Are You Interested?


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
The First Pigletville Ball had Syrixian kids shitting in our sinks...

The Second Pigletville Ball had a chandelier dropped on it...

So, when I ask who’s interested in a Third Pigletville Ball, I’m a little nervous.

My idea for this one is to use it as a way to develop characters by doing a genderbend.

I don’t know exactly how I’m gonna pull that off, but if you have any ideas, let me know.
I think the idea of a random ball in Pigletville for national leaders seems less plausible now than it did years ago. Our realistic standards have tremendously increased. Unless it's on a Guslant holiday, I don't see it realistically happening whatsoever- especially considering whatever negative stigma may exist around world galas at Pigletville due to how the last two went.

I'll consider it if a great deal of others are interested. Otherwise, I'll pass.
I would be interested, as long as you come up with a reason for the ball to occur. As I didn't attend either of the past Pigletville Balls, perhaps I am a little naive.
I would be interested, as long as you come up with a reason for the ball to occur. As I didn't attend either of the past Pigletville Balls, perhaps I am a little naive.
Probably for the best...<_<
As others have said, I'm interested in the idea- If you can make up a reason as to why it's occurring. It'd be a great chance to develop my characters outside of pure politics.
I'll echo the concern over whether there's a story behind this, although the last two out of three national leader get-togethers I've seen have collapsed even with a story being planned out. I'll suggest that the story should be fully written before the original post is even laid down and set a timeline of when you plan to release each chapter of the story. Still have Incremental updates to respond to other characters, but make sure to stay on top of Scheduled updates to progress the story. A story will be mandatory to have my interest and possible involvement.

One other question: What would be the lowest level official that could show up at the ball without being there to support a higher level official? FA Staffers, Ambassadors, Ministers, or Heads of State? (answer is not limited to those options) The lower the level you allow, the more likely I am to be interested in being there. I'm tired of having my leading ladies do all the work.