Recruitment List #8: Issue Answerers for WA


A rocket has landed. A dog is inside.
TNP Nation
1.) Before you start, please CLAIM what row number(s) you will recruiting by posting it below. We don't need 3 people doing the same row accidentally.
2.) Open up a new tab, go to your TNP nation, and go to the Telegrams.
3.) Pick a row, copy the nation names (don't remove the commas), and paste them in the "To" section of the telegram.
4.) Now is the time for the body text of the Telegram. Creating your own personalized message to use as a template is preferred, but we understand that not everybody has the time to do so. That's why we provide a sample template as seen below. However, if you would like to create your own, all the better. The point of this is to be as personalized as possible. Nations respond more when they feel that the telegram they're receiving has been designed personally for them, rather than a bland, mass telegram.
5.) Do not send the telegram as a recruitment telegram. Just send it as a normal regular telegram
6.) After completing your claimed rows, please edit your reply stating that you completed the rows.

Hey there!

I've noticed you've been answering your issues very regularly. What if you could vote on issues that affect all nations in the world?

In the World Assembly (WA), you can! You get to vote on, and even create your own, proposals that cover a wide range of issues. Proposals that pass are applied to all WA nations. 

Being in the WA also means you can top world and regional rankings, win awards, become influential, and many more that you can read about in [b][url=/page=dispatch/id=338371]this dispatch[/url][/b].

Signing up for the WA is easy and only takes about two minutes.
[spoiler=How To Sign Up] 
[b]Step 1:[/b] Make sure you provide a valid email address listed under the settings section. 

[b]Step 2:[/b] Click on the World Assembly tab in the left of the screen.

[b]Step 3:[/b] Click 'Apply to Join' underneath the World Assembly logo.

[b]Step 4:[/b] Go to your email and look for an email from the World Assembly. ([i]Please note: If it's not in your inbox, it might be in your spam[/i])

[b]Step 5:[/b] Click on the confirmation link and then click the confirm button. 

You're now part of the WA and can participate in all the exciting aspects of it![/spoiler]

I hope to see you in the WA soon. Let me know if you have any questions!

[Your Name]