Hello, I have some questions, some are building on what has been said already, but there are also others.
Clean Land:
Clean Land:
No idea!(Well there is the judical review but that is still reactive)
The Attorney General always has standing when submitting Requests for Reviews to the Court. I and my predecessor have each used it once before.
When do you believe it appropriate for the Attorney General to use this ability?
Whenever they find something that violates the law.
Or when someone expresses credible legal doubts no one acts on.
Can I ask for clarification, is this to say that you would refer all legal violations or credible doubts as to interpretation/legality to the Court (or, all you became aware of, that is)?
Are there any legal controversies in TNP law which you presently think would warrant the use of the inherent standing to bring judicial review?
Clean Land:
The Attorney General may, at their discretion, refuse to manage the prosecution of a criminal case. Under what circumstances do you think this would be acceptable and why?
If there is no credible evidence of criminal conduct.
If the criminal prosecution is overloaded with criminal cases, and not enough willing deputies are avaliable.
If the Attorney General is a witness or the accused, then they must not manage the prosecution.
Are there any scenarios where you may refuse to prosecute despite it appearing to you that there is evidence substantiating a crime?
The Attorney General is constitutionally required to act as legal adviser to officers of the executive on request, if you were requested to so act by the Delegate and advised that a particular act by them would, in your belief, be unlawful and they nonetheless did that act, how would you respond? Would your response differ if the officer was the Vice Delegate, a Minister, or an Election Commissioner?
At present the law of evidence in TNP is contained almost wholly in the Rules of the Court and in rulings of the Court, should consideration be given to endeavouring to codify at least some of the law of evidence and add it to the Codified Law? Why or why not?
Is the current law on sentencing sufficient? Whether or not it is, could it be improved in any particular way?