The Iterian League



The Iterian League

The Iterian League is a political union for nations on the continent of Iteria. Members must either reside on the continent or have a deep history with the continent. Prospective members should contact the current Speaker of the Assembly. The League headquarters are located in Danzhou, Ascalon.

Member States:

Observer States:

Secretary-General of the Iterian League: Irad Yasur, Iraelia
Speaker of the Iterian Assembly: Hanbei Xia, Yukkira
Justice of the Iterian Court: Karit Dabaransi, Skanda

Lead Assemblyman
Court Juror
[c]Iraelia[c]Satbir Rokhe[c]Tevel ben Achiya[c]Kazirstan[c]Abdul Ghafoor el-Bilal[c]Abdul Lateef el-Atallah[c]Kaandar[c]Taamir Irani[c]Mashal al-Zhari[c]Skanda[c]Hana Iokina[c]Karit Dabaransi[c]Ascalon[c]Haakon Tai-shun[c]Xi Zhang-Svimghammar[c]Kranostav[c]Domonic Saft[c]Egon Bartz[c]Plembobria[c]Sharon Tilton[c]Sheryl Smith-McGuillicuty[c]Yukkira[c]Hanbei Xia[c]Hana Xia

League Ambassador
[c]Goyanes[c]Kuling Forsnare
In Progress
The Constitution of the Iterian League​

We, the undersigned delegates to the Iterian League, enter in league for the common good of Iteria. We commit ourselves to the maintenance of peace and prosperity throughout Iteria, and a constant discussion on the issues that face our continent. We resolve to work together on loosening economic, cultural, and travel barriers between our nations. We affirm our rights to national sovereignty, and strive to ensure that the rights of all Iterian nations are protected from those who would seek to usurp them. We recognize the bloodshed which haunts our continents past, and seek to ensure that such bloodshed is never repeated. Noting the above, we do hereby ratify this charter to ensure that this continent, once engulfed in war, shall see peace and prosperity for decades to come.

Article I: Membership
Section 1. The Iterian League is a political union for nations on the continent of Iteria. All prospective members to the Iterian League must reside on the continent of Iteria if they wish to apply to the League. All prospective observers to the Iterian League are not required to reside on Iteria, but must have close cultural, political, or economic ties to Iteria if they wish to apply.
Section 2. All nations wishing to join the Iterian League should contact the current Speaker of the Iterian Assembly to introduce a motion at the next meeting of the Iterian League. The Speaker must then submit their application to the Assembly at the next legislative meeting of the Iterian League. Applications will then be debated by current members of the Iterian League and voted upon. Prospective members require a simple majority to be accepted, and observers require a two-thirds majority to be accepted.
Section 3. All members of the Iterian League retain the right to have a sitting delegation to the Iterian Assembly and a sitting juror on the Iterian Court. They have the right to national sovereignty and complete control of both their nation's domestic and foreign policy. Members therefore maintain the right to opt-out of all Iterian legislation, but must inform the other members of the Assembly in a formal manner before they do so. Observers maintain a right to have a single sitting, non-voting representative to the Iterian Assembly. Observers are exempt from all legislation passed by the Assembly.
Section 4. Members and observers of the Iterian League have a duty to maintain a non-aggression policy with their neighbors and ensure peace. All signatories are encouraged to come to the aid of their fellow signatories of this Constitution in the event they are attacked, but are not legally bound to do so. Furthermore, they are encouraged to adopt laws in compliance with Iterian legislation to help further the goals of the League.
Section 5. Any member and observer in the league can have their status in the league stripped by a two thirds majority decision of the Assembly. Any attack against another member or observer of the league by another member or observer will result in the offending party having their status in the League immediately stripped.

