Issue XVIII: Planning
[c]The Spotlight #8: Interview with Siwale[c]Siwale + Brend0g[c]Interview[c]
[c]Regional Assembly Highlights[c]Owenstacey[c]Legislative News[c]
[c]North Pacific Army Bulletin[c]Gladio[c]Military News[c]
[c]WA Affairs[c]zamerriman[c]WA News[c]
[c]Monthly Memoirs[c]Kasch[c]Miscellaneous[c]
[c]Roleplay Reel #5[c][c]Roleplay[c]
[c]RMB Review #2[c]Yukkira[c]RMB[c]
[c]Judicial Elections[c]Kasch[c]Election[c]
[c]Security Councillor: ?[c]Yuno[c][c]
If you have any questions about the articles, don't hesitate to ask. As also always feel free to suggest any more articles especially opinion articles, please post below.
6th November - 12th November[c]Article assignment[c]
13th November - 19th November[c]Article writing & first drafts[c]
20th Novmeber- 26th November[c]Initial editing and continued writing[c]
27th November - 30th November[c]Final Editing