised that the Ministry of Communications would continue to release new TNL Issues every month and I can say that we have accomplished that. Under the leadership of our Minister of Communications Kasch and his dedicated team of writers and editors, the ministry has released three TNL Issues along with three NBS broadcasts and the fourth and last TNL Issue for this term should be out In the next couple of days.
World Assembly Affairs - At the start of this term I appointed Deropia as our Minister of World Assembly Affairs and he did not disappoint and has done an excellent job. The MoWA produced a total number of twenty-eight voting recommendations for World Assembly nations between 15/01/2018 and 30/04/2018. Generally, recommendations were delivered within a few hours of the official start of voting. We also had many opportunities to work alongside our allies from WALL, most notably where we voted to admit Europe, raising the number of signatories to five and increasing the Leagues voting power significantly.. Another very Important thing that I would like to note about this ministry Is the introduction of the World Assembly Sponsorship Program which started out with the successful passage of a WA resolution written by one of our deputies TlomzKrano which we supported. Inspired by this, Minister Deropia and his deputies started this new program which aims to give support to WA authors from TNP, while this program Is relatively new, It has proven that It has great potential.
Foreign Affairs - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs this past term was led by former Delegate Ghost Pallaith, the main priority for the ministry this term was to restore our Diplomatic Corps due to the fact that In the previous term It was subject to a full recall that didn't turn out well. Under the leadership of Minister Ghost Pallaith, the ministry has restored the Diplomatic Corps and once again the majority of our embassies abroad are now staffed again which has allowed us to regularly share news from TNP with the regions that we have diplomatic relations with. On the international stage, our biggest challenge were the events In Lazarus where In the end we decided to keep our neutrality status.
Home Affairs - HA was led by Minister Brend0g and has had a pretty standard term by recruiting and mentoring new members from gameside (a total of 17 recruitment lists were completed).
Culture - As expected, Culture proved to be a problematic and challenging ministry this term due to my limited experience In this area. The term started out with Artemis as MoC who later had to resign due to IRL Issues and was replaced by one of the deputies Yukkira who later out of similiar reasons had to step down as well and was replaced by Bootsie. This past term, the efforts of the Ministry of Culture were aimed towards completing the remaining categories of the Lennart Awards from the last term. Aside from that the ministry also organized small events for International Women's Day and Saint Patrick's Day and for our very own holiday on the twenty-sixth of April - Flag Day.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who were part of my cabinet and everyone who supported me throughout the entire term, I couldn't have done It without your help. I must say that It has been an honor and pleasure to serve as Delegate of our wonderful region and I would like to thank the entire region for giving me this amazing opporunity. I would like to wish all the candidates In this election, best of luck, the last election was record breaking In terms of voter turnout and hopefully this one will be even better!