Article II: The Iterian Assembly
Section 1. The primary legislative body of the Iterian League is to be the Iterian Assembly, upon whom all legislative power is to be vested and where all member nations are to be represented.
Section 2. Each member nation shall send a delegation of 15 parliamentarians to the Iterian Assembly, with each parliamentarian being granted one vote. Each observer nation shall send a single parliamentarian to the Iterian Assembly, with these parliamentarians being granted no vote. All representatives to the Iterian Assembly are to be elected in a manner determined by the state they represent.
Section 3. The Iterian Assembly shall have the right to legislate on all manners concerning its member states and the continent as a whole. This includes the ability to legislate on all matters of policy deemed necessary and proper by its constituent members to ensure greater connectivity and unity across Iteria.
Section 4. The Assembly will have the sole ability to draft and approve constitutional amendments, amendments to the Iterian Code, league-wide initiatives, resolutions, and motions.
Section 5. Constitutional amendments are all amendments to this founding document to establish the Iterian League. They require a two-thirds majority vote of the Iterian Assembly to pass.
Section 6. Amendments to the Iterian Code are alterations to the collected body of Iterian laws and regulations which have been established to guide the domestic policy of each member of the League. They require a simple majority vote of the Iterian Assembly to pass.
Section 7. League-wide initiatives are league-sponsored projects designed to advance a specific goal utilizing the combined efforts of each individual League members. Initiatives, unlike the Iterian Code or resolutions, are legally binding. As such, they require a two-thirds majority vote of the Iterian Assembly to pass.
Section 8. Resolutions are statements representing the collective opinion of the Iterian League on a specific issue that outlines legislative action that each Iterian League member is recommended to take. They require a simple majority vote of the Iterian Assembly to pass.
Section 9. Motions are proposed changes to the existing leadership, membership, or structure of the Iterian League. The existing motions that may be made are motions to admit new members, motions to suspend membership, motions to overturn a veto, motions of no confidence, and a motion for a constitutional convention. Each motion has a different majority vote it requires before passing the Iterian Assembly.
Section 10. When debate on a specific piece of legislation begins, it is first introduced by the Speaker of the Assembly. This is then followed by an author speech by the specific representative introducing the motion and a subsequent period of informal debate which eventually concludes with a parliamentary motion.
Section 11. Each member of the Assembly has a series of parliamentary motions they can make during debate. They are a motion to vote, amend, table, or table indefinitely. All motions require a second before a referendum on the motion is made. A motion to vote will trigger a vote on the legislation that is currently on the table. A motion to amend an item on the agenda is a motion which amends the legislation, initiative, or resolution at hand. It requires a simple majority to take effect. A motion to table is a motion designed to postpone debate or a vote on a matter until a time specified by the motioner. It requires a simple majority to pass. A motion to table indefinitely is a motion which halts any debate on the topic at hand indefinitely, killing the legislation. It requires a two third majority to pass.
Section 12. The Iterian Assembly shall be chaired by a Speaker, whom will be tasked as the presiding officer of the Assembly.
Section 13. The Speaker of the Assembly has the duty to maintain decorum, facilitate parliamentary procedure, and convene the monthly sessions of the Iterian Assembly. They have the power to arrange the legislative agenda for a meeting, remove speaking rights from a specific member with due cause, and establish guidelines for parliamentary procedure. The Speaker cedes all voting rights except in the event of a tie.
Section 14. The Speaker shall be elected and sworn in on the first date of February, June, and October. The Speaker shall be elected from among the voting members of the Iterian Assembly and shall give a sole campaign speech to the Assembly. The candidate which receives a plurality of votes shall be sworn in as the next speaker.
Section 15. Should any member of the Assembly be dissatisfied with the Speaker, they may introduce a Vote of No Confidence to the Iterian League. This motion shall be given immediate priority on the legislative agenda and will pass with a two thirds majority. Upon the passing of a Vote of No Confidence, the Speaker shall be forcibly removed from office, and an election will be held for a new Speaker to serve out the rest of the previous Speaker’s term.

Article III: The Secretariat
Section 1. The executive body of the Iterian League shall be the Secretariat, a collective body of all staffers and permanent workers in the executive portion of the Iterian League.
Section 2. The Secretariat shall be tasked with implementing all decisions of the Iterian Assembly. This includes administering the Iterian Code in nations which have opted to do so, fulfilling and implementing League-wide initiatives, and coordinating actions taken in adherence to an Iterian League resolution.
Section 3. The Secretariat shall maintain a presence across all member states, with at least one Secretariat facility operating in each member state. The Iterian League Headquarters will be treated as the collective property of the Iterian League, and thus does not count towards a national headquarters.
Section 4. The Secretary-General shall serve as the leader of the Secretariat, executive for the Iterian League, and spokesperson for the League as a whole.
Section 5. The Secretary-General will have complete administrative power of the Secretariat, having the power to manage all members of the Secretariat, appoint subsidiary undersecretaries to lead different aspects of the Secretariat, and to determine the specifics of the implementation of legislative action voted upon by the Iterian Assembly.
Section 6. The Secretary-General shall have additional powers over the legislature, maintaining the right to introduce new legislation and debate with the approval of the Speaker of the Assembly. Additionally, the Secretary-General has the ability to veto any amendments to the Iterian Code or resolutions passed by the Iterian League that have not achieved a two thirds majority. A veto can be overturned by the Iterian Assembly with a motion to do so, if it achieves a two thirds majority.
Section 7. The Secretary-General shall have a broader role as the chief leader and representative of the Iterian League. This means they are tasked with representing the Iterian League at all official functions, being the chief negotiator for the League, and drafting all agreements between the Iterian League and another party.
Section 8. During the elections for Speaker of the Assembly and Justice, the Secretary-General shall act as a presiding officer over each election until they have concluded.
Section 9. The Secretary-General shall be elected and sworn in on the first date of January, May, and September. All candidates must be nominated by their representatives in the Iterian Assembly and not be serving in either the Assembly or Court. Once all candidates have declared, they will give a speech to the Iterian Assembly, where the voting representatives of the Assembly shall vote for Secretary-General. The candidate which achieves a plurality shall be sworn in as the Secretary-General.
Section 10. Should any member of the Assembly lose confidence in the Secretary-General, they may introduce a Vote of No Confidence to the Iterian League. This motion shall be given immediate priority on the legislative agenda and will pass with a two thirds majority. Upon the passing of a Vote of No Confidence, the Secretary-General shall be forcibly removed from office, and an election will be held for a new Secretary-General to serve out the rest of the previous Secretary-General’s term.

