
The warm air, scented by the roses, was refreshing compared to the winter air outside, so much that Alice seemed intoxicated by it. She felt loose, more relaxed and at home. She was taken in by the sights of an ornate greenhouse with winding paths through the dense areas of colorful rose bushes. It reminded her the hours she would spend in her own palace greenhouse clearing her mind.

While Tobias talked about football, Alice pulled out her camera and snapped a few photos of her surroundings with her free hand, gathering source material for new artwork. She couldn't ignore her host, however, no matter how distracted she may have been by the scenery.

"Hmm... football never really caught on back home," Alice admitted. "I'm sure you know by now what did. Still, my sister would say never to let being in an upper class stop you from doing what you really wanted in life." Alice paused for a moment, contemplating the other ideas her sister promoted. The more she thought about it, the more useless the high society back home was.

"Huh... I get what my sister is fighting for now. She wants to be relieved of the expectations of the aristocrats. I don't blame her for that," Alice thought. "And me? Maybe I feel the same way now. And you know something, Tobias... Miss Ellison was right, too. No worries about anything," she said, without indicating exactly what Madeline had said earlier.

Feeling liberated and free, she smiled and continued to take photographs of the gardens, preparing to create a masterpiece back home.
Tobias removed his faded but very comfortable army coat, draping it over a fence railing by the door.
"The expectations of aristocrats..." he smiled. The smell of the flowers was so pleasant, and he enjoyed seeing Alice excitedly snap pictures.

"I don't blame her either" he strolled over, his thumbs hooked in his pants pockets, the serenity of the greenhouse putting him at ease despite his underlying nerves.
"And I never gave those aristocrats much thought. It was bad enough they asked as much as they did from me." he turned and leaned back against a railing.
"They wanted to me to be King, and I could do that, but I wouldn't let them tell me how I was going to live my life" he added with a chuckle.

He looked at Alice, smiling softly.
"I used to worry about it, and get defensive about it. Whatever Miss Ellison said though, I like it. No worries."

He looked up over Alice's shoulder, and then upward to the top of the greenhouse, watching the snow fall gently on the glass ceiling before looking back at Alice.

"So what about you?" he asked with a grin. "Photographs, sketch books? Outside of the company of stuffy aristocrats..." he said, putting on his best comedic faux snobbish voice, "...seems to me like you're a bit of an artist. 'Art takes courage.' I can't for the life of me remember who said that, but I think it's true."
Alice giggled a little at Tobias's jab at the upper class and smiled at the quote he recalled, though Alice remembered it differently.

"I believe it went 'creativity takes courage,' actually," Alice recalled. "It's not just art that takes it. Think of musicians as well and how they have to piece together notes to make melodies that hopefully sound pleasant. Not everyone will like what's put together, but that doesn't deter the musician from releasing it."

Alice paused for a moment to think about what she had said and realized its relevance to her role in life as well as Tobias's.

"If you think about it, it applies to us and our roles as monarchs," she pointed out. "We too develop new ideas that take courage to implement. Not everyone will agree with our decision, and sometimes we do indeed make bad decisions that need to be reversed. But, there's no harm in trying. Right? We have to do what we think is best to give our people a better life."

Alice's paused again and looked around at all the roses. She seemed lost in a trance as she reflected upon her prior revelation. With each passing thought, she was understanding even more what made her sister reign the way she did.

"That's what she's fighting for," Alice said, referring to her sister, "a better life for everyone."
Tobias looked down, his heart racing again, just as he'd managed to calm himself. And he nodded...

"Creativity takes courage" he repeated taking a deep breath.
"I don't know how much courage I have, to be honest..." he shuffled his feet ever so slightly.
"For the longest time I just knew Syndicalism was bad and...that was that. There was Syndicalism and what William said but..." he shrugged. "William means well. I trust him dearly, but people need more. I've seen it. I've..." he paused.
"I've seen first hand how my people have suffered, I just need to be courageous enough to create. Like you, and your sister, have" he smiled softly.

He looked down as he leaned back against the rail, tapping his big toe on his right foot within his shoe. He was a bit self conscious about that nervous tick but at least he wasn't tapping his entire foot. After a brief moment? He calmed himself and made his way to a nondescript table, taking a pair of rose pruning shears.
He still had a soft smile on his face. He still felt a bit guilty about letting himself ramble, but it felt good. No one had ever spoken to him as an equal like like that, in regards to what he was. He was either an heir to the throne or now? The King. No one could relate to what he expected of himself. Only another monarch could do that. And what Alice said. What they had to do. What their responsibility was. It was...liberating.
He remembered back. Back to numerous small towns he'd visit in his late teens, as the War progressed. Seeing people. People who deserved a good life, but who had nothing. And he could give them something. He'd struggled with how to do that. He'd thought of himself trapped.
Alice was right though. It was the effort of creation, and one merely had to be courageous.

