[Complete][SC] Repeal: "Condemn The Black Hawks" (1st condemnation)

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Repeal: "Condemn The Black Hawks"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #52
Proposed by: The Noble Thatcherites | Onsite Topic

Security Council Resolution #52 “Condemn The Black Hawks” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

APPRECIATING the noble intentions of SC#52 to condemn the actions of the Black Hawks;

NOTING that SC#52 stated that the Black Hawks attempted to conspire against the Security Council by attempting "to commend their own nation by drafting the text", an action which does not particularly meet standards for Security Council attention;

FURTHER NOTING that while SC#52 stated that "a vote in favor of this resolution will make World Assembly delegates and their regions targets of The Black Hawks, as has been reported following previous proposal attempts." while the contrary was actually true, with a majority of World Assembly votes cast from regions with foundersthat haven't had their original founder nation levelled and destroyed, game created regionsfeeder and sinker regions, raider allies, or already under raider control, thus making them invulnerable to raids;

REMEMBERING that Individual World Assembly voters can vote however they choose on an issue and are not required to vote in line with their regions delegate, thus making a raid useless in threatening the members of this body;

OBSERVING that SC#52 used extremely vague language such as stating that targeting can cause a 'cooling effect on free speech' and a 'cooling effect on democracy', and that such phrases can be interpreted in many different ways thus making them meaningless in the context of the original proposal;

RECOGNIZING that a properly sufficient condemnation has already been ratified by this body, SC#217 detailed the many crimes of the Black Hawks, including toppling at least 5 of the top WA Delegate records, the brutal occupation of at least 14 regions, the infiltration of Osiris, and many other heinous acts;

RECALLING that SC#52 made no mention of the Black Hawks’ many indecent acts against the regions of the World;

COGNIZANT that raiders view condemnation resolutions as badges of honor or awards by the Security Council;

BELIEVING that the Black Hawks, which have committed many indecent acts against other regions should not have any sort of recognition by the Security Council;

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #52.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Raider groups usually view condemnations as badges of honour, and The Black Hawks are no exception. It is the opinion of the ministry that condemnations should be reserved for individuals and organizations that can maintain their role as an in character villain while being a respectable part of the community. We would note that this is exactly what The Black Hawks have done since their founding and they have had a lasting impact on military-based game play. The ministry believes that The Black Hawks are deserving of both of their condemnations, as at the time of the repeal targets’ writing, the threat posed by The Black Hawks was very real and while they may not have been a threat to feeder or sinker regions, or regions whose founders were still in existence, they did pose a threat to founderless regions.

It is for these reasons that the Ministry of WA Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.
I've always viewed condemns as a reward for people who have played the villain role IC really well while still being respectable OOC - basically as if they were roleplaying. And this is exactly what the Hawks have done throughout their long history. Ever since their founding, they've been a powerful raiding force while remaining easy to work with and be around (for the most part) outside of their operations.

There is a reason TBH was chosen to be the first region to be condemned for raiding. They had and continue to have a very large footprint in military gameplay. They've always been active and continue to be so, too. Even during some their occassional lulls, there were still occassional raids to keep their skills honed.

Admittedly, SC#52 isn't very well-written in terms of current day standards, but that's how most of the game is - GA (and NSUN by extension) and even issues. TBH still deserves this condemnation (both condemns, IMHO) and it would be sad to see a pivotal piece of raiding history be buried.


PS: Calling it right now guys, COE, if he votes, will probably vote against too. :P
As a reminder, this proposal is still active and approaching quorum. As the content has not significantly changed, with the changes being semantics related to my previous legality challenge, I see no reason to restart the vote.
The Noble Thatcherites sent the following telegram to all WA members:

Dearest %NATION%,

I am writing to you today to discuss SC#52, ‘Condemn the Black Hawks’, and to propose its repeal.

Although most Security Council Condemnations are written very well and thoroughly outline the acts of raiders, some, like SC#52, do not. And for three principal reasons.