Article IV: The Iterian Court
Section 1. The Iterian Court shall be the judiciary of the Iterian League, adjudicating on court cases involving the members of the Iterian League.
Section 2. Each member of the Iterian League shall have a single juror on the Iterian Court with a single vote it may cast to determine the outcome of a Court Case.
Section 3. The Iterian Court shall have the power to disperse rulings on all cases of importance to the Iterian League and the continent of Iteria on a whole. These particulars of these sentences are to be determined by the Justice in each particular court case.
Section 4. The Iterian Court shall have purview, with the consent of it’s members, to try all cases involving high crimes, international terrorism, crimes against the League, Iterian Code legal interpretations, or international disputes. A case must involve several members of the Iterian League for it to qualify for the Iterian Court.
Section 5. If a particular party would like to process a case, they must submit said case with sufficient reasoning to the current Justice of the Iterian League. The Justice will then either accept it or deny it if the crime matches the criterium and all parties to the case consent to having it tried by the Iterian League.
Section 6. Each court case begins with the prosecution and defense making opening arguments to frame the case. This is followed with the questioning of up to 3 witnesses per side. Afterwards, the Jurors and Judge may pose questions to the prosecution and defense, whom are legally obligated to answer. Finally, each side presents their closing arguments to the Justice. The Justice and Jurors will then convene in private and draft their final decision.
Section 7. The Iterian Court shall be presided over by a Justice, who will act as the Judge and presiding officer over all legal proceedings in the court.
Section 8. The Justice has the power to hand down all legal rulings in Iterian court cases. These rulings must be proportional to the crime and must be agreed upon by all Jurors in the court. The Justice has a duty to preside over all court cases in the Iterian Court and to remain impartial in these court cases. The Justice may only cast a vote to break a tie.
Section 9. The Justice shall be elected and sworn in on the first date of February, June, and October. The Justice shall be elected from among the Jurors of the Iterian Court. The Justice candidates shall not give a campaign speech, but rather must be nominated by a fellow member of the Jury. Once the candidates are selected, each Juror will cast their vote for the Justice. The candidate with a plurality of votes shall become the next Justice.
Section 10. Should any member of the Iterian Assembly lose confidence in the Justice, they may introduce a Vote of No Confidence concerning the Justice. This motion shall be given immediate priority on the legislative agenda and will pass with a two thirds majority. Upon the passing of a Vote of No Confidence, the Justice shall be forcibly removed from office, and an election will be held for a new Justice to serve out the rest of the previous Justice’s term.

Article V: The Iterian Code
Section 1. The Iterian Code shall be established as a standing body of rules, regulations, and policy suggestions for the Members of the Iterian League to use as recommendations for their own legislation.
Section 2. The Iterian Code shall have purview to establish guidelines on all matters of policy.
Section 3. The Iterian Code will be divided into Titles, Chapters, and Sections. Each Title shall be concerned with a certain area of policy that Iterian Member-States legislate upon, each Chapter shall contain a specific policy within the outline of the Title, and each Section shall contain a particular about the implementation and specifics of that policy.
Section 4. The Iterian Code may only be amended by a vote of the Iterian Assembly.
Section 5. The Iterian Code is non binding, and may be opted out of by any League Member.

Article VI: Administration
Section 1. The headquarters of the Iterian League are to be located in Dazhou, Ascalon.
Section 2. Each member of the Iterian League shall construct a National Headquarters, as well as several subsidiary offices, for the Iterian League within their nation. These offices should be capable of facilitating the Iterian League secretariat, hosting that nation’s League officials, and serving as a secondary headquarters for the Iterian League in the event that the main facilities are unavailable.
Section 3. Each member of the Iterian Assembly, both Observer and Voting, shall be compensated 150,000 NSD annually for their services to the Iterian League. The Speaker of the Assembly shall be compensated 200,000 NSD annually for their services to the Iterian League.
Section 4. The Secretary-General of the Iterian League shall be compensated 300,000 NSD annually for their services to the Iterian League. Each member of the Secretariat, both undersecretaries and regular staffers, shall receive recompense to be determined on a yearly basis with the drafting of the budget. The Secretary-General shall determine their salary.
Section 5. Each Juror of the Iterian Court shall be compensated 150,000 NSD annually for their services to the Iterian League. The Justice of the Iterian Court shall be compensated 200,000 NSD annually for their services to the Iterian League.
Section 6. All officials and representatives laid out in this constitution shall have access to transport, living accommodations, and basic provisions when on the business of the Iterian League.
Section 7. All funds for salaries and amenities shall be procured from a League-wide treasury to be maintained by the Secretariat and funded by the Members of the Iterian League.
Section 8. All Member-States of the Iterian League shall allocate 0.25% of their GDP to be utilized as membership dues for the Iterian League. These funds shall be compiled into a General Fund to be utilized by the League in whatever manner it sees fit. Additional funding may be procured by a vote of the Iterian Assembly.

Article VII: General Provisions
Section 1. Should any member of the Iterian Assembly deem it necessary, they may call for a Constitutional Convention, where a series of major changes may be made to the Constitution of the Iterian League. This convention may be called after a motion to do so passes with a three-fourths majority of the Iterian League voting to do so. This convention will be presided over by the sitting Secretary-General of the Iterian League. During the convention, amendments to this constitution will only require a simple majority. A completely new consitution will require a two-thirds majority.
Section 2. Member-States of the Iterian League must recognize the supremacy of the Iterian Constitution over all other international organizations or agreements they may be party to.

