Ema Skye
It was merely 1 centimeter. 1 measly centimeter and death would've overcome him. Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski was there at his usual adress to the people of the nation. It was all well until an aspiring assassin snuck into the crowd and opened fire.
The would-be assasin had been apprehended while he was trying to escape the scene. As the Przewodnicz?cy scrambled back to his Przewodnicz?cy wspania?y dom o najwy?szej i ca?kowitej wielko?ci, the Ministry of Security was utterly shocked as they found abosolutely nothing about this mysterious assassin. They couldn't locate a passport or national ID bearing his likeness. They couldn't even find out his name or his identity.
As confusion grew within the Miedzymorzean borders, an anti communist military was preparing establishing what they called "The New Fascist Miedzymorzean State."
The Przewodnicz?cy can agree on two things though, this is going to be one hell of a day, and that this is non-canon.
The would-be assasin had been apprehended while he was trying to escape the scene. As the Przewodnicz?cy scrambled back to his Przewodnicz?cy wspania?y dom o najwy?szej i ca?kowitej wielko?ci, the Ministry of Security was utterly shocked as they found abosolutely nothing about this mysterious assassin. They couldn't locate a passport or national ID bearing his likeness. They couldn't even find out his name or his identity.
As confusion grew within the Miedzymorzean borders, an anti communist military was preparing establishing what they called "The New Fascist Miedzymorzean State."
The Przewodnicz?cy can agree on two things though, this is going to be one hell of a day, and that this is non-canon.
"As the Przewodnicz?cy scrambled back to his Przewodnicz?cy wspania?y dom o najwy?szej i ca?kowitej wielko?ci" = "As the President scrambled back to his President, a wonderful home with the highest and the largest size"