Notboss Dragonking
just forget the rp
One of the fundamental rules of RP is that you never decide another player's actions for them. This is one of the definitions of "godmodding." (The other being making yourself so ridiculously overpowered that nobody stands a chance against you")Little do they know that the radar of Egolatir has seen them and the ships are starting to prepare for a possible battle. The white flag under the Draconicsian flag over all ships doesn't seem to be doing it's job.
I'm sorrySil Dorsett:When done in good faith, criticism is help, only that it is reactive rather than proactive. You've made a decision, and now we're explaining how a problem or rules violation has occurred.
I wasn't saying that you posed as someone that the world cannot stand against. That was a proactive "Hey, watch out for this and don't make this mistake." Understand that every piece of information helps, whether someone appears benevolent or annoyed, the latter of which I'm not.
I heard Darcania turned you down. I'm not sure how to fix that with your ships already enroute if Darcania doesn't wish to make a post. Maybe there was a breakdown a short distance away from Draconics and your convoy had to turn around. ¯\_(?)_/¯
Remember that RP is a collaborative effort, and communication comes first. With all three of them, you cannot just insert them into the story if they don't want to be a part of it. I would ask around in PMs or ask everyone in the RP Discord if there is interest, and explain the story idea you have ahead of time. Talk to us!
Finally, don't give up. I saw you deleted your story. You shouldn't have. There was still a chance to recover it, and we're willing to help.