Revolution Reborn


TNP Nation
(August 8th, 2017)
The city guard had turned, handing weapons to the rioters. From batons to assault rifles, the populace of Fort Sean was armed and angry. They mobbed through the outskirts of town, brutally killing or mutilating any police force that stood up to them. By sundown, they had reached the Sundeonian Radio Tower, used usually to broadcast music and talk shows across the region. Instead, a message was sent out by an anonymous man. It repeated every twenty seconds for several hours, reaching across Sundeon and even a bit farther. It was as follows:
Broadcast from SRT:
'My Sundeonian brothers and sisters, we have been under the Calgarian oppression for two hundred years. We have pushed them out of our historical city, and now we have time to push them out of our nation. So heed to this call of arms! Rise up and push the tyrants out of your towns and cities! Exactly two hundred and four days ago, Sundeon was annexed by Calgary. Now we shall break free.'

(August 9th, 2017)
As the couple hundred mountaineers surrounded the abandoned city, one Squad looked along the empty highway, slowly moving into the mess of buildings. The officer put up his hand and the group crouched onto their haunches, and the officer began speaking into his radio. A crack echoed out through the streets, and a man collapsed. The officer dropped his radio and scrambled with his squad to cover. The safety of assault rifles clicked off, and the officer peeked over the concrete highway barrier he had jumped behind. Glancing over the windows, he saw an un-uniformed man fumbling with a sniper rifle.
The officer yelled out the order: "Spray 'em." Rifle barrels went up and opened fire on the building, smashing window panes and putting bullet holes in the wall. Slowly, each gun stopped firing, and the officer retrieved his radio. He began speaking to the lieutenant colonel of the brigade, talking of the armed civilians. The order to push towards the town center was given, and any person to who as much unsheathed a knife was to be apprehended or shot.
As resistance arose across Sundeon, Queen Grace III spoke in private to her parliament, "Ladies and gentlemen, trouble has once again risen in Sundeon. This is not uncommon, but this riot has been on for two days now, and thirteen soldiers have died. Kanada will remain united, but this is much larger than a riot. This is revolt."
(August 11-13th)
The Army had been partially mobilised, and was sent to Sundeon to help with the uprising in Fort Sean. A platoon on four trucks south were ambushed in the forest, and leaded to the deaths of 14 soldiers and a rough estimate of 7-10 Sundeonians. Throughout the few days, dozens of similar ambushes went on, near large towns or small cities. Instead of being sent down in small groups, the army was immediatly recalled to southern Calgary, and grouped together. It continued back down to the force of about 400 soldiers surrounding Fort Sean.
The Kanadians were painfully stretched around the rebellious city, and their assault towards the inside of the city was met with dozens dead, and they were forced to fall back to the light defensive positions they had outside the city. Once back there, the rebels could not break out. Despite being outnumbered, the small force held on. At least until the new rebelling forces from other cities and towns began attacking their unprotected backs. They were now being attacked by both sides, and by the sunset of the 13th, nearly 100 soldiers were killed, injured, or captured.
(August 14th)
The Royal Kanadian Air Force was put into action. The Sundeonians had no air force, nor anti-aircraft guns, and so the Kanadians began flying over Ft. Sean, dropping leaflets instead of bombs, telling them they were going to be crushed and they should give up. To bomb, situation was not that dire-yet-and so destroying the infrastructure would just mean more money spent from them. Paratroopers were dropped in the evening to support the forces in a dire situation. Unprepared, many of the paratroopers landed in the wrong spots, becoming surrounded in the enemy. By midnight, about 50 men had landed succesfully
(August 14-18th)
The army sent to surround Fort Sean has been destroyed, but the large clump of soldiers have reached the main rebellion. Guerrilla warfare became common, especially in the mountains. Previously held by Kanada, hidden military bases dot the large mountain, and are nearly impossible to capture without a much larger advantage in terms of manpower. The army moved south, taking out bunker after bunker at a high cost of life. By the 17th, hundreds were dead on both sides.
(August 19th-23rd)
Artillery surrounded the bunker, which was situated in a high, sheer cliff. Morters blasted out the mountainside, making a mix of rock, snow, and concrete to crumble. This had become the common tactic. Destroy the defensive capabilities of the bunker and then walk in. It took longer, but was much less brutal. Less brutal for the Kanadians, at least. But the advance was slowing down as the Kanadians moved onwards. The design that they had made, seemingly endless bunkers sprinkled far into the wilderness, now became their weakness and what they were fighting against. Every time a bunker was taken, it was at the cost of so many lives. On the 23rd, from dawn to dusk, four bunkers were attacked, and every single attack was repulsed.
(August 24th)
"This has gone on long enough!" yelled the Prime Minister, "It's time we call in our allies." The room didn't quiet down at all, instead exploding louder into conflict. All the Pro-Calgary Ministers were for calling in Maloria, and all the Pro-Sundeon were against it, of course.
Leonit glanced at the Queen, "Madam, I believe it's been enough. It's time." The pregnant Queen stood and slowly made her way to the podium, tapping the microphone politely for the room to calm down. Eventually, Parliament hushed itself for the Queen to speak. She did so, "Men and women of the Parliament, this useless rabbling has gotten us nowhere. Maloria will be contacted and requested for military assistance. This arguement is not going to go through Parliament, I have made up my mind." Once again, the room filled in yelling and screaming in disbelief.
Letter to Malorian leadership:
To Emperor Marten Severyen II of the Empire of Maloria,

