Mi?dzymorze in the verge of turmoil

Ema Skye

It was merely 1 centimeter. 1 measly centimeter and death would've overcome him. Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski was there at his usual adress to the people of the nation. It was all well until an aspiring assassin snuck into the crowd and opened fire.

The would-be assasin had been apprehended while he was trying to escape the scene. As the Przewodnicz?cy scrambled back to his Przewodnicz?cy wspania?y dom o najwy?szej i ca?kowitej wielko?ci, the Ministry of Security was utterly shocked as they found abosolutely nothing about this mysterious assassin. They couldn't locate a passport or national ID bearing his likeness. They couldn't even find out his name or his identity.

As confusion grew within the Miedzymorzean borders, an anti communist military was preparing establishing what they called "The New Fascist Miedzymorzean State."

The Przewodnicz?cy can agree on two things though, this is going to be one hell of a day, and that this is non-canon.

"As the Przewodnicz?cy scrambled back to his Przewodnicz?cy wspania?y dom o najwy?szej i ca?kowitej wielko?ci" = "As the President scrambled back to his President, a wonderful home with the highest and the largest size"
As the Przewodnicz?cy tried to get his shit back together, he read a file on those mercenaries to see what he was up against.
"Cimmernian Guns. Ninhundish- designed unmarked military vehicles. Wow, I am actually terrified. I could just bomb the shit out of them, but its in the farmlands. I don't care about the farmlands, but i still don wanna bomb em. It appears like I need some expert foreign help "

This was interrupted by gunshots. "Sir ! The mercenaries. They are everywhere. Reports coming in from every major population centres that gunshots and small explosions are raining on people. We have to do some shit now !" said some security agent.

"Time for a SOS. Calling all nations, we need some asitance, please ?" Said the Przeodncz?c out loud
To Przewodnicz?cy

We in The D.D.M regret to inform you that we cannot send any aid. We currently cannot spare any troops or equipment to aid you. We wish you luck but we in The D.D.M believe you will be able to handle yourselves.

Cedric Asher, Secretary of Foreign Relations and Trade
Desmond Xavier, Secretary of Defense
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Dear Przeodnczac,

I have received your message. I will be able to send 500 soldiers to help aid you. They are on their way and should arrive within the week.

Yours truly,
Thomas Nelson of the high council
Sadly, Xentherida had not heard the SOS from the "Przewodnicz?cy", seeing as he had only said it out loud and not into any form of international communication such as a radio; not that it would matter, seeing as the SOS was so incredibly vague that Xentherida would be too mystified as to what the "asitance" needed even was, and for what matter; additionally, other nations pledging aid was of a mystery, since no radio broadcast had been made.

However, news and social media posts about an apparent coup in Mi?dzymorze had made its way to Xentherida, but with such little information regarding the events having been given, Xentherida had no other response than to watch and wait for the situation to progress before it could make an informed choice on how to appropriately react.
McMasterdonia's MoFA had heard that Miedzymorzean needed help! Some idots went bangy bangy at Midedzymorzean leader. Mrs Smooch went up to visit the Queen, however she was up North and not at the capital, as usual. "Ughh,, I have to go north again this month!?!? The North is such a hellscape!", he mooanded as he boarded a travelplane

A few hours later

Minister Smooch had finally arrived in Rome, where the Quen usually stayed. As she waited by the office, she overheard that the Queen was talking on the phone about Martial Law in Western McMasterdonia through the door. Martial Law? Through the door again?!, she thought, as she knocked again. "Ugh, come in", the Queen said to her. "ciao cara, hai mangiato una quiche per il pranzo?", she greeted the Queen. "
No, ma forse un po 'di spray al calcio per il mio sedere", the Queen said. "Oh, there's a problrm im Midedzymorzean!", she stated alarmingly. "So? There's a problem everywhere?", the Queen responded. "Well, Queeny their asking for help.", she said a little bit nervously. "Well then, you and some ambassadorial staff can go to Miedzymorzean and find out.", Mr. Queen replied. "Well then, see you soon!", she said, exiting the building. Smooch went on her travelplane, to Mcmington where the Miedzymorzean embassy was. "
dannazione solo la punta?", she said to himself.

more few hours later

Barbara Smooch had landed at Mcmington. She boarded a sandwich to the Miedzymorzean embassy. On the way, she saw many Miedzymorzean buisnesses and restaraunts. "Yep, this is it", she said to himself. As she entered the embassy, she was greeted by the security. She found the Miedzymorzean ambassadorial staff. "Can you call Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski that an ambassadorial travelplane will land? Okay, thanks.", she said hastily. He found some Tommatito ambassadorial staff. Come with me, were going to Miedzemorzean, he said. They then got on theur tralplan and wentb to Miedzymorzean.
"Erm no one is coming to help sir" said da Security guy.

