[Complete][SC, Failed] Commend Gay

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Commendation
Nominee: Gay
Proposed by: Greater Cesnica
Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Observing the duty of this esteemed Assembly to recognize the achievements of nations and regions that have made outstanding contributions to the international community and made exceptional achievements,

Noting that Gay has campaigned for and protected LGBTQ+ rights for over 14 years,

Admiring Gay's status as a Defender Region, a position that they have held since their inception, and their constant quest to help fight off raiders from fellow regions, which can be seen from their membership in the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA)- an alliance that had served to protect founderless regions from the tyranny of raider organizations for over 10 years,

Recognizing that Gay has managed to maintain a significant number of member nations since 2007, estimated at holding between 90-300 member nations, an amazing achievement for any region to hold, much less a region that has extremely bold and progressive ideology like Gay,

Applauding Gay for being the first region to have championed for and supported LGBTQ+ rights, and also for being the first region to have a regional constitution that supported the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQ+ community, and nations which are Pro-LGBTQ+,

Humbled by the fact that Gay drafted and pushed through the first resolution in international law regarding LGBTQ+ Rights, titled 'Gay Rights', a resolution that was among the first resolutions ever authored, and is, in fact, a historical resolution- written and passed before the creation of the current World Assembly,

Impressed by Gay's unwavering commitment to its member states and population in spite of resistance from other nations and regions that do not condone the safety and rights of LGBTQ+ nations,

Further Impressed by Gay's resilience to raider organizations, who have never succeeded in annexing it, in spite of Gay being a major target for raider groups and its position as a defender region and FRA member,

Aware that Gay also provides a welcoming environment for non-LGBTQ+ nations, and does not discriminate against any orientation, race, and background, a fact that further re-affirms Gay's welcome and cheerful environment that seeks to improve world peace and welfare,

Furthermore Aware that Gay's tireless and selfless quest to champion for the rights of a minority group and be an active defender region at the same time- whilst fighting off hostility and opposition from multiple sides- constitutes achievement and contribution that is not expected of a normal region, and therefore provides merit for Gay to be granted the honor of a Commendation,

Hereby Commends Gay for outstanding performance and resilience in the name of human rights and international peace.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

This resolution represents Gay as a region that promotes equality for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. However, this is not necessarily true in all scenarios. Gay does not allow LGBTQ+ members to participate in the government if they are raiders, and even if they stop playing this role they are not treated the same as other members. Gay stated during a previous commendation attempt in January 2016 that they would eliminate all barriers to those who do not share their strict defender ideology. That did not happen, as checked on their Constitution, among other sources. Although Gay's purpose is certainly commendable, their failure (or little interest) in executing it is not.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.

Pretty much commended for it's name, for being defender, having a population between 90-300, and for not being invaded (it has a founder...).
I would like to hear more about its commitment to LGBTQ* rights before I make a decision. Being a defender region is never enough for me to think they deserve to be commended (often the opposite). Last I heard and knew, Gay was extremely discriminatory against raiders and those who did not fit into the communities' expected group.

Then again, speaking from personal experience, gay men are often the most bitchiest people I've ever met. The myth about the LGBTQ* community being warm, fuzzy and welcoming was obviously made without spending any actual time in that community.

I would love to commend a region that is dedicated to promoting the rights of the LGBTQ* community.

However, as has been pointed out in the past, Gay is rather selective in terms of which LGBTQ* players they accept, by disenfranchising everyone who raids.

Players don't even have to be active raiders: If you've taken part in a raid within the past year, your rights are greatly curtailed.

I second r3n's opinion.

As of my review of their Constitution: I can't remember how many times I saw the term "raider". It's like they live in a perpetual status of fear. Come on, forums (where an intense debate is being held) also gave me enough reasons to go against this commendation.
A note to say that I'm updating my vote to Against.
I'd also like to go on record registering my displeasure that proponents of this bill are so willing to allow arguments that members of the LGBTQ* community who are not supporting this commendation due to the fact Article 1 Section 11 clause D, Article 9 section 3 and implicitly allow allegations that people who disagree with it, such as myself and Cormac, are bigots.

This started out so well, then I decided to go and read the constitution in its entirety. Bad idea.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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