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Commend Europeia
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Europeia
Proposed by: Ever-Wandering Souls | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
Lauding Europeia's role at the forefront of the Independent ideology, notably including both being host to the pioneering Independent Convention and codifying the principles and values of Independentism in a landmark interregional document known as The Independent Manifesto;
Recognizing the region's history of military leadership, particularly via several Status of Forces Agreements wherein Europeia assisted allies including The United Kingdom, Merridel, and The Communist Bloc with the development of their own armies;
Specifically Recognizing Europeia's commitment to anti-fascist military efforts, particularly the forceful presence of the Europeian Republican Navy on numerous operations in regions such as Nazi Europe, Greater German Reich, and Anne Frank, as well as Europeia's creation of the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism to unite regions across the world in the combat of fascism;
Applauding the region for its impressive efforts to recruit nations to become a part of its territory, often using state-of-the-art technology that Europeia has developed, tested, and shared with other regions;
Complementing the exemplary levels of participation in recruitment efforts from many individual nations in the region, whose efforts are largely responsible for the region perennially being among the largest regions for over a decade, as well as the Europeia's formal recognition of such;
Noting that Europeia was host to the UCR-UCR Conference, which produced a widely-recognized standard for regional recruitment activities known as the Arnhelm Declaration of Recruitment Standards;
Admiring Europeia's extraordinary executive, legislative and judicial systems, in which more than 90 nations often participate, and which have produced a long history of democracy, a large body of legislation, and many a fair trial;
Further Admiring that Europeia has striven to share its expertise in these areas with other regions, notably having assisted The Allied Republic with the development of a regional legal system, in addition to supporting Balder through the development of its entire regional government;
Impressed by Europeia's record of profound cultural presence, including:
- Hosting the "Women in NS Symposium" to recognize female world leaders,
- Organizing a celebration of culture among many regions, known as the "Winter Ball,"
- Maintaining a vibrant regionally and privately owned media,
- Protecting the right of the fourth estate to be critical of the region,
- Supporting a world-renowned audio broadcasting organization, and
- Assisting other regions with the development of their own fourth estate with accords such as its Media Development and Distribution Agreement with The Britannian Kingdom;
Acknowledging that Europeia has long been a leader in the World Assembly, consistently supporting the creation of World Assembly legislation both intra-regionally in its World Assembly Drafting Headquarters and inter-regionally as a member of the World Assembly Legislative League;
Praising Europeia's extensive efforts to collect, preserve, and catalog often irreplaceable regional and world history in one of the largest libraries in the world;
Believing that Europeia overall serves both as an exemplary role model for the world and as a force for positive change throughout it;
Hereby Commends Europeia.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!