"Well feck it. Evacuate the people residing in the farmlands. Time to blow up some shite." Said the presdnt

"We have a couple of options sir. An air strike. A huge nuclear bomb. Army swarms in. Commandos take a shot at their leaders. Your pick" said Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy and Sprawy Zewn?trzne minister Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz.

"Lets roll out our helicopters and snow .50 caliber bullets at them. Then if that doesn't work, find more vehicles to make them eat plumbum 82. This facesit paaaaart shite has gone for too long. We sliced off their [censored] and another comes out. Just fucking ridiculous."

"Alright, <Scramble the Helicopters to the farmlands. We don't need anyone to evacuate, tho, they can all just like be bombed .AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>" Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy Cyryl awooed.



To the Nation of Miezdymorse,

We unfortunately won't send support, since we are busy doing something else.

From, totally-not-Ruskatin I
"Wait , what now, they are everywhere ?! Hey hey hey cyrlic, cancel that order, new plan. Give every member of the armed forces a gun and ask them to attack all rebels in all population centres. Our national day is coming up and I do not want to repair missile potholes. Keep damage minimal. Shoot down any non-marked military vehicle no questions. kill all citizens that dint have a fighting chance as well. If you need me, I will be trying to find where is their base and blow them up all the way to Andren" da Przewodnicz?cy awoooooed

"Its a good thing we have every armed forces member an assult rifle, a pistol and a knife huh ? Contact Secret srrrvec head , Antoni Komorowski maybe he found the rebels already. Just to be safe, here is a gun. I am off. KURWAAAA !!! " said Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy and Sprawy Zewn?trzne minister Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz.

As thousands of urbanites stayed were they were, the sounds of bullets roared across cities. These mercenaries, assumed to be paid a fortune, seemed to shoot shot by shot like snipers. Whoever they are, it seems obvious that they have limited resources and were ordered to have less collateral damage as possible.

Secret Service head Komorowski came in . "witaj drogi przywitaj przywódc? i witaj w tym cudownym i ?askawym niesamowitym i bajecznym i ?adnym dniu Andrzej Kaczy?ski, I heard this shit about mercenaries. Seriously why can't they die. We have spent billions to kick away a regime, then they aparently spent billion to kill us ?" He groans

"It ain't as if I ordered a rain of lead to kill them, oh wait I have. Tell me you have something that would make me award you yet another medal for crushing this stupid recurring ousted regims. " The President Bangs his head and gets a concussion while talking.

"Well their leaders are supposed to be in some island. Problem is that they are within international waters away from anyone jurisdictions. however we dont care about international communtea . " Komorowski adds as he sips some bison piss

"I will try to ask some nations for permission. Whether we end up victorious today or a month is up to them" Andrzej Kaczy?ski says as he writes a few messages to head of states asking for permission via pigeons
Dear Przeodnczac,

We changed our minds. We will no longer support you because more pressing matters have come to my attention but I am sending over my internship he is kinda stupid use him how you like. He will be there in an hour or two.

-Thomas Nelson
"Erm, I think we have intel confirming that they are agents of Xentherida" Said Komorowski.

"Xentherida ? That is literally impossible, why would thêy do this" said the Przewodnicz?cy

"I don't know but one of their captured generals had some Xentheridian ID on them. Now it is the rebels move. We will only say it is Xentherida to blame f they say so. If not, we continue to attack them as a terrorist threat" said secret service head Komorowski.

"You better know what you are doing Komorowski." The Przewodnicz?cy adds as he storms onto tv

"Since xen the rider is terrorising us, we are sending planes to bomb their catpital!", he announcers.
Dear Przeodnczac,

We changed our minds. We will no longer support you because more pressing matters have come to my attention but I am sending over my internship he is kinda stupid use him how you like. He will be there in an hour or two.

