[Complete][SC, Passed] Repeal: “Condemn General Halcones”


TNP Nation
Repeal: "Condemn General Halcones"

Category: Repeal
Target:SC #165
Proposed by: Kaboomlandia
Onsite Topic

Security Council Resolution #165 "Condemn General Halcones" shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Noting that General Halcones was the founder and leader of The Black Riders, a defunct raider organization which has been condemned by this council on two other occasions,

Acknowledging the thousands of regions raided by The Black Riders under the leadership of General Halcones,

Disturbed that many of these raids were executed using Predator, a weapon developed by General Halcones which informed raiders with a high degree of accuracy when to move into a region to capture it, and which was later found to be in contravention of international law,

Disgusted that even before Predator was found to be illegal, the nation of General Halcones was obliterated and the leader prevented from ever founding another nation as punishment for using recruitment methods for The Black Riders that are prohibited by international law,

Appalled that after being permanently sanctioned by the international community for the April 2015 recruitment scandal, the leader of General Halcones continued to subvert the raider community by covertly distributing the Predator weapon to other nations, resulting in an even bigger controversy in April 2016 that resulted in dozens of countries and a handful of regions being instantly obliterated,

Knowing that the raider community sees condemnation badges as rewards,

Believing that those nations, including General Halcones, who use methods that violate international law to carry out raids, do not deserve to be recognized by this Council,

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #165.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Raiders often see condemnations as badges of honor, and this resolution is another step at purging the Security Council records of condemnations given when the nation in question does not deserve to be recognized in such a way. General Halcones is an example of this, having violated international law through illegal recruitment methods and developing the Predator superweapon. General Halcones's only "achievement" was the destruction of their nation, and deserves no mention in the security council. Therefore, the existing condemnation should be repealed.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.

I must agree with this as such acts by this nation are quite appauling and their actions do not warrant recognition of any kind.

Time to takeaway all merit badges that raiders have acquired over the years.
I don't think it's so much taking away merit badges as much as it is getting a DOS nation off the active resolution books, even though really a repeal is a permanent addition to the book. At least then it's more of a "Hey, you do this, you get ??????[note]That's a curse word, if you couldn't tell...[/note] forever. Shame."


Regardless of how it is perceived by the person condemned, a condemnation serves to say that behaviour is wrong. Repealing a condemnation sends mixed messages and no longer serves as a warning for others. For this reason we urge The North Pacific to vote against this repeal and any similar repeals in future.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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