He took the shears to a rose bush and tentatively reached out, clipping the rose from its stalk. It was an old skill, one he'd done a long time ago, but one that remained lodged in a relatively peaceful corner of his mind for all of these years. He sniffed it briefly, his soft grin widening as he set the sheers down on the table once more, bringing the rose to the Princess.

"Thank you for spending the afternoon with me Alice" he said, holding the rose out to Alice.
"Something besides a trade agreement to take back. It's one of the first roses planted since the end of the War" he sighed, before chuckling.

"God that sounds so lame..." he relaxed a bit more.
"But thank you, really. For coming here with me, and talking. It means a lot."
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Alice smiled as Tobias presented her with the rose, but she felt conflicted between his gesture and Madeline's lecture the night before which pressured her to not think too deeply into the meaning of such actions. In the back of her mind, the undertones were obvious. The conversation was heavy, and the two of them were connecting through the discussion of what was expected of each of them individually. She needed a way to lighten things up, to keep with her new stance of not worrying about those expectations. The stoic diplomat in her had to reappear.

"My pleasure, Your Majesty," she replied, "and thank you for bringing me here. I wish talks with other leaders were this personal, so that we'd all connect with each other better. I feel like we could set a standard here."

She felt the tension in her chest subside as she dragged the conversation back into a more casual and light-hearted, but yet still professional tone.

"Someday, hopefully soon, though, take some time to come by the principality and we can visit the courtyard greenhouse at my palace. You'll always be welcome."

Satisfied with the connection the pair of them made, she recommended to the King that they return to Absalon's Palace to close the talks and make the agreements they made the day before official.
Tobias felt his chest tighten up even as he exhaled. It was...well it was what it was. His dating life wasn't exactly noteworthy. One girlfriend, what could generously be called a "date" with Queen Alycia, and now this. Still, despite his inexperience? He knew what being turned down sounded like.

“A standard...” he said softly, nodding.
Part of him wanted to say “I’m probably not going to invite Grand Emperor Anthony out to the rose garden” but he thought better of it. Instead he breathed deep and let the forlorn feeling of his beating heart slow, only smiling as he let his fingers roam over the rose’s stem, over the nubs of the sheered thorns.

“...if what our governments agreed to here works, I hope we inspire the world” he continued with a smile.
“And I would very much like to take you up on your invitation some day.”

“Well you know what they say, fish in the sea and whatnot” Axel commented as Tobias tossed his coat over the chair of his desk.

“You’re going to use the fact that you could hear everything I said to give me unsolicited advice?” Tobias mumbled.

“I thought you looked like you could use it” Axel shrugged.

Tobias just crashed in his desk chair, looking up at the ceiling.

Axel, though, continued.
“Besides, I’ve been there. Take it from me. You’ll be alright.”

Tobias let his gaze drift to his chief of security.
“You? I’ve heard stories. Don’t think you ever had a problem getting a girl.”

Axel looked more annoyed than amused.
“Not that it’s your business but I’ve dealt with far worse. Believe me. A broken heart isn’t the end of your world.”

“But I really...I mean...” he sighed.
“I like her,” he said embarrassed.

Axel shrugged.
“If you ever want to talk about it over drinks you let me know” he smiled just a bit, finding the harshness Tobias took it all endearing. The trials of youth.

“But right now you need to get ready. You’re expected to sign a trade agreement. Should I have your military outfit set out for you?”

“Ugh” the King groaned.
“No...the suit. The grey one...” he replied.
“I’m tired of that military outfit.”

Axel chuckled.
“Right away Your Majesty.”
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Upon her return to Absalon's Palace, Alice seemed depressed, holding her head down and not as confident as she usually appeared. It didn't help matters that the Prime Minister was the first person awaiting her arrival, seemingly annoyed by the duration of Alice's outing. Alice only had to tell the truth, though.

"I did what you asked. I cooled things down," Alice informed Madeline.

"Alice," Madeline hesitantly said, "only you know what's best for you. I can give my take, I can advise, I can ask you to view things as you normally wouldn't. At the end of the day, though, what I say about your personal life doesn't matter. I didn't want you to take what I said yesterday the wrong way."

