Citizenship Applications

Nation: Oldemburgos

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
@Oirad passes the speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the other two checks.
Nation: Valuxi

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
@Jughru, @biscuitnamedryle, @Homalia, @Juba are all granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.

@OnTheHorizon, having failed the admin check, doesn't qualify for VD re-evaluation - application rejected.

@Oirad, having failed the admin check, qualifies for VD re-evaluation.

@Valuxi Derouleron passes the speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the other two checks.
Nation: Cadiyah

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
@iceeee passes the speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the other two checks.
Nation: Treekidistan

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: Ostonives

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
How long do I have to have my VPN off? I turned it off when I posted the message?
Make sure anything like Apple iCloud Relay is turned off too. That has tripped up more than a handful of people who didn't even know it was turned on.

Admin Checks:
@Valuxi Derouleron - Pass
@iceeee - Fail, Mobile IP
@Treekidistan - Pass
@Prov - Pass

As Acting Chair of the SC, VD Checks:
@Oirad - Pass (but no longer in the region)
@Valuxi Derouleron - Pass
@iceeee - Pass
@Treekidistan - Pass
@Prov - Pass
@iceeee, having failed the admin check, qualifies for VD re-evaluation.
By failing the admin check first and then passing the VD check for @iceeee , I assumed that would have been treated as "grant citizenship contingent on WA membership". That's how it was done in my actual term as VD. Just do that. If necessary, they pass VD re-eval.
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Nation: Javarnie

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: The Carolean Confederation
I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: Eldoridge

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: Agender Creatures

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: Fredick Fazingland

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific and its territories. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
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@anon_octo passes the Speaker's check and will be granted citizenship upon passing the other checks.