[GA, Test Run] Package Deal: Repeal and Replace GA 286

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
I am doing this as a test run for Auralia to see where TNP stands on a package deal to repeal and replace Reproductive Freedoms. The rules are simple: Both resolutions will be laid out in this thread. You have three voting options which will be explained at the end of both resolutions. You may discuss at will.

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Part 1: "Repeal: Reproductive Freedoms"
Category: Repeal
Target: GA #286
Proposed by: Railana
Onsite Topic

Affirming the World Assembly's commitment to promoting reproductive rights as well as maternal and reproductive health,

Commending GAR #286, "Reproductive Freedoms", for its defense of reproductive rights on an international level, especially its protections to ensure that abortion procedures are safe and properly regulated and its prohibition of targeted animosity against those who procure and provide abortions,

Concerned, however, that the target resolution takes the unfortunately inflexible approach of legalizing abortion at all stages of pregnancy with no exception,

Alarmed that the approach effectively prohibits any restrictions on discriminatory practices such as sex-selective abortion, which contributes to serious gender imbalances and numerous related social problems in several member states,

Remarking that numerous member states have legitimate moral and ethical concerns regarding the unconditional legality of abortions after fetal viability, especially when alternatives such as adoption are readily available,

Seeking to achieve a reasonable accommodation of these concerns in the interests of international cooperation and goodwill,

Hoping that a moderate resolution governing reproductive rights will be passed in short order,

The General Assembly,

Repeals GAR #286, "Reproductive Freedoms".
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Part 2: "Convention on Reproductive Freedoms"
Category: Health
Area of Effect: Healthcare
Proposed by: United Massachusetts
Onsite Topic

The General Assembly:

Affirming the World Assembly's commitment to promoting reproductive rights as well as maternal and reproductive health,

Cognizant that numerous member states have legitimate moral and ethical concerns regarding the legality of abortion, especially when alternatives such as adoption are readily available,

Seeking to accommodate these nations in the interests of international cooperation and goodwill while preserving a base level of reproductive rights throughout the World Assembly,
Defines, for the purposes of this resolution, the following terms:
abortion as the intentional termination of a pregnancy prior to or during the process of birth
abortion provider as a medically-licensed professional who provides abortions
abortion clinic as any medical facility which provides abortion services
Recognizes abortion as a medical procedure subject to the same regulations on informed consent that apply to other medical procedures under World Assembly law,

Mandates that member nations provide legal protection against targeted and violent action against individuals who procure abortions, abortion providers, or anyone involved in the process thereof,

Prohibits member nations from prosecuting, imprisoning, or otherwise punishing by law an individual for procuring an abortion,

Further prohibits member nations from prosecuting, imprisoning, or otherwise punishing by law an abortion provider for performing an abortion necessary to preserve an individual's life, or an abortion obtained due to rape or incest,

Requires member nations to permit individuals who are otherwise in compliance with customs and immigration law to travel to other nations for the purposes of procuring an abortion,

Urges member nations to make available to the public relevant contraceptive access, sexual education, adoptive services, and welfare services so as to reduce the number of unneeded abortions,

Declares that physicians, nurses, and other medical personnel may not be penalized by member states or private entities for refusing to perform or assist with an abortion on grounds of conscience, except where necessary to preserve an individual's life,

Reserves to member nations the right to legislate on the issue of abortion, subject to the mandates of both this resolution and prior, unrepealed legislation.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For Both if you approve of the entire package deal.
  • Vote For Repeal Only if you approve of the repeal, but not the replacement.
  • Vote Against if you are against the repeal, even with a replacement. You cannot vote for the replacement only as the repeal is a prerequisite.
For repeal only.

While I agree that GA #286 is a broken resolution attempting to fix a problem, which is clearly laid out in the repeal (hence my support), I can see no attempt to solve these in the replacement resolution:
  • The replacement resolution defines abortion as "the intentional termination of a pregnancy prior to or during the process of birth." One of the major problems with the initial resolution is that it legalised abortions at all times, but this definition is no better.
  • Sex-selective abortions are completely ignored in the replacement resolution, let alone having a solution proposed.
A repeal and replace package should be made, but not this replacement.
If I had a vote, I would be against this, not only because it would allow nations to make abortions illegal, but also because of the dumb and wrong argument in the repeal:

"Remarking that numerous member states have legitimate moral and ethical concerns regarding the unconditional legality of abortions after fetal viability, especially when alternatives such as adoption are readily available,"

Adoption is not an alternative to abortion. Adoption is an alternative to child raising. An abortion is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy, something that adoption does not do.

And to just address the meta, real life implications of that kind of logic for the moment, for the most recent year (2013) that there are statistics for, the Centre for Disease Control reports that there were 664,000 abortions in the United States, excluding the states of California, Maryland and New Hampshire, who didn't report figures to the CDC, so the number could actually be as high as 700,000 plus.

There were over 400,000 children in the foster care system in 2014 and in that year and for the three years before it, more children entered the system than left in. 240,000 children left the care system in that year. 51% were the termination of temporary care arrangements meaning reunification with a parent or primary care giver. Just 20% were adoptions, or less than 50,000.

Let's assume 50% of abortions become adoptions. That means that each year, you are adding 330,000 children into a care system from which just 50,000 were adopted. In ten years you'll have added 2.8 million. By the time those first 280,000 unadopted kids leave the system - with worse outcomes than most demographics - there will have been over 5 million unadopted children added to the system.