Office of the Minister of Home Affairs
January 11th, 2018
I would like to end my term by thanking every member of Home Affairs for their hard work.
This term, you have worked harder than every before.
In just 3 months; you have manually sent 39,208 telegrams to nations in The North Pacific and have helped many new members participate in the region.
You are the backbone of The North Pacific. Without you; The North Pacific would never have reached such high activity levels off-site.
I know you've seen me give out 2 badges so far this term, but I have a final one that I believe is truly important. This is my thanks to you. You can wear this with pride to show everyone what you have accomplished.
Truly it is amazing what you have all done; it isn't fun work, but it is necessary.

[spoiler=Thank you Home Affairs | Jan 2018][img]https://s10.postimg.org/mrxslz85l/thank_you_ha_jan_2018.png[/img][/spoiler]

Additionally, I would like to thank the Forum Mentors.
Without them; many new members to our forums wouldn't know where to go or what to do after making an account.
Your work is much appreciated.
I would also like to thank our Gameside Advocates.
You have created a link between the forums and the RMB that never existed previously.
Without you, we might still be having the same problems we had 6 months ago with a lost connection between the RMB and the forums.
Finally, I will thank my Deputies; Brendog and Yukkira.
You guys have done so much hard work and have persevered through it even though the work you have is hard, time consuming, and stressful.
Without you at my side I really couldn't have run this Ministry. Thank you.
So thank you everyone for your hard work!