[GA, Passed] Repeal: "Marriage Equality" [Complete]




Repeal: “Marriage Equality”
Category: Repeal | GA #410
Proposed by: Imperium Anglorum | Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #410 “Marriage Equality” (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

This august World Assembly,

Reminding itself that (i) legislation passed by the World Assembly cannot be amended or changed, only repealed, and that any correction of the problems noted in the target resolution would first require passage of a repeal, and (ii) there are no real good reasons to keep redundant legislation around,

Observing that the target resolution creates no practical protections beyond those already established in article 1, section 3 of 35 GA 'The Charter of Civil Rights', which prohibits discrimination in any 'reductive categorisation' except in cases of 'compelling practical purposes',

Astonished by the World Assembly's foresight in passing 35 GA 'The Charter of Civil Rights' to prohibit discrimination in marriage not only on reasons of sex but on other reasons, including gender, race, faith, and all other reductive categorisations, something which this resolution, ostensibly creating 'marriage equality', does not account for,

Troubled by the target resolution's imposition of a statist conception of marriage in section 1 of the target resolution upon nations in which no conception of marriage has existed in the first place, thereby imposing an oppressive institution with preferential rights upon nations in which no such oppression previously occurred,

Recalling similar legislation in the form of 15 GA 'Freedom of Marriage Act' that was already repealed on practically these exact grounds by 313 GA, which this Assembly passed and supported overwhelmingly at supermajority levels,

Concluding that repeal of this resolution will not eliminate the already-existing protections against discrimination in marriage that both predate this resolution in and are subsumed by 35 GA 'The Charter of Civil Rights', and

Calling for replacement of this legislation and its numerous spelling errors (e.g. recognising misspelt as 'regognizing', replacing the 'c' in the word with a 'g') with a well-drafted reasonably coherent replacement,

Hereby repeals 410 GA 'Marriage Equality'.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

This repeal attempt seeks to eliminate the redundancies found in terms of marriage equality, given that these rights are guaranteed by the "Charter of Civil Rights", which explicitly bans any discrimination on the basis of sexual preferences. Since the mandate of the target resolution is redundant, and since "Repeal: 'Freedom of Marriage Act'" set a precedent by eliminating similar redundancies, this repeal does not attempt to block present, nor future, legislation in terms of marriage equality, but encourages to adopt and promote legislation with a progressive content and scope when defending the right of equal marriage.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
This is a new draft of IA's resolution. I'm closing the old one.
Vote in this thread even if you voted on the old one.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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