New Around Here


Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation
Hey all! I am new to this Region!

I am posting today to introduce myself as a region and ask for any advice or pointers from seasoned members!

I am the leader of the nation Kranostav. We are a Germanic confederacy which is essentially a model of the real German Confederacy while also modeling old German Culture. While progressing technologically, religion and traditionalism is still a top theme. Due to this traditionalism and German culture the nation has the equivalent of a right learning and conservative government.

I am excited to join the forms of government offered here and become an active member!

So from Kranostav to you, Hello!
Hello! There are many forms of government that The North Pacific has to offer. However, to participate in the government, you are required to get citizenship here: Getting citizenship allows you to participate in the government, such as creating laws, voting on laws, and participating in elections.

As stated, getting citizenship allows you to participate in creating and voting on laws, which is done by the Regional Assembly.

There are also multiple ways to participate in the government. One way is to join the Executive Staff, which has multiple ways to get involved. You can do that here: Alternatively, you can join the North Pacific Army here:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Also there will be a forum mentor assigned to you later.
WElcome to TNP! :hello: