- Discord
- COE#7110
The delegate has appointed several citizens to the Election Commission. Per the Legal Code, Chapter 6 Clause 11, these appointments are subject to RA confirmation. The confirmation will follow non-legislative procedures. Here are the appointments:
These appointments may be debated in this topic. Once a motion to vote is seconded, a vote may be scheduled.Pallaith:In accordance with the Election Reform Bill, I hereby appoint Crushing Our Enemies, SillyString, Darcania, Eluvatar, Siwale, Syrixia, and Scorch as Election Commissioners, subject to confirmation votes by the Regional Assembly.
I hear your cry. You see, recently, changes were made to the EC rules to allow existing commissioners to be re-appointed before the end of their term. As long as they are confirmed, and take their new oath of office before the end of their term, they will serve an uninterrupted six months from the date of their new oath. This was an important change because seniority determines who serves as Acting Chief EC when the Chief EC is absent or the position is vacant. Make sense? No? Feel free to discuss that in this thread too.Confused Citizen:But, Mr. Deputy Speaker...six out of the seven appointees are already on the Election Commission, and their term does not expire until the 23rd! What is the meaning of this?