[IC][1790][By Invite] Our Sacred Honor


Cuminos, Grand Duchy of Pyrandia

"Together we pledge to each other our lives, our swords, and our sacred honor! MEMENTO MORI!"

"Memento Mori!"

The Marquis of Dalia pretended to sip his wine. His stomach wasn't in the mood for the sharp, acidic beverage. Today he would begin a rebellion. Not just a rebellion against his enemies, but his enemies' enemies. The Liga de Libertad or the Liberty League today made good on the dissatisfaction of the Southern Counts against the rule of the House of Pyr, by far the most powerful house in all Plembobria.

Every spring they'd plant the crops, only to have the workers of the field impressed as foot soldiers in the struggle against the Plinkens in the South, and the Frithians in the North. Every fall they'd plunder the meager harvest to feed those themselves.

Of course these houses were never at war, they were just regaining the allegiance of rebellious lords. At least that's how the Kianese saw it. Hundreds of years of perennial fighting and never a war. Just fighting. The time had come to change that.

All ten counts who owed him allegiance had joined the movement. Word spread of potential allies in the north and in the south. This was going to be more of a political movement than a war, but Marquis Edward Flithen of Dalia still couldn't banish the fear from his mind, that as he signed his name on whatever this document was supposed to be, he was signing his confession to high treason against not just the Pyrandians, but the Kianese. Only time would tell.

"Gentleman!" he spoke, "Today we here have made history. Today we will take our freedom away from the hands of those who abuse it. Today we declare that no longer shall we live in slavery to the Pyrs, nor to any of their enemies! Today we remember our oaths to those beneath us, not to those above us. Today we remember our obligations to our people, to whom we swore solemnly before Rethea herself to defend and protect from all who would do them harm. The Goddess will not hold us blameless for being complicit in the rape and pillage of our nation by its pretended rulers. Today we drop our shackles. Today we claim our freedom. And we declare no Duke or King shall ever take away that which is given to us by the Goddess as people created and saved from the Darkness."


Edward was good at least one thing: talking. The Count of Meceria (who had been count three Marquises ago) hobbled to his feet. "I have lived a long time. A very long time. And not before have I seen a greater leader on this earth than the man standing before us right now. I have waited seventy-four years for a man brave enough to call us lords together to declare our independence and freedom from the houses!"

More uproar.

"I believe that all of you will agree with me, that to fight the Pyrs, and those other bastards, we will need our own leader. Someone who can rally the bannermen under a single standard and lead the fight for freedom. Which is why I propose to all of you, that we swear our allegiance to our new King, Edward of House Flithen! The King of Dalia!"

The court cheered. The lords raised their swords and chanted in unison. "The King of Dalia! The King of Dalia! The King of Dalia!"