You get a $1 000 bonus for joining the game. Also, in order to claim $200, you need to steal it from someone else; else, you only get $100 of unclaimed money. I'll set you at $1 100. Welcome to Zero Sum Spam!
[unclaimed]- $46 300
Merconitonitipia - BANKRUPT
Aerilia - $4 150
Alsatian Island - BANKRUPT
Arstotzda1- BANKRUPT
Highton - $200
Alta - $2 750
Alunya - $500
Isimud - $2 200
Harstonia - $800
McMasterdonia - $900
Almo - $1 500
The South Falls- $900
Oh, wait, you don't have $1 100. Huh. That's strange. Oh, well, I guess.