1. SC#52 discussed raiding as if it were illegal, which, by law, it isn’t.

2. The proposal alleged that the Black Hawks attempted to commend their own nation and that somehow this attempt was a ‘[conspiracy] against the Security Council’. There was never any evidence presented at the time, nor has any been presented since, proving that it was true. This allegation was a lie.

3. The proposal ends by alleging that the Black Hawks threatened members of the World Assembly and that in doing so they’ve caused a ‘cooling effect on free speech’. Once again, there is no evidence that anything like this happened.
For these reasons, I believe that the first proposal was poorly written and must be repealed, nor should any proposal of the World Assembly that fabricates evidence remain law. To this end, I’ve written the following proposal:

The Security Council,

APPRECIATING the noble intentions of SC#52 to condemn the actions of the Black Hawks;

NOTING that SC#52 stated that the Black Hawks attempted to conspire against the Security Council by attempting “to commend their own nation by drafting the text”, an action which does not particularly meet standards for Security Council attention;

FURTHER NOTING that while SC#52 stated that “a vote in favor of this resolution will make World Assembly delegates and their regions targets of The Black Hawks, as has been reported following previous proposal attempts.” while the contrary was actually true, with a majority of World Assembly votes cast from regions that haven't had their original founder nation levelled and destroyed, feeder and sinker regions, raider allies, or regions already under raider control, thus making them invulnerable to raids;

REMEMBERING that Individual World Assembly voters can vote however they choose on an issue and are not required to vote in line with their regions delegate, thus making a raid useless in threatening the members of this body;

OBSERVING that SC#52 used extremely vague language such as stating that targeting can cause a ‘cooling effect on free speech' and a 'cooling effect on democracy', and that such phrases can be interpreted in many different ways thus making them meaningless in the context of the original proposal;

RECOGNIZING that a properly sufficient condemnation has already been ratified by this body, SC#217 detailed the many crimes of the Black Hawks, including toppling at least 5 of the top WA Delegate records, the brutal occupation of at least 14 regions, the infiltration of Osiris, and many other heinous acts;

RECALLING that SC#52 made no mention of the Black Hawks’ many indecent acts against the regions of the World;

COGNIZANT that raiders view condemnation resolutions as badges of honor or awards by the Security Council;

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #52.

A condemnation is seen as a badge of honour by many raiders, and some believe that the Black Hawks deserve their condemnations for raiding. But their first condemnation, SC#52, made false allegations, and for this reason, should be repealed. Were it to be repealed, they would be left with a single, studiously written condemnation, SC#217, which properly outlines their acts against world peace.

Detractors of my proposal have said that SC#52 holds historical status, being the first one approved by the Security Council for raiding other regions. But, as veterans of the Security Council have shown many times before, SC#52 is not the first condemnation for raiding, but SC#1, 'Condemn Macedon', which, though horribly written, condemned the titled region for the exact same reasons that SC#52 condemned the Black Hawks.

To learn more about this proposal, check out the forum thread here: ./viewtopic.php?f=24&t=425050

To support this proposal, please approve it here: page=sc


- The Noble Thatcherites
I've always viewed condemns as a reward for people who have played the villain role IC really well while still being respectable OOC - basically as if they were roleplaying. And this is exactly what the Hawks have done throughout their long history. Ever since their founding, they've been a powerful raiding force while remaining easy to work with and be around (for the most part) outside of their operations.

There is a reason TBH was chosen to be the first region to be condemned for raiding. They had and continue to have a very large footprint in military gameplay. They've always been active and continue to be so, too. Even during some their occassional lulls, there were still occassional raids to keep their skills honed.

Admittedly, SC#52 isn't very well-written in terms of current day standards, but that's how most of the game is - GA (and NSUN by extension) and even issues. TBH still deserves this condemnation (both condemns, IMHO) and it would be sad to see a pivotal piece of raiding history be buried.

I agree with what you’ve said about TBH deserving their condemnation, I agree. But SC52 is written very poorly, even if that was the standard at the time. It is one thing if it was poorly written but contained good arguments, SC52 contained no real argument. TBH second condemnation was written very well and that is why I supported it, it gave reasons for the condemnation. 52 did not.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.