The Most High Akiram Shiraz, President of Iraelia (Member, 1982)
The Most Honorable Tzufit Feldshuh, Prime Minister of Iraelia (Member, 1982)

Kamaal al-Kazir, Malik of Kazirstan (Member, 1982)
The Right Honorable Zufar el-Akbari, Prime Minister of Kazirstan (Member, 1982)

Fareed Soleyameni II, Shah of Kaandar (Member, 1982)
His Excellency Nazim Hatami, Alrrayida of Kaandar (Member, 1982)

The Right Honorable Kyo Takada, President of Skanda (Observer, 1982; Member, 1987)
The Honorable Iakeni Haruta, Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Observer, 1982; Member, 1987)

The Grand Emperor of Goyanes and the Ascalonian Dominion, Natan III Natansson of Kjellse and Tages (Observer, 1982)
The Right Honorable Sven Odinsson Korringer, Prime Minister of the Imperial Goyanean Federation (Observer, 1982)

The Most Renown Egon Kossman, Emperor of Kranostav (Member, 1991)
The Honorable Victoria Retford, Minister of Foreign Affairs (Member, 1991)

The Governor-General in place for His Imperial Majesty, Anthony I Natansson of Kjellse and Tages, Thor Yang (Member, 2002)
The Right Honorable Prime Minister of Ascalon, Deng Youming (Member, 2002)

King of Plembobria, Timothy III (Member, 2017)
The Right Honorable Sydney Briggs, Prime Minister of Plembobria (Member, 2017)

Imperial Empress, High Regent, and Mother of the Children of Yukkira, Kirin Yuki (Member, 2017)
Crown Prince Arima Yuki, High Minister of Foreign Affairs (Member, 2017)
To: The Representatives of the Directorate
From: The Office of Bahit Yohad, Acting Chairman of the Directorate

Esteemed members of the Directorate,

In wake of the death of former Chairman, Ozaki Kyuso, I have taken up the role of Acting Chairman. However, my government has called upon me to take up the spot on the conservative list formally held by the late Tzufit Feldshuh. Seeing as I will no longer be able to perform my duties, I find it imperative to hold an election for the position of Chairman. The Directorate will convene in three days to elect said Chairman, and I will preside over this meeting. The Iraelian government, wishing to run its own candidate, will be sending Irad Yasur to cast our vote. She will act as Iraelia's representative and I will act only as an official to preside over the election. All nations wishing to run a candidate, please notify the other members of the Directorate within the next three days.

Bahit Yohad
Acting Chairman of the Directorate
To: Members of the Directorate
From: Office of Domonic Saft, Representative of Kranostav

Members of the Directorate,

I am here communicating with you today on the behalf of the nation of Kranostav to formally announce the candidacy of the Dominic Saft for the position of Chairman. I would also like to say that I wish all other candidates the best of luck and I look forward to the future of the Iterian League regardless of the election results!

Thank you for your time honorable members of the Directorate!

Domonic Saft
The High Executive Office of Kranostav
Bahit Yohad stared over the members of the League as they took their seats. This was a very momentous time for the continent. Skanda had once again become communist, Oshiro was nearing his death, Feldshuh died two years into his term. The League will be an important organization during this strife, and this election will be an important determining factor in the League's success. His train of thought was halted as he saw each representative take their seats. He then addressed the Directorate.

"Esteemed members of the Directorate, I hereby call this Special Session of the Iterian League to order. We have two candidates before us today, Domonic Saft and Irad Yasur. Mr. Saft, you have the floor," the Acting Chairman said.

I am new to the continent Iteria. I would like to join The Iterian League.
Bahit Yohad stared over the members of the League as they took their seats. This was a very momentous time for the continent. Skanda had once again become communist, Oshiro was nearing his death, Feldshuh died two years into his term. The League will be an important organization during this strife, and this election will be an important determining factor in the League's success. His train of thought was halted as he saw each representative take their seats. He then addressed the Directorate.

"Esteemed members of the Directorate, I hereby call this Special Session of the Iterian League to order. We have two candidates before us today, Domonic Saft and Irad Yasur. Mr. Saft, you have the floor," the Acting Chairman said.
Domonic Saft walks up to the podium in his nearly furnished Kranostavian Suit. Clears his throat, and begins
"Thank you Mr. Yohad.

It is truly a great honor to be standing in front of this Directorate. I would like to thank all of you for attending this special session!

By now it has come to your attention that there are two new candidates for chairman. Both I [He pauses and extends a hand in the direction of Irad Yasur] and the esteemed Irad Yasur of Iraelia. One could argue that we are both great choices for the appointment of chairman and... Well, that would be a correct assessment, however only one of us may win. And because of such circumstance, I would like the share with you the hopes and plans I have for the future of the Iterian League

[He creates a fist as he rests it on the podium and overlooks the crowd with a strong demeanor]

We must unify under the single banner of the League. We must not fell each other to the petty infighting and political disagreements that have caused conflicts between us in the past. We must guarantee the security of the League and ensure our sovereignty not only as each individual nation but also as a region and League. We must unite and put aside past and present disagreements in the League to ensure a prosperous future.
We must make the League Strong Again!

