United Empire of Islam

Name of your region: United Empire of Islam
Link to your region's forums: http://unitedempireislam.boards.net/ (Forums are primarily used for official purposes such as elections and court hearings)
Head of Government: Western Arab Empire
Head of State: Turkhestan (Greater Islamic Empire of Pakistan)
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Western Arab Empire
Short description of your region: The United Empire of Islam is NationStates' largest and oldest standing Islamic region. Founded in 2012 and growing ever since, the United Empire of Islam now has an active and diverse community of Muslims and non-Muslims alike from different backgrounds and holding to different ideologies. The UEI encourages peace and cooperation between people regardless of church or sect and is firmly against intolerance and hatred and the organizations that wrongfully advertise it in the name of faith.
In terms of interregional relations, the United Empire of Islam is a founding member of the Global Liberty Alliance, an interregional organization dedicated to strengthening relations between liberty-minded regions and ensuring the protection of inalienable rights and freedoms. The United Empire of Islam is also a member of the Diplomatic League of Pro-Life International, a coalition of the NationStates world's largest Christian regions which seeks to raise awareness of the pro-life cause through peaceful discourse.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes, we will.
If I have overlooked anything or neglected any formalities, I do apologize. And, if anyone has any questions about the application, myself, or my region, please do reach out to me via telegram or discord.