Hello TNP, now if you use the RMB, you may see me a lot role playing or just discussing, i have 207 endorsements and many detailed factbooks (If they aren't that important or not detailed, they will be edited for retail and put in my special factbook where i put old ones there as archives and delete the full actual factbook for them that way i can get more room for more factbooks), and finally i am be active on these forums so look out for my posts..
now time to answer your questions:
Nickname(s): i don't really have any but i like using the name Captain Scratch because of a online comic i read.
Main Nation: Dinoium
RL Country: USA
Favourite Colour(s): Green and Blue
Do you use Discord: yes
Political Ideology: Conservativism
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games: Roleplay
well that's it i guess, now good day or night depending where you are!!