We must prioritize trade not only on a local level but on an international scale. As a region we posses countless amounts of untapped resources and pristine ocean-line. We can and will be one of the strongest and most prosperous regions in the world if we properly allocate our resources and take advantage of intercontinental trading networks in order to gain an advantage abroad. We shall not only ensure a wealthy future for our sovereign nations but also the League.
We must make the League Prosperous Again!

As a League we posses a rich and complex history that is unmatched anywhere else on earth. We must take hold of our history and use it to further our region both locally and globally. We have connections all thoughtout the world. Whether it be colonization like my homeland, or revolt, or exploration... We have a history that we should not let die. We, as members of this League, have a commitment to furthering the splendor and accomplishments of Iteria. We shall not go softly into a night that dims the light of our awe. We must return Iteria and her sovereign nations to their greatness.
We must make the League Great Again!

I hope I am chosen to be your next chairman, I hope you will follow my lead as we plunge into the next chapter of our magnificent League. Long Live the League!"
[Looks throughout the crowd and nods to no specific group of people]

Thank you for your time honorable members of the Directorate.
[Smiles and un-clinches fist as he walks toward the edge of the stage]
"Thank you Mr. Domonic," the Acting Chairman said. "It is now in order for a speech from the Iraelian candidate, Ms. Yasur, you have the floor."

Irad Yasur rose to stand, her speech in hand. She gave it a quick glance and set it down on her desk. In spite of her nerves, she could not show it. Iraelia was counting on her. Once she had laid down her speech, she bowed her head to thank the acting chairman.

"Thank you, Mr. Yohad. Now, my most esteemed colleagues, I would like to thank Mr. Saft for the speech he gave. The League is going through a tumultuous time and I am sure that he would make a wonderful Chairman. Sadly, only one individual may serve as the Chairman of the Directorate, and I can assure you that I am the best individual to serve in this role. My opponent is all well and good to talk about prosperity, strength, and grandeur, but the most important thing to discuss in policy. Policy is what will make us prosper. Policy is what determines our strength. Policy is what will make the League great again. I intend to help shape League policy for the next four months to come. Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose the following policy points:

a) An military and humanitarian intervention in Necerierra to restore the nation and fight off the fascist forces which threaten our continent
b) The introduction of free trade to Iteria and the creation of a Southern Erasian Partnership
c) A precedent of constant policy introduction to the Directorate

As you well know, Necerierra has recently plummeted into civil war, with a fascist faction undermining the democratically elected government. I would like you all to remember what happened the last time fascist forces had a foothold on this continent. We were plunged into a bloody, decades long war which caused our continent to almost tear itself to pieces. If we wish to hold true to our charter and defend this continent which we hold so dear, then we must make an intervention in Necerierra. The nation is small, so each nation will only have to send about 1,000 soldiers each. Even then, all resolutions are non binding, so any nation wishing not to make the commitment will not be bound to send any ground troops. In addition to military support, the nations is in dire need of relief. The civil war has severely damaged the nation and it is our duty as fellow Iterians to ease their pain. I propose we pass a resolution to provide medical aid to all non combatants injured in the conflict. In doing so we stand in solidarity, unity, and strength with our fellow Iterians!

As to trade, I think my opponent and I share a very similar policy. We both prioritize free trade and intercontinental trade for the betterment of Iteria. However, unlike my opponent, I will offer specifics. In our first legislative session, I intend to introduce a free trade agreement for our league designed to lay a bedrock for future economic cooperation. This future economic cooperation will come in the form of the Southern Erasian Partnership, a free trade deal that Iraelia's trade representatives have been working on for sometime. For a long time, the northern nations of Eras have been the undisputed economic champions of our world. SEP seeks to change this. Now I know some of us may have some reservations about severing ties with the north, Iraelia itself has deep economic ties to Syrixia, which is why this deal will not introduce protectionist tariffs on northern goods. Rather, this deal will only free up southern trade and seek to make it competitive with the north. As chairman, these policy proposals would become my top priority as they are a cornerstone of my platform.

The final pillar of my platform is to continue the activity of the Directorate. So many alliances have fallen apart because their governing organization doesn't convene often. We simply cannot allow this to happen to the League. It is written into our charter that this organization is to serve as a constant forum on the issues that face our continent, and I intend to keep it that way. Under my leadership, we will hold monthly legislative sessions and we will retain the activity that organizations like META, the Novrith Pact, and Pax Latina have failed to keep. Together, we will build a better, safer, and united Iteria! Thank you."

Irad Yasur sat down after she had concluded her speech.

"Thank you Ms. Yasur. Seeing as each candidate has concluded their speech, it is now in order for a vote on the Chairman. Vote will be conducted using the following ballot," the acting chairman said as the ballot was sent to each voting member in the room.

