The South Pacific Foreign Update (#1 By ME!!)



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs Updates

Hey TNP!

First off, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm former raider Roland, a legislator in TSP, and I am now the ambassador to your fabulous region! I'd like to update you guys on what's been going on lately in another fabulous region, TSP! We've partnered with two great UCRs, and we hope they will be valuable partners! The UDS and Conch Kingdom are our two latest treatied regions! We collaborated with their factions on N-DAY 2, doing extremely well. We've also been working together through the Libcord operations server to eliminate those who seek to harm innocent regions. Conch Kingdom is independent, so we hope to bash some fash with them sometime soon!

If you have any questions about this or TSP in general, Private Message me on here or Discord. Doesn't matter :P

Ambassador from TSP
Thanks, I'm trying to make our relations the best they possibly can be. So sorry for the delayed response, I've been very busy with stupid real life as of late, my fault...

--Roland (: