At 31/01/2018, at the major update, The North Pacific Army (NPA) successfully de-tagged 18 regions, 9 NPAers took part. The operation was organized by Lozinak, and lead by Lozinak, Quietdad and Zazumo.
1. Lozinak
2. QuietDad
3. Darcania
4. Zazumo
5. Bluiegamer
6. BMWsurfer
7. Deropia
8. Hardonius
9. New Atos
The following regions have been de-tagged:
Venetian Trade Routes
Alliance of Northern Somewhere
International Roleplay Region
Club of Philledelphia Eagles
Gentibus Unitatis
Nationstates Sesquipedalian Countries
Alliance of Nuclear Police States
Nationstates Vexillogical Society
Final Fantasy
Batasun Union
Union of Autistic States
War Filled Islands
The Isles of El Nar
The Lumpy Sith Lords
BMWSurfer Is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant (LTN) for successfully passing their officer test.

Hardonius and New Aton are promoted to the rank of Private First Class (PFC) for completing their first operation.

This was an incredible OP and I'm very impressed by Lozinak's performance, it has been a very long time since we've detagged that many in one operation if we've ever.
Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!