Vote: <Irad Yasur, Iraelia | Domonic Saft, Kranostav | Abstain>
The Vote will conclude after a majority is achieved for any candidate, every member has voted, or five days have passed. The candidate with the most votes will assume the role of Chairman.
"Seeing as a majority of nations have chosen a candidate, Irad Yasur is to succeed me as Chairman of the Iterian League," Bahit said, "Ms. Yasur will officially take office on the first of September. I would like to now invite our new Chairman to my seat." The Acting Chairman stepped down to allow his successor to his new seat.

"I would like to thank everyone, regardless of who you voted for. It is important that we remain united in such pivotal times as these. I would like to extend a special thank you to my opponent, who contributed a good many ideas on how to maintain the prosperity of the League. Now, I know you all must be tired, so I will keep it short and sweet. On September 1, the day I am taking office, we will be holding our first legislative session to discuss possible new members and resolutions for the Directorate. All those who would like to introduce a motion to admit a new member or author a resolution, please contact me three days before we convene. I am pleased to announce that I will be serving alongside the Representative from Takashima, Yoshihama Tokaji, whom I have chosen to be my Deputy Chairman. Once again, I thank you for this honor, and am ecstatic about the possibilities the future holds." She stepped down from the podium to allow Mr. Yohad to ascend the podium once more.

"This meeting is now adjourned," he said, knocking his gavel thrice against the soundblock.
To: The Representatives of the Directorate
From: The Office of Irad Yasur, Acting Chairman of the Directorate

Esteemed friends,

I apologize for any delays I may have caused recently. Prime Minister Yamesh had called me back to the capital to help aid him in matters of state. However, now that those issues have been resolved, it is with great honor that I invoke my power as Chairman to call a meeting of the Directorate to take place on September 3, 2017. Seeing as no members, aside from myself, have taken upon themselves to draft any resolutions I will be accepting any late submissions for this next meeting. As there have been no additional submissions as of yet, our agenda remains the following.
  1. Directorate Resolution #1: General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
    Author: Irad Yasur
  2. Directorate Resolution #2: General Agreement on Travel
    Author: Irad Yasur
  3. A Motion concerning a Forum on Global Issues
    Sponsor: Irad Yasur
  4. A Motion to admit Syrixia to the League as an Observer State
    Sponsor: Irad Yasur
Irad Yasur
Chairman of the Directorate
"Thank you all for being here," Irad Yasur said as the Directorate Representatives took their seats, "It is with great enthusiasm that I call this First Legislative Session of the Iterian League to order!"

She hit her gavel thrice against the sound block.

"It is now in order for an introductory speech on Directorate Resolution #1: The General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. A copy of the Resolution shall be brought to your seats. Domonic Saft, you have the floor."

Directorate Resolution #1:
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
Authors: Irad Yasur, Iraelia, and Domonic Saft, Kranostav

Section 1. The nations of the Iterian League shall seek to strike down trade barriers between their nations and pursue a policy of free international trade with one another.
Section 2. No nation shall implement protectionist policies designed to give their industry an unfair advantage on the Iterian Market. These laws include tariffs on goods from other members of the League or subsidies designed to undermine the industries of other Iterian nations.
Section 3. Certain industries may be designated as protected industries, allowing league members to utilize subsidies or tariffs to protect those industries from unfair foreign competition.
Section 4. The State of Iraelia retains the right to protect the Information Technology and Uranium Mining sectors with subsidies designed to make these industries competitive on the Iterian Market and tariffs to protect the domestic sale of Information Technology and Uranium.
Section 5. The Democratic People’s Republic of Skanda retains the right to protect the Agricultural and Manufacturing sectors with subsidies designed to make these industries competitive on the Iterian Market and tariffs to protect the domestic sale of Agricultural and Manufactured goods.
Section 6. The Constitutional Monarchy of Kranostav retains the right to protect the Manufacturing and Mining sectors with subsidies designed to make these industries competitive on the Iterian Market and tariffs to protect the domestic sale of Industrial and Mined goods.
Section 7. The Dominion of Ascalon retains the right to protect the Manufacturing and Agricultural sectors with subsidies designed to make these industries competitive on the Iterian Market and tariffs to protect the domestic sale of Agricultural and Manufactured goods..
Section 8. The Shogunate of Takashima retains the right to protect the Metallic Refining and Manufacturing sectors with subsidies designed to make these industries competitive on the Iterian Market and tariffs to protect the domestic sale of Refined and Manufactured goods..
Section 9. This document shall be amended by the Directorate in the event that League Members wish to protect another industry with tariffs and subsidies, or in the event that a new member nation joins the League.
Section 10. All member nations of the League, upon the passing of this agreement, shall have a two years grace period in which they may enact legislation to bring them into compliance with this resolution. All those member nations which have joined the League after the ratification of the agreement will be afforded a two year grace period upon their entrance to enact laws bringing them into compliance with this agreement.
Domonic Saft takes the podium and calmly looks up with a smile before he begins.

"Ladies and Gentlement of the Directorate, thank you all for being here on this fine day! It is my pleasure to introduce to you the cosponsored Resolution known formally as, The General Agreement on Trade.

This resolution will bring true economic strength to the Iterian League! As you may all have already distinguished, the resolution instructs each nation to foster the growth of their main industry with full support from the League. Our wish is for nations to strengthen their main industries to become world competitors while sharing the benefits of other industries within the league."