Your Majesty, we, the Kanadian people, call upon our ally to help us in military action against the Sundeonian rebels. Kanada was caught off guard, and we have come to a stalemate, but you can cross the lake and help us destroy the Sundeonian beast. There is simply nothing more to add.

Johann Leonit, Prime Minister of the Constitutional Monarchy of Canada.
The Imperial Council was in uproar between the Conservative Party members and the members of the Democratic Party. They were becoming so loud that you could even start to hear them outside of their chambers screaming at one another over the emperor’s decision to send 3,000 men to Kanada to crush their revolution.

The Democrats were arguing that Malorian lives shouldn’t be wasted on some foreign nation while the Conservatives felt that as an ally of Maloria it was their sworn duty to defend them. They went back and forth for about five minutes before Chancellor Lukas broke it up. They all were shut up as Lukas started beating the gavel down.

“The emperor has made his decision. It is in his authority as Emperor to whatever he pleases with the military and if you can’t understand that then I think you need to run over the Constitution again. We will not go over our reach as the military is not in our jurisdiction.”

So all throughout the night Malorian soldiers made their way over the border and into Kanada silently going to Sundeon.
(August 25th)
After the thanking of the Kanadian government to the Malorians, the fight continued. Rebellious groups farther south, away from the action, came into contact with the Malorians on occation. They were in every town or city on every main highway, and it was impossible to avoid. As a second Kanadian column of an army moved south down a main highway, they were ambushed at least hourly. Multiple tanks were with the group, and by the time they'd move forty miles in from the border, one of the tanks was destroyed and another heavily damaged.
(August 26th-28th)
Kanadian soldiers had finally managed to reach Senneran and the coast of the lake shared by Kanada, Maloria, and Cogoria. They proceeded to push east along the beach, determined to completely surround them in Kanada and Maloria, with no contact to the outside world. By the 28th, the Kanadians were halfway across the lakeside. Soldiers smashed ahead on all fronts, despite the heavy casualties, and managed to establish a somewhat stable frontline. No more randomly dotted uprisings.
(August 29th-31st)
The two Kanadian spearheads continue their journey into the Sundeonian lands. Group A closed off the Sundeonians from the lake, completely surrounding the rebels, while Group B punctured past the front lines and pushed directly towards Fort Sean. Upon their approach to the city, where the mountains begin to flatten and potato farms are ready for harvest, the few Kanadian officials that were captured in Fort Sean were executed by bullet to the head. As night on the 31st comes, Group A reaches the southern side of the city. The Sundeonian front line collapses.
(September 1st)
Hundreds of Sundeonian partisans retreat from the forests and enter the centuries old city of Fort Sundeon, closing the inner city ancient gates and replacing the old fashioned cannons used for sightseeing with the few artillery pieces they captured. The two groups link around the city and the noose is tightened for the rebels.
(September 2nd)
Piles of empty shells litter among the potato plants around the city. The Kandians had given up their policy of keeping the infrastructure as safe as possible, and began raining hell on the city, which battles over centuries of hate and war had cost the lives of so many before now. With no central organization except in small groups, many partisans surrender their weapons and are taken prisoner by the Kanadian soldiers. In the late dawn of the 2nd, the army walks into the city, facing hardly any opposition.