-Thomas Nelson
the intern arrives and is blown up by a terrorist
Xentherida strongly denies the Miedzymorsian assumptions. We have no records of that person in any of our records, secret or otherwise. We maintain a neutral foreign policy towards your nation, and we have no intention of couping you. Should you find any Xentheridan ID, maintain that they are rogue citizens acting outside the influence of the government. Any Xentheridan citizens caught fighting for the rebels may be arrested or neutralised without penalty, providing sufficient evidence that they are doing so.
Mrs Smooch immediately began a televersed adress to the people, tv and to the nasion.

"It's murdering the Miedzonerzean poor.
That'd better not killl the mood.
Gonna burn their god damn house right down

"I know I know I know I know I know I know I know
About your kind
And so and so and so and so and so and so and so
I'll have to play"

"If you think your gettin' away
I will prove you wrong
I'll take you all the way
Boy, just come along
Hear me when I say

"It's murdering the Miedzonerzean poor.
That'd better not killl the mood.
Hey hey.
It's murdering the Miedzonerean poor.
But maybe we can steal their food.
Gonna burn their god damn house right down.

"Oh I know I know I know I know I know I know I know
There may be others
And so and so and so and so and so and so and so
You'll just have to pray

"If you think they're gettin' away
I will prove you wrong
I'll take you all the way
Stay for another bong
It'll blow you all away

"It's murder on the Miedzean poor
But you'd better not kill the mood
Hey hey
It's murder on the working poor
But you'd better steal their food
Gonna burn this house down some how

"Murder of the Miedzean poor
But you'd better not kill the mood
Hey hey
Murder of the Miedzean Poor
But we'd better steal their food.
Gonna burn their god damn house right down

Concluding her speech to the peoples of the world, Mrs Smooch returned to her travelplan and back to Tommatito to speak to their President.
"Turns out it aint xentherida, the passports were fake. We can assume that they are local terrorists." said Komorowski

"That's good to her wait a minute we are receiving a transmission from an unknown source, the rebels perhaps ? Whatever, let it broadcast " A suspicious Przewodnicz?cy adds as he slowly clicks the "accept transmission " button
Dear Przeodnczac,

We blame you for the death of our internal. In retaliation I declare war.

Burn forever,
Thomas Nelson

My name is "owo wats dis", of the FurryChan Party - Plan B. I am here today, orchestrating this coup, to regain the nation that was formerly mine. Miedzymorse, while you may have escaped our grasp temporarily, we are back, and we will fight you until you are under our control once more. For the Catgirl dynasty will be reborn through a fire of hot lead burning down on our enemies. The FurryChanparty is forever!


In all their attacks, the rebels had finally captured a Miedzian air base. Finally, oh finally, they had access to those long-awaited attack helicopters and fighter aircraft that they so desperately needed to take control of the skies. All that time they had spent training pilots was to pay off.

Quickly ascending in their helicopters, the squadron quickly sighted their targets. Enemy choppers. They were firing .50 cal onto the rebels below on the city streets. The squadron knew they had to destroy those choppers to relieve their fellow men from the shots raining down on them.

In unison, they fired their air-to-air missiles towards the squadron, and began to open fire with their 30mm chain guns, intending to rip the enemy choppers to shreds. They had little to fear; the enemy's .50 cal bullets would do nowhere near the damage to them that the squadron dealt to the government forces. The combination heat-seeking missiles and the destructive power of 30mm bullets on a chain gun had the potential to wreak, and especially with the element of surprise that they had, they could destroy the enemy squadron in front of them.

Meanwhile, attacks at an army base too had come to fruition. Now they had a troop of tanks and other AFVs at their command, ready to wreak havoc on any government forces foolish enough to face them. More attacks on army bases were taking place, too, in order to secure as many tanks, armoured vehicles, and other AFVs as possible. Having entered the tanks, they proceeded to drive towards the nearby city to assert control. AAA followed them, constantly on alert, ready to fire should any enemy aircraft attempt to harass them as they rumbled to their objective. The destructive power of MLRSs too were in tow, the vehicles slowly grinding their way into the cities as they drove in tandem with the tanks.

They might just pull this off.


The Crowned Republic of Highton is sending a small force of 300 troops to defend Miedzymorse from the suspected terrorists in order to help keep the peace. Although Highton does not agree with all of Miedzymorse's policies, we find it necessary to intervene in order to avoid more widespread conflict.

