Ema Skye
Presidential Palace, Vistula, Miedzymorse
Minister of State[note]Minister of State is equal to a Minister of Foreign Affairs in other countries[/note], Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz went and called Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski on the phone.
Minister of State[note]Minister of State is equal to a Minister of Foreign Affairs in other countries[/note], Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz went and called Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski on the phone.
The Call:“Yes, Mr. Pieka?kiewicz?”, Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski said to the Minister over the phone. “Mr. Przewodnicz?cy, there’s some action that’s needed to be done now in the Lanpaulo[note]Lanpaulo is the name of the Ceretian land lease area[/note] area”, the Minister said. “Action in Lanpaulo? What do you mean”, the President responded, confused. “So, y’know that treaty we signed with Ceretis a many years ago?”, he said. “Well, it's going to expire in a few months. I say we should retake those ports and incorporate them back into Miedzymorse in the next few months!” “Hold your horses there, Piekalkiewicz.”, the Przewodnicz?cy said back. “I say we’ll invite the Ceretians to Vistula and hold a diplomatic talk on the future of Lanpaulo there” “Okay, Mr. President.”, the Minister replied. The two hang up on the phone to get the Ceretians into Miedzymorse.
The Letter:To: The Ceretian Government
From: Cyryl Piekalkiewicz, Minister of the State
Dear esteemed Government of Ceretis, the land lease contract signed by our two nations many years ago is going to expire, meaning that the land will soon be rightful Miedzymorsean territory. We ask that you come to Vistula to negotiate the future of the Lanpaul areas.
~Signed, Cyryl Piekalkiewicz