Alice paused for a moment, reflecting on what seemed to be a change in direction from what the Prime Minister said the night before. The new directive appeared to be an allowance, but Alice still took the time to consider the old directive's goals.

"No, Miss Ellison, it's for the best. It'd be one thing if I were still just a Lady," Alice said, referring to the title of a Prince or Princess's daughter. "But... There's a lot more I can do where I am. I have to think about my country more than myself. That's what'll separate me from my sister."

Madeline seemed moved by Alice's conviction. The advice she doubted but yet gave seemed to work for the best in the end, and it even gave new purpose to Alice's co-reign. All Madeline could ask for now was for the princely sisters to finish what they started a day ago.

"Well, you can start doing more for your country by getting dressed. We have an agreement to sign," Madeline said. "You are still okay with the terms, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm alright with it," Alice replied.

"Good. We can do this by decree then. I'm on-board. Claidie's on-board. So, let's get to it."
"I suppose that's the bright side to no Parliament as of yet" William muttered as he adjusted his tie.
"You can decree the trade deal's terms into existence with the stroke of a pen. I'd enjoy it" William chuckled.
"Once Parliament is voted in? They'll have a say in anything. Appreciate the expediency while you have it."

"Huh?" Tobias asked as he looked out the window.

"The treaty. You can enact it in Prydania by Royal decree."

"Oh....yeah. Yes, I mean. The paperwork's been drawn up, I think."

"What's distracting you?"


"Really? You're going to expect me to believe that?" William walked over to the door leading to the hall in Absalonhöll where the treaty signing ceremony was being prepared. He locked the door and sat down across from the young King.

"We have a very important job to do. It's not the sort of thing you can be absent minded over."

"No, I'm fine" Tobias replied, leaning back in his chair, running his hand through his hair.
"Just...stuff on my mind. You know."

William sighed.
"You're King."

"I know."

"You have responsibilities."

"I know" Tobias replied, somewhat irritated.

"And people..."

"Yeah, I know" Tobias replied, cutting William off.
"I'm sorry" he said quickly before William could come down on him.
"Look...I know. I know what people expect and that's fine, but that's for out there. Let me with my own stuff in here. Away from the cameras, ok?"

William nodded as he stood up, patting Tobias on the shoulder.
"Just stay focused in front of the cameras."

"Yeah, of course" the King replied, letting him sink into his chair. He closed his eyes. Damnit, the chair was too comfortable. And he had to get up soon. Tobias had a theory. A chair, bed, was always more comfortable when you knew you couldn't stay in it.
He let his mind wander where his emotions took it. He knew what people expected. What they wanted out of him and he'd told William he was ok with that. And he was. For a long time he was. William had made sure he knew what it meant to be the rightful heir to the Prydanian crown. To be someone people looked to, even as a child. He was fine with being what people expected him to be...from the outside.
The outside was key. People he didn't know fought and died for him. Fought and died so he could be King, for people to call him "Your Majesty," for people to see in him something....royal. And repaying those debts was impossible, but the least he could do was be what people expected from him. This though...he sighed again.

He couldn’t know what Alice was thinking- and had thought- about. What, if anything, he said had turned her off. And as much as he went over the outing they had spent together in his head he couldn't conjure up anything but baseless speculation.
There was one thing he knew that wasn’t just speculation, that he knew to be true. She was from Court. She grew up in Court. He didn't. As much as William instilled a sense of duty into him? Alice was from a world he didn't grow up in, one he barely remembered from his early childhood. Duty. What people expected. What people wanted. Had that affected her decision? He didn't know. He'd never know. You don't ask about that sort of thing. All he knew was that he liked her. Was it that she didn’t feel the same way about him? Was it that simple? The world wasn't simple though, and he knew that. He probably knew that more than most people.

He rolled his neck and looked ahead, pulling his gaze from the ceiling.
"Are we ready?"

"Soon" William replied, unlocking the door.

Tobias nodded, standing up and buttoning his sports jacked. A grey herringbone three-piece, black shoes and belt, a white shirt. A stiff white shirt to be sure, but Tobias shrugged. It felt more liberating than that military uniform. He adjusted the golden crowned stag's head lapel pin.

The door opened, a Royal Guardsman appearing, turning clutching his weapon. And he heard the court herald.
"His Majesty Tobias III, King of Prydania, and Prime Minister William Aubyn."