Antonio Fernández
Secretary of International Affairs
The Crowned Republic of Highton


the Przeodnczac kindla clammed down

Well good thing for a backup, activate the nullify button

Hey owo whats this, have you forgot that you used to tag every military vehicle with a turn off switch. Good luck trying to bring back up the taks and missiles ! Commence artillery barrage ! That military base was meant to be demolished anyway! hhhhahahahahahhhhahaaahhahahahaha! he laughed
A squadron of tomatitan fighter jets streak towards a government building.
"All right commence attack"
The Jets take sweeping shots at anyone that seems slightly important.

Ground soldiers and tanks are raiding the capital causing mayhem.
The przendocah then got a few letters by pigeon.

Dear Przeodnczac,

We blame you for the death of our internal. In retaliation I declare war.

Burn forever,
Thomas Nelson

=lettr 2


The Crowned Republic of Highton is sending a small force of 300 troops to defend Miedzymorse from the suspected terrorists in order to help keep the peace. Although Highton does not agree with all of Miedzymorse's policies, we find it necessary to intervene in order to avoid more widespread conflict.

Antonio Fernández
Secretary of International Affairs
The Crowned Republic of Highton

Hre are he respnse by pigeon

2 tommatoie:
well then, you must be terrorists! pre pare to die!
with love, the presnoca

to highton:
thankd ill also use those troops to attack tommato
owo laughed to himself. His enemies had just announced their very plans live on air! Perfect.

He sent the order for a fleet of fighters to be scrambled, which, ultimately, was unnecessary, seeing as they were already in the air, on the mission to secure air supremacy over cities. The order to keep watch for bombers was relayed, and AWAC systems stolen from the base began to focus their radars to the air above the cities, and above the troop formations.

Not that they were likely to achieve much, with the collateral damage potential, as the AFVs had yet to encounter any resistance as they entered the suburbs. Too many civilians and too much property that would be damaged by carpet bombing, and it seemed unlikely that MS would want to risk both. Indeed, the FurryChan didn't want to either; they needed as much kept undamaged, so they had more to subjugate their rule over. The death to a regime not in a catgirlocracy in Miedzymorse would come.
Tommatito is now using everything to destroy the enemy. They are attacking many enemy bases at once and have destroyers and aircraft carriers defending the country of Tommatito.

The counsel sends a transmission saying "surrender now you cannot win this. This will only end poorly for you. We will withdraw our troops if you surrender and pay $10,000,000,000."
"wait a minnit, owo whats this-kun did a thing while i was watching Shrek 5", says the prezdowica

FIRE THE MISSILES ! Time to show that kitty how we do it freedom style

Face me like a man owo whats this-kun, you just hide in some island in international waters. come over here you fiend !

also nations watching this, i dont need permission to go through international water and kill him.
"All Kaleta within the borders of Mi?dzymorze will be telepathically commanded to commit... sudoku..." Grand Prince AWOOOOOO 'What's This?" oWo said.
Tommatito is now using everything to destroy the enemy. They are attacking many enemy bases at once and have destroyers and aircraft carriers defending the country of Tommatito.

The counsel sends a transmission saying "surrender now you cannot win this. This will only end poorly for you. We will withdraw our troops if you surrender and pay $10,000,000,000."
lets pretend this disn't happen if i pay you $10,000,000,000. I don't have it in cahs, but i have $10,000,000,000 in gold. yuo can take my gold
owo had never laughed so much in his life. Why they thought he was on an island was beyond confusing. He hadn't even needed to put false evidence! Why would be be on an island, completely unprotected, when he could be in the midst of his forces, protected by all, and able to quickly command his troops for lightning warfare. Their misinformation would buy him valuable time.

The missiles and artillery barrage hit the tank troop hard, but not nearly as hard as the nearby buildings. They crumbled into each other, flaming as they were hit by shell after shell and missile after missile. Millions of dollars in property was destroyed, not to mention the dozens of lives lost; innocent civilians simply sheltering away from the fighting. Still, some AFVs remained, either completely untargeted by the missiles, or defended by the rapid cannon fire of the AAA units that shredded some of the incoming projectiles.

owo continued his broadcast. "You'll never find this island!" he said, lying through his teeth more as he adapted to this new strategy. "And even if you do, you'll need to send your entire fleet to destroy mine! It is impossible to capture me!"
Transmission "alright we will withdraw and take the gold. But you will be watched closely if you do anything to hurt our country we shall destroy you."

All troops withdraw from the country to go home.
“Our people have commit sudoku, you will never beat our sheer level of mathematical mastery, peasants.” Grand Prince A. oWo said again.