The Flakey Party³


Welcome to The Flakey Party³!
A more reasonable edition of the Flakey Party and a less spiteful edition of the Flakey Party²
We believe in.....
  • Term Limits for the Delegate and Vice Delegate (3-4 Terms)
  • Vice Delegate removed from ballot
  • Reduced Government Size
  • Less Power to The Security Council
  • Reduction of the NPA
  • Less Power to the NPA
  • No More NPA Imperialism
  • Less power to Minister of Defense
  • Justices appointed; not elected
  • Security Council member limit
  • Less power to the ministers
TL:DR, A more delegate-centered government with reduced size and a reduced military.
Are you saying you would like to change the term limit from 2 to 3 terms, or from 2 to 4 terms?

How would you reduce the size of government?

How would you reduce the powers of The North Pacific Security Council?

How would you reduce the NPA?

How would you reduce the power of the NPA?

What sort of Imperialism by the NPA would you ban?

How would you reduce the power of the Minister of Defense?

Who would appoint Justices, and would they require confirmation?

What would be the number which would be the maximum number of members of The North Pacific Security Council?

How would you reduce the power of ministers, and how would this differ from how you would reduce the power of the Minister of Defense?

Members may not ban other members from their topics in the Agora, that is not how the Agora works.
Are you saying you would like to change the term limit from 2 to 3 terms, or from 2 to 4 terms?

How would you reduce the size of government?

How would you reduce the powers of The North Pacific Security Council?

How would you reduce the NPA?

How would you reduce the power of the NPA?

What sort of Imperialism by the NPA would you ban?

How would you reduce the power of the Minister of Defense?

Who would appoint Justices, and would they require confirmation?

What would be the number which would be the maximum number of members of The North Pacific Security Council?

How would you reduce the power of ministers, and how would this differ from how you would reduce the power of the Minister of Defense?

Members may not ban other members from their topics in the Agora, that is not how the Agora works.

1. Probably around to 4 termz.

2. First off, one deputy per position. Reducing government size also goes along with reducing the powers of The North Pacific Security Council, and NPA power.

3. Reducing the powers of the Security Council is basically reducing the amount of members.

4 & 5. I'd reduce the NPA by reducing it into a defense force to only serve when TNP or its allies are very clearly at threat.

6. Royal Order and Avlonia were both cases of NPA imperialism. The NPA had attacked an innocent region that posed no threat to TNP's well-being at all. This is imperialism I wish to stop. The only NPA operations I see that were recently carried out an helpful were the TEP mission, I would also say that de-tagging is, however, fine as long as the NPA only arrives with the sole purpose to De-tag.

8. The Delegate would appoint them, just as he appoints ministers.

9. Probably 5.

The Syrixia thing is supposed to be not taken seriously.