Tobias smiled softly, offering a wave to the RÚV cameras and reporters and photographers as William followed behind. He took his seat to the left a central podium, whereby the trade treaty agreed to was waiting in Ceretian, Makari, and Mercanti. He smiled at the cameras a moment longer before glancing quickly at the direction of the chamber the Silean delegation was waiting in.
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"You look nervous, sis. Now that I think about it, first time on camera for one of these signings, isn't it?" Claidie asked Alice. She could see the tension. Alice kept quiet and only nodded to her sister.

The three leading ladies of the principality were all dressed in the business outfits that defined their generation of rule, waiting in a room next to the stage, and waiting to be announced to the cameras. Their last chance to ask for amendments to the treaty had already passed, and what an embarrassment it would be if they backed out in front of the cameras. Madeline coached each of the princesses on the situation, telling them that they had no choice now.

"If something needs to be adjusted, we do it off camera after we're done here," Madeline instructed the sisters. "You two understand, correct?" Madeline stiffly asked. The sisters obliged; they each knew the Prime Minister had given a lot more thought to the group's appearance than either of them. They knew she was a wise woman for her age, and also knew as well as she did how embarrassed they would all feel if they messed this up.

The time had come, and the court herald called each of their names. "Her Highness Princess Claidie, Her Highness Princess Alice, and Prime Minister Madeline Ellison of the Principality of Sil Dorsett."

"Lead the way, Claidie, Alice," Madeline commanded, setting their order. "And remember, chins up, smiles on."

Each of the three ladies walked up to the stage, each of them gently waving to the RÚV cameras on their way to their seats on the right side of the podium. Each of them turned to the Prydanian monarch and Prime Minister Aubyn, nodding to acknowledge them.
William took the podium, adjusting his glasses for a moment.

"When I think back on the road we've all been on" he said in Mercanti, his accent barely noticeable, I remember something my mentor Runolf Agren one told me when I was just starting out in politics.
"Think of the big picture once, and never again. It's strange advice, I know, but it made sense in Runolf's own quizzical way. The big picture is a plan for the future, but by that very nature, it can be overwhelming. At least at first. Small steps that are necessary to accomplish big goals seem impossible if you keep reminding yourself of the big picture. So you put it out of your mind. You focus only on those small steps. One at a time, never letting the scale of what you're trying to accomplish weigh on you. And in time, you get there."

He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing.
"I've been living in a world of only focusing on small steps since 2002. First to survive. Then to fight. Then to hold ground, and push ground, against the forces of tyranny that held sway in this country. And we pushed further. We all knew what the goal was...and we knew the bigger picture beyond the goal. To not just topple a tyrannical regime, but to govern. Govern well, govern freely, and govern fairly. Yet we dared not focus on those ambitions. Step by step. Survival. Territory. Victories here and there. Then establishing a government. A working army. Re-establishing our bonds with our former allies. Step by step. Until today. Today is the first day I, as leader of the Front of National Unity, as a freedom fighter, as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Prydania, that I can say I dare to think big again, and not be overwhelmed by the scope of the task."

"I believe in this treaty. I believe in it because I believe it symbolizes what bilateral relations should be, as a statesman. Two nations, two peoples, working together, benefiting from each other's strengths. And as Prime Minister it's a sign. A sign that we, as Prydanians, are willing to take a step out of the shadows of our own past, and embrace the world once again."

William turned to the Silean delegation.
"Madame Prime Minister" he said to Madeline, "it's been an honour to work with you. I truly believe both our nations will benefit from the agreement we have drawn up. May this be a significant step, one of many, as we build trust and confidence between our peoples."
William sat down, with Tobias quickly getting up to replace him at the podium. He worried he may have appeared too eager, but he put it out of his mind. He caught himself looking at the three women of the Silean delegation, and couldn't help but give a soft smile to Alice before focusing himself. Like William he spoke in Mercanti, though unlike William his Prydanian Makari accent was a bit more pronounced.

"I wish I could add to what the Prime Minister said" he chuckled, "but I do want to echo his sentiments. I do not believe this treaty is groundbreaking in any way, but it never had to be. This treaty is what happens when people come together to work on common goals. To put common interests ahead of division. Prime Minister Aubyn mentioned trust and confidence between our peoples. I would like to add friendship. I'm proud this is the first bilateral treaty I have the privilege to sign as King of Prydania, as it helps us both in our peaceful endeavours."

Tobias looked down, flipping open the treaty, and signing his name before passing it to William, who added his. Tobias looked to the Silean delegation and nodded with a smile, before returning to his seat. The floor belonged to Madeline, Claidie, and Alice.