Domonic readjusts and takes a sip of water before continuing, "it should be noted that the first two clauses effectively unite the Iterian League economically and allow us to all start with a fresh sheet. It should be noted that none of the policies mean to infringe on the right of member nations to properly manage their own economy and production of specific goods as they see fit, but rather manage how Iterian League nations interact with the world. Should a nation begin to under perform in their respective industry, the League will convene and decide proper action on a case by case basis. One should also understand that this does not prohibit any nation from manufacturing any good or from committing work to any industry, but rather a guide on how much a nation must act when producing goods. This resolution will serve as lasting a protection to the economic stability of the Iterian League."

Domonic pauses and then decides to open up the floor to questions for a short time on anyone who has any inquires on the resolution's finer points or as a whole.
Ito Katsuhito cleared his throat as he stood up from his seat, his dark gray suit contrasting with his fair, yet slightly tanned skin. He spoke in Skandan, and his translator began taking notes of what Ito was saying as he spoke. “On behalf of the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda, I would like to raise concern over our current situation- With the restructuring of the government comes the restructuring of our economy, and because of this restructuring we would like to be temporarily exempt from the resolution, or at least temporarily exempt from some of more specific parts of this resolution, specifically the area that describes what happens in the situation that would occur if a nation began to under perform- This is our only concern as of now, thank you for listening.” He sat back down, raking his hand through his black, graying hair. His translator stood up, and in a slight Skandan accent, began to repeat what Ito said in Mercanti. Although Ito could understand Mercanti, his actual Mercanti vocabulary was a bit limited. Both Ito and his translator awaited a response from Saft.
Haakon Tai-Shun stands from his seat.

"Since I see everyone has voiced their opinions and concerns on this resolution, I hereby motion for a vote."
Irad Yasur decided to answer the Skandan concerns before Domonic. "I would like to remind the Skandan representative that, according to the Charter, that all agreements are completely optional so they have every right to be temporarily exempt from this legislation. Also, the GATT does allow each nation a suggested two year long grace period to enact legislation to comply with this agreement. With that being said, I will second the motion to a vote. It is now in order for a vote on the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Ballots are being passed around to you all."

GATT Ballot:
Nation: <Nation here>
Vote: <Yea | Nay>
"Seeing as a majority has been reached, this resolution does pass. It is now in order for debate on Directorate Resolution #2, a General Agreement on Travel. This resolution will reduce travel barriers between our nations. A copy of the resolution is currently being passed around the room. But seeing as I've said my piece, I would like to open up the resolution to informal debate for the chamber."

Directorate Resolution #2:
General Agreement on Travel
Author: Irad Yasur, Iraelia

Section 1. The nations of the League shall endeavor to reduce travel barriers between each other and aspire to allow free movement of people between their nations, allowing foreign citizens to travel as they please between each other.
Section 2. The nations of the League are encouraged to streamline the process of obtaining citizenship in each others nations and to make work visas more readily available for prospective workers.
Section 3. No nation in the League shall completely prevent their citizens from traveling to another member of the League.
Section 4. Members of the League retain their right to enforce their border, outline the process for obtaining citizenship, and rules concerning travel outside their home nation or the process of leaving their home nation in favor of the nation of another League member.
Section 5. Members of the League retain their right to offer asylum to citizens of other League nations and to make decisions concerning refugees and undocumented immigrants from other League members.
Section 6. League Members shall have a year after the establishment of this agreement to enact and amend their legal codes and comply with these terms.
"Seeing as it seems that no one has any concerns regarding the resolution, I'd like to move for a vote. Any seconds?"
"Seeing as a majority has been achieved, this resolution does pass." Yasur said, hitting her gavel thrice against the soundblock.

"It is now in order for the final business of the month, a motion to admit Syrixia to the Iterian League as an observer state. As you well know, Syrixia has played an important role on the continent of Iteria for sometime now. They operate a large number of military bases on the continent and also have played an important role throughout history. They helped mediate the peace talks that ended the Iterian War, and they have fought tirelessly for the peace and freedom of Iteria. Seeing as this is the case, I would like to move that we admit the state of Syrixia to the Iterian League as an observer member. I would like to open this resolution up to informal debate, feel free to voice any concerns now."
Ito quickly stood up, very obviously angry from the tone of his Skandan mumbling. His translator tried to calm him, to no avail. He threw a manilla folder of papers he had been looking at down onto the table, and spoke in loud, angry Skandan ignoring all formalities, and at this point starting to use slang terms. “What a preposterous, vile idea! The Syrixians have been nothing but greedy, corrupt, dogs for the whole of Iterian history! How dare you even propose that! Of course, it makes sense coming from the kei’nu’uma that is Iraelia.. It’s disgusting frankly, they held your nation captive for centuries, and yet you still act like their lapdog!” He paused, gathering himself for a moment before talking loudly again. “I don’t even want to be in the same room as someone who would consider the air gangsters, to quote the Naizerri, of all nations, to be in the Iterian League. We barely even tolerate the other imperialists in this alliance! This discussion is over!” Ito finally finished his rant, sitting down and raking his hand through his hair. His translator stood up, stammering on the first few words in Mercanti before raising his voice to emulate Ito’s tone. Ito angrily awaited the inevitable Iraelian response.
Irad Yasur stood calmly to offer her response. She tried desperately to hide her smile as she began her speech. "I'd like to remind the fine gentleman from Skanda that, while he can rant about the imperialist 'air gangsters' all he wants, Skanda doesn't exactly have the best track record itself."

She paused to look at Ito for a moment and then continued.

"Or shall I remind you? Skandan forces, as part of the Dominion, attempted a full blown invasion of Iraelia with the support of Kaandar and Kazirstan. You conquered town after town, and relentlessly shelled the holy city of Adonai-Jireh. In total, death estimates are in the millions. The only thing that stopped the incessant Skandan need to grab every bit of land it sees was an organization of ordinary people, the Iraelian Militiamen, who fought for the freedom of their countrymen, and for all Iterians. It even went so far as to liberate the Bari, a region of Skanda which has yearned for independence for years. Pray tell, who supported this militia? The Syrixian government. The Syrixian government fought for the freedom of Iteria in direct opposition to Skanda."

Yasur paused once more to watch Ito's face flush red in anger.

"Let's now fast forward, to the 60s. Here, the totalitarian Socialist Republic of Skanda once again attempted to wrest control of Iteria by invading the Free Republic of the Bari. This, as per the Treaty of Bari'male, led to war with Iraelia. The bloody drawn out conflict between defenders of the republic and the socialist tyrants in Skanda. Who fought on the side of the Bari, Mr. Ito? It was the Syrixian Empire, who had come to aid us in our struggle for the freedom of the Bari and the Maru people. Now, this is not to say neither of you should be in this union, the Iterian League is a strong pillar of Iterian diplomacy, but I find any criticism from Skanda on this matter to be quite unnuanced. With that being said, are there any other concerns?"
Ito nodded disapprovingly, and stood again before his translator even had time to try and stop him. He was a little calmer this time. “May I remind you what your capitalist democracy led to? Instability and corruption. The Skandan people were at their lowest point in history because of your damned nation and that war! May I also remind you why that war was started in the first place? Because another imperialist, just like the Syrixians forced us into the Fascist War before. If you think we chose to bombard your supposed holy city, than you need to pick up a history book. Iraelia then puppeted rightful Skandan land, which Skanda, again, had no say in. Continuing with my history lesson that you apparently needed, the Bari has been unstable since the original Aizo landed in Skanda, and you only further aided in their instability.” His voice rose again. “Iraelia didn’t do it for the Bari, they didn’t do it for the people! They did it to further themselves as a supposed capitalist utopia, to spite it’s neighbor, to show dominance as a greedy imperialist nation! Your nation is no savior, your nation is a disgrace to it’s own ideology, your nation is built on the backs of the tired workers, and on the lies of a broken, corrupt system! That corruption seeps into this alliance, and it’s only furthered by the idea that the Syrixians should be allowed in this alliance.”

He took a deep breath before he continued, “Now yes, onto the 60s… The supposed guardians of capitalism and democracy, ‘liberated’ our glorious nation- That’s now how I saw it! That’s not how the people being burned alive by your napalm saw it! You gunned us down without mercy, destroyed our home, all to once again further your influence on the innocent nations of Iteria who are forced the deal with Iraelia… And you dare to call us tyrants. We only wanted our rightful land back, land that had been taken from us without even consulting our leadership, land that was unstable, and could only be tamed by Skanda! Don’t even get me started on Syrixia’s role in all of this. You really think they care about a former colony? Let me answer that for you, they don’t. They care about influence. They didn’t join the war to aid your nation, they joined it to further their influence on former colonial possessions, and Iraelia took the bait. I thought just your nation was disgusting, but I see now that you are as well. This whole alliance is nothing but corrupt snakes vying for power. I will be apart of it no longer!” And with that, he left the room. His translator, Sone Yoshitora, attempted to convince him to come back, but he was left standing alone in the wake of Ito’s.. Rather unorganized rant. He meekly spoke into the microphone, repeating what he said in Mercanti, not including his tone this time. “S-Skanda wishes to table this argument indefinitely. I would also like to apologize on behalf of Skanda for Mr. Katsuhito’s brash, irresponsible rant- H-he will not go unpunished, I can assure you.” He said, before trying to organize the now messy desk which had papers strewn about it due to Ito’s hand movements during his rant. Sone sat down, his face bright red with embarrassment.
Yasur was thoroughly unimpressed by the Skandans behavior. She feared that this would have further reaching diplomatic consequences this would have. In spite of her anger, she had a job to do, and recognizing a motion was part of it. "A motion to table this matter indefinitely is on the floor, are there any seconds?"
Yasur sighed. She knew deep down the measure was never going to get passed. People simply were unable to look past the previous actions of the empire. She rose to address the Directorate.

"Seeing that the League's opinion appears to be clear on the matter, Iraelia votes aye on this matter and the motion does carry. Syrixia will not join the Iterian League. Seeing as this was the last order of business for the month, I hereby close this September session of the Iterian League." She concluded, hitting her gavel thrice around the soundblock. "I look